Tecnología, Internet y juegos

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La Historia la cuentan los vencedores, y lo hacen siempre de acuerdo a la propaganda de guerra que usaron para convencer a la población de la necesidad del conflicto armado (y del sacrificio exigido).

Pero la realidad puede observarse si se hace una lectura crítica y razonada de las narraciones públicas, principalmente observando los hechos ocultados en esos discursos.

La Alemania nazi tenía un tratado desde 1933 con las potencias occidentales ( Four-Power Pact también conocido como Quadripartite Agreement ) y por eso los nazis pidieron permiso a los ingleses (que se lo dieron el 10 de marzo de 1938) para anexionarse primero Austria y después los Sudetes de Checoslovaquia (el 30 de septiembre de 1938).

Esos hechos son acuerdos internacionales que respetaban la legislación internacional…   » ver todo el comentario
#1 Entiendo que aquí está el meollo de la cuestión:

"Another reason for Swiss resistance to food price inflation is that the price of many consumer goods is regulated by the government. More than a quarter of products in the consumer basket used to calculate inflation are subject to price regulation. This level of price control is the highest in Europe, which means that the price of many items are not completely at the mercy of demand and supply."

Mostrando gran resumen de la situación actual europea (española en particular), en lo que se refiere al impacto de la "inflación" en alimentación, la imagen que compartes en tus enlaces (envío y tuit).

Lo que me llama la atención es que siendo Países Bajos y Alemania el tercer y quinto país respectivamente, con mayor control de precios en Europa, estén cercanos a la inflación sufrida por España. Incluso con Alemania estando peor clasificada en la tabla.

?(  media
Para los que hayan perdido sus números de Micromanía, están en Archive.org:
#122 Además, cualquier legislador creativo puede rascar aquí, argumentando "rights and freedoms of others" como la vivienda o el disfrute del medio ambiente: Freedom of movement is not absolute and can be subject to lawful restrictions. The European Convention on Human Rights provides detailed criteria – when they are satisfied, the restriction is lawful.

1. The restriction is allowed by domestic law;

2. The restriction is necessary in a democratic society:
In the interests of national security or public safety
for the maintenance of public order
for the prevention of crime
for the protection of health or morals
for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others
3. The restriction is proportionate (not more than necessary to achieve the aim pursued).
#217 Fallo mío por acortar el texto:

Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors.

The decision made by IBA on 24 March 2023, was subsequently ratified by the IBA Board of Directors on 25 March 2023. The official record of this decision can be accessed on the IBA website here IBA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.

The disqualification was based on two tests conducted on both athletes as follows:

Test performed during the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships in Istanbul 2022.
Test performed during the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships in New Delhi 2023.
#6 Lo que tiene es una prohibición en 2023 por tener ventaja sobre las mujeres de la competición. Pero en las olimpiadas se lo han pasado por el arco del triunfo, ignorando el trabajo previo de la federación de boxeo.

Una pena como se permite adulterar una competición y como la gente apoya ciegamente algo sin contrastar nada.

"On 24 March 2023, IBA disqualified athletes Lin Yu-ting and Imane Khelif from the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships New Delhi 2023. This disqualification was a result of their failure to meet the eligibility criteria for participating in the women’s competition, as set and laid out in the IBA Regulations. This decision, made after a meticulous review, was extremely important and necessary to uphold the level of fairness and utmost integrity of the…   » ver todo el comentario
#195 Ese señor no es su entrenador. Lo pone en la entrevista.

Es un señor que parece que ha ayudado en la preparación y que no tenía ni puta idea de boxeo. Dicho por el en la puta entrevista. Si?

Habla de ella como mujer. Si? Eso también lo entiendes no?

Dice de ella : It is very clear that for me Imane is a good girl, an exceptional athlete who deserves all our respect.

Así que es mentira que ese señor sea su entrenador. Y es mentira que diga en esa entrevista que es hombre. Deja de hacer el gili anda... respétate.

