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  1. www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-08/29/c_138345924.htm

    Vaya, parece que participo en una campaña orquestrada para desacreditar a sus enemigos y cuando lo juzgan el hombre huye a Bielorusia.

    According to onet.pl, a Whatsapp group named "Kasta", which included several judges supportive of the government and holding important posts in the Polish justice system, was also allegedly involved in supporting the smear campaign.

    Some of the judges allegedly involved in the "Kasta" group are preparing court actions against the media, according to their lawyers.

    On Wednesday, the Warsaw Regional Administrative Court suspended for a month Judge Tomasz Szmidt, husband of Emilia (the couple are currently getting divorced), who was allegedly part of the "Kasta", until disciplinary bodies make a final ruling on his case.
  2. Vaya por dios, otra vez que les va a tocar tragarse sus palabras y modificar el argumentario a los propagandistas del Kremlin. No sé si les pagarán lo suficiente para compensar el ridículo constante en que les hacen quedar con tanta re-escritura surrealista.
