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encontrados: 498, tiempo total: 0.076 segundos rss2
2 meneos
4 clics

Challenges in Preparing Homeopathic Medicines

When the German physician, Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, first introduced homeopathy to the world, it was because he was appalled by medical practice in the late 1700s when physicians believe that bleeding, vomiting and purging noxious agents from the body can heal it and bring a patient back to health. Same treatment was conducted to the late president, George Washington who died two days after he underwent medication and lost an estimated 128 ounces of blood and received a number of injections and laxatives.
1 1 22 K -249 actualidad
1 1 22 K -249 actualidad
1 meneos
2 clics

The Peterson Group Review: Moving in Guide for Expatriates

The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominiums has its own membership organizations in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Hong Kong.The number of expatriates in the developing cities is increasing gradually every year. Cultural exchange, as it is called, has been happening from across the globe as continental boundaries have opened wide to admit other nationalities. There may even come a time when people are no longer caring on race, religion and color and natives are already fused with different bloods from different nations. S
1 0 9 K -84 actualidad
1 0 9 K -84 actualidad
1 meneos
4 clics

The Peterson Group Review: Best Cleaning Tips

Now that you have your own unit to go home to, maintenance is the next step. You have the option to get a cleaning service for it or clean it yourself. However, if you are one of those individuals who would not want other people touching their things, then, it leaves you no other choice but to do the cleaning yourself.
1 0 10 K -148 ocio
1 0 10 K -148 ocio
2 meneos
5 clics

How Do You Choose Mobile Phone Cases

Once we buy mobile phones nowadays, we immediately invest into different accessories which can fully personalize our phones and be known as ours. Every accessory should suit our taste; our application should shadow our habits and the overall appearance should mirror our personality. Finding the most suitable ones sometimes drive us into customization. The same goes for phone cases.
2 0 11 K -117 tecnología
2 0 11 K -117 tecnología
1 meneos
3 clics

New Bargain Tips in Buying Furniture for Expats in Asia

Asia is known for its unique and almost eccentric style of designs on furniture using mostly the wonders of nature. Oriental designs, as it is called, are able to attract a lot of homes because of its clean and almost calm ambience. Bamboo and wooden figures are mostly associated with this type of accent. When it was once only exclusive to Japanese and Chinese style of designs, it is now assimilated with other cultures such as Thai, Indonesian, Javanese, Balinese and Vietnamese among others.
1 0 10 K -117 actualidad
1 0 10 K -117 actualidad
1 meneos
9 clics

Amazon lanza una ofensiva contra las reseñas falsas

Amazon ha iniciado acciones legales contra unas 1.114 personas no identificadas que habrían publicado comentarios no verídicos sobre determinados productos en su plataforma a cambio de contraprestaciones económicas.
1 meneos
1 clics

Defining Fraudulence

Fraudulence has been defined in many ways depending on where it is being used. The general idea around the term is negative and is often used interchangeably with deceitfulness or trickery. The extremity of a fraudulent act ranges from being a mere prank to risking a life. In the field of medicine, health and wellness, it can result to the latter. World Health Organization (WHO) has first used the term counterfeit to the production of counterfeit medicines. Nowadays, the use of the term fraudulent had incited numerous co
1 0 10 K -113 actualidad
1 0 10 K -113 actualidad
1 meneos
4 clics

Vertigo Homeopathic Treatment

The British Empire has long been ridiculed and scorned because of its public support to homeopathy, a treatment which many experts consider as quackery. With a lot of individual supporters not only in the United Kingdom but also in many countries around the world, homeopathy has found its way to sensational media and has been patronized by many individual supporters.
1 0 8 K -87 ocio
1 0 8 K -87 ocio
1 meneos
3 clics

Introducing Gilles Peterson, International DJ

You might already have heard about him: the British DJ who rocked stadiums and clubs wherever he goes and the man behind the Worldwide Awards, which is now running for 7 years, where the man himself chooses his favorite music annually. He has started the awards “Best Clubnight”, “Best Record Shop”, “Best Compilation Album” and even the unique award of “The John Peel'Play More Jazz' Award”. Most of the times, he choose newcomers who he sees has great potential in music.
1 0 12 K -136 actualidad
1 0 12 K -136 actualidad
486 meneos
16723 clics
El misterio de ISIS