Y mira, lo que dice en tu puto enlace:

For Imane, she was born a girl. She was raised as a girl. She has a girl's sensitivity. On that basis, why wouldn't we test everyone who has superior abilities to others? For example, the immense French basketball

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#29 en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem

En crítica como falacia:
"Walton has argued that ad hominem reasoning is not always fallacious, and that in some instances, questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue,[32] as when it directly involves hypocrisy, or actions contradicting the subject's words."

Y ahora relée mi comentario.
#26 La Historia la cuentan los vencedores, y lo hacen siempre de acuerdo a la propaganda de guerra que usaron para convencer a la población de la necesidad del conflicto armado (y del sacrificio exigido).

Pero la realidad puede observarse si se hace una lectura crítica y razonada de las narraciones públicas y de los hechos ocultados.

La Alemania nazi tenía un tratado desde 1933 con las potencias occidentales ( Four-Power Pact también conocido como Quadripartite Agreement ) y por eso los nazis pidieron permiso a los ingleses (que se lo dieron el 10 de marzo de 1938) para anexionarse primero Austria y después los Sudetes de Checoslovaquia (el 30 de septiembre de 1938).

Esos hechos son acuerdos internacionales que respetaban la legislación internacional de entonces. Por eso se llaman…   » ver todo el comentario
The FBI says it has identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks as the "subject involved" in the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump

#148 El artículo 112 se refiere a la ausencia de presidente antes de la terminación de su término.

El artículo 83 especifica la prórroga del parlamento en caso de que la legislatura termine durante la ley marcial. No dice nada sobre el presidente. Y no prohibe la prórroga del mandato del presidente.

Y tu súper exhaustiva lectura de la constitución ucraniana se olvida del artículo 108, a pesar de que aparece en el artículo 112, que sí citas.

Article 108. The President of Ukraine shall exercise his powers until the assumption of office by
the newly elected President of Ukraine.

The authority of the President of Ukraine shall be subject to an early termination in cases of:
1) resignation;
2) inability to exercise presidential authority for health reasons;
3) removal from office by the procedure of impeachment;
4) death.

Un consejo: deja de usar los canales Z de Telegram como duente de asesoramiento legal.
¿Ahora es presidente de toda latinoamerica?
#15 “ The origin of the name of the town remains a mystery that is the subject of many local legends. It could come from an entrepreneur or local dignitary, who would have settled from the United States or who would have had as a partner an American citizen from New York City.[6] Another explanation refers to the city of Jork, currently in northern Germany, where Mennonite settlers may have come from. The local historian Viktor Kovalov thus believes that the name of the locality may have corresponded to "Neu Jork" (new Jork) and evolved over time”

Un aleman que hablaba mal inglés es más probable
Yo enviaba correos en un VAX en el 93, era línea de comandos. Malito: dirección; subject: el asunto; content: el mensaje;. Return y se enviaba. Y funcionaba y a mí ya me parecía magia
#7 Ampliando lo que pones, de tu enlace, EE.UU. tendrá prioridad para juzgar los delitos que sean considerados como tales en ambos países. mientras que Suecia sólo podrá juzgar lo que sea delito en Suecia pero no en EE.UU. Y no sea cometido mientras "trabajan", como perpetrar un acto de terrorismo volando algún gasoducto:

"Will it be possible to convict US citizens of crimes they commit in Sweden?

Yes. Members of the US forces are not exempt from punishment and are subject to both countries’ criminal jurisdiction. What the DCA regulates is the right to exercise jurisdiction and, specifically, which country should exercise primary rights to prosecute and sentence for a crime committed in Sweden.

As a starting point, the US will have jurisdiction for

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Los actos del gobierno israelí son una barbaridad que no tienen ningún tipo de justificación independientemente de lo que hiciera o no Hamas, pero no deja de ser curioso que el tuitero hable de manipulación al mismo tiempo que omite los detalles del informe que no le interesan y afirma que "no hay pruebas de violación alguna" cuando el informe de la ONU dice cosas como esta:

94. The Commission concludes that members of the military wing of Hamas and Palestinian armed groups targeted women, including by wilful killings, abductions, and physical, mental and sexual abuse. These crimes were deliberate and, in several cases, enforced with violence, intentionally causing great suffering and serious injury to the victims. The Commission particularly notes that women were subjected

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#9 Yo la he podido leer sin problema dándole al banner de "show full article"

"Towering over Kyiv for six decades, Hotel Ukraine has witnessed some pivotal moments in Ukraine’s recent history.

