si, mejor que vengan gente de oriente y de otras culturas distintas, segurísimo que sale bien, pregúntale a un sueco que tal les está yendo...
algunos vivís con una alteración grave de la realidad, o una visión muy distorsionada
#2 Independientemente, el avion estaba pasando por una zona atacada en ese preciso instante por dones ucranianos y vetada a vuelos civiles. Ha pasado y ha sido un accidente.
Podemos criticar mil cosas. Pero esto ha sido un accidente.
No hace falta elucubrar mucho sabiendo lo que los rebeldes moderados han hecho en lugares controlados desde 2018 como Afrin.
The incidents reported in this update encompass a wide spectrum of events of concern, including continued violations of rights to physical integrity of civilians in the area through arbitrary detention and torture, kidnapping for ransom, forced marriage and gender-based violence, in addition to the recruitment of children by the armed factions, the impact of the earthquake and discrimination in the distribution of aid, the persistent presence of Turkish forces in Afrin and continued attacks on cultural celebrations such as Newroz.
Furthermore, findings show demographic shifts through forced migration, the destruction of graves and historical sites, illegal archaeological excavation, the deliberate destruction of olive trees, the burning of fields, and violations of housing, land, and property rights in the region.
algunos vivís con una alteración grave de la realidad, o una visión muy distorsionada
Podemos criticar mil cosas. Pero esto ha sido un accidente.
No hace falta elucubrar mucho sabiendo lo que los rebeldes moderados han hecho en lugares controlados desde 2018 como Afrin.
The incidents reported in this update encompass a wide spectrum of events of concern, including continued violations of rights to physical integrity of civilians in the area through arbitrary detention and torture, kidnapping for ransom, forced marriage and gender-based violence, in addition to the recruitment of children by the armed factions, the impact of the earthquake and discrimination in the distribution of aid, the persistent presence of Turkish forces in Afrin and continued attacks on cultural celebrations such as Newroz.
Furthermore, findings show demographic shifts through forced migration, the destruction of graves and historical sites, illegal archaeological excavation, the deliberate destruction of olive trees, the burning of fields, and violations of housing, land, and property rights in the region.