Crowds gathered on the square in front of the 14-story hotel to celebrate the fall of the Soviet Union. Popular uprisings on what was later called Independence Square toppled Ukrainian leaders. Today, blue and yellow flags cover lawns near the hotel, serving as a reminder of the many lives lost in the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Now, Hotel Ukraine is up for auction as part of an effort to sell off some large state assets to help fund the military and bolster an economy battered by a grueling war that has drained the country’s coffers. The starting price for Hotel Ukraine is

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#26 Y tu has decidido que no han hecho eso porque patatas... De todas formas, cualquier estudio que hagan también es un número elegido y subjectivo ya que ese número dependera de como lo calcules, si eres las laxo con las redundancias el número sera menor, si eres mas duro será mayor, pero cualquier número será subjetivo y discutible y ademas luego tendrá que ser discutido en el congreso de todas formas. Sinceramente, no entiendo tu crítica, la verdad.
#9 Tanto se meten con mysto, no sé otras veces pero en esta no mea fuera del tiesto.

Arrests and conviction for sex offenses

Ritter was the subject of two law enforcement sting operations in 2001. He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl. He was charged with a misdemeanor crime of "attempted endangerment of the welfare of a child". The charge was dismissed and the record was sealed after he completed six months of pre-trial probation.

Ritter was arrested again in November 2009 over communications with a police decoy he met on an Internet chat site. Police said that he exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl.

The next month,…   » ver todo el comentario
“Sometime at the end of April, the subject matter experts were taken off the report and we were told it would be edited at a higher level. So I did not know what was in the report until it came out,” she said. “But when the report came out, late on the Friday afternoon [on 10 May], I read it and I had to reread it. I had to go back and print out that section and read it, because I could not believe it stated so starkly that we assess that Israel is not blocking humanitarian assistance."

Parece que afortunadamente todavía hay gente que tiene principios.
Ya que salió, vamos a recordar lo que dice EEUU que hará por ley si reconocen a Palestina (la ley es de 1990, Bush padre)


(a) PROHIBITION.—No funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act or any other Act shall be available for the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof which accords the Palestine Liberation Organization the same standing as member states.
(b) TRANSFER OR REPROGRAMMING.—Funds subject to the prohibtion contained in subsection (a) which would be available for the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof (but for that prohibition) are authorized to remain available until expended and may be reprogrammed

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#15 La filosofía es lo que tú dices.

Por contra, lo que se enseña en las facultades de filosofía no es eso. Muchos de los que nos hemos paseado por ellas hemos sentido lástima: puro postureo para disimular la ignorancia.

No tengo ganas de enrollarme así que me limito a citar a otros:

Y lo más importante para los pseudo-filósofos que en vez de entender solo apelan a la autoridad. ¿De quién es la siguiente cita (y nada de pseudo-filósofo)?
"As soon as definite knowledge concerning any subject becomes possible, this subject ceases to be called philosophy, and becomes a separate science."


(a) PROHIBITION.—No funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act or any other Act shall be available for the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof which accords the Palestine Liberation Organization the same standing as member states.
(b) TRANSFER OR REPROGRAMMING.—Funds subject to the prohibtion contained in subsection (a) which would be available for the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof (but for that prohibition) are authorized to remain available until expended and may be reprogrammed or transferred to any other account of the Department of State or the Agency for International Development to

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La unica forma de tener sanidad privada barata relativamente seria mandar todo el sistema de patentes al cuerno. 5 años de explotación y adiós. Y por supuesto fuera Elsevier. Todos los papers de ciencia, patrimonio de la humanidad de iure.

A ver si ahora ningun investigador ni entidad ha usado SciHub jamas de los jamases, claro.


Con software y patentes libres los precios bajarian a niveles ridiculos y la ciencia creceria de forma exponencial.

“If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the

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