El misterio de ISIS

Ahmad Fadhil tenía dieciocho años cuando murió su padre en 1984. Las fotografías sugieren que era relativamente bajito, regordete y llevaba unas grandes gafas. No era un estudiante especialmente malo –tuvo un notable de media en el instituto–, pero decidió dejar las clases. Había trabajo en las fábricas de confección y de piel en su ciudad natal de Zarqa (Jordania), pero él prefirió trabajar en una tienda de vídeos y ganó el dinero suficiente para poder pagarse algunos tatuajes. También bebía alcohol, consumía drogas y tenía sus más y sus...
11 meneos
51 clics

¿Cuántos autores hacen falta para escribir un artículo científico? En algunos casos, miles

Un trabajo académico publicado en una revista científica es largo, pero a veces el anexo en que figuran sus autores resulta aún más extenso. La tendencia va al alza y este año un equipo ha batido todos los récords: han publicado un artículo con más de 5.000 firmantes.
1 meneos
2 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Singapore Residential Joins Green Wave

Singapore has been a catalyst in eco-friendly establishments and infrastructure recognized not only in Asia but across the world. With 80% of its buildings integrating a proliferation of energy efficient systems and processes which helps in innovative urban planning, the island-city is foretelling a brighter future ahead. Residential buildings, condominiums and apartments are also adapting to this nation’s trend.
1 0 2 K -15 actualidad
1 0 2 K -15 actualidad
1 meneos

Workforce Shortage Results to Illegal Migrant Labor

Construction companies may be a little bit desperate at this time of need. Without realizing it, the industry is already doing actions which go against governing laws of different countries. While the public remains oblivious to the growing issue of the saturation of manpower in construction industries, a lot of workers take advantage of the demand to apply, albeit illegally, in various construction-related businesses in the last couple of years.
1 0 6 K -63 actualidad
1 0 6 K -63 actualidad
7 meneos
89 clics

Aparece “Poker Face” de Lady Gaga en el título de un artículo en Physical Review D

¡Quién dice que los físicos no son unos cachondos! Jay G. Wacker, físico del Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), apostó que incluiría una canción de Lady Gaga en el título de un artículo técnico. Quería titular un artículo sobre materia oscura “iDM’s Poker Face” pero el editor no le dejó. Al final coló “Poker face of inelastic dark matter: Prospects at upcoming direct detection experiments.”
13 meneos
545 clics

Estas cinco personas compraron 5 libras de ositos de gominola y llegaron a la misma conclusión: GRAN ERROR [ENG]

"No hay palabras para expresar lo que me ocurrió después de comer varios de estos. La "purga" de los ositos de gominola. Si eres alguien que puede tolerar los sustitutos del azúcar, bien por ti. Si eres como las docenas de personas que probado mi pedido, ¡¡CORRE!!" "Cuando los recibí no pude contener mi excitación y me comí un cuarto de bolsa. Dentro de mi intestino se podrían haber filmado escenas de "2012". La presión sería menor para meter dos tiros libres para ganar la final de la NBA que para el gas que se acumulaba en mis entrañas."
10 3 15 K -60 ocio
10 3 15 K -60 ocio
1 meneos
5 clics

Leader vs Boss

Hear people saying that a leader can always be a boss but not every boss can be a leader? Although leaders and bosses have nearly identical definitions, in effect, they are different in today’s competitive world. Westhill Consulting and Employment, differentiates the two. Just the term “leader” evokes more positivity than that of “boss.” While a boss is mostly concerned with outcomes, a leader is concerned with the overall process and the people who work for the outcome.
1 0 11 K -136 actualidad
1 0 11 K -136 actualidad
1 meneos
1 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Credit Risk Principles

Credit risk is always predictable when you are loaning for your business. Regardless of being a start-up or an already established company, the danger of not being able to pay off your debts always is a probability. There may be different reasons which can cause inability to pay loans. In the first resort, the risk is that of a lender and that it can lead to loss of principal interest and disruption of cash flow.
1 meneos
2 clics

Next Generation Viral Video Rewards System That Combines The Power Of Both Video and E-commerce

An amazing system that lets you create a 6 figure Amazon and Affiliate Stores that combines the power of both video and ecommerce at a time. It creates your 24x7 open money minting video store network all in three simple steps.
1 0 11 K -127 tecnología
1 0 11 K -127 tecnología
199 meneos
8483 clics
Review de Atom 1.0: el nuevo editor de texto libre de GitHub

Review de Atom 1.0: el nuevo editor de texto libre de GitHub  

Tras más de un año después de lanzar la versión beta, GitHub ha hecho pública la primera versión estable de su impresionante editor de texto libre Atom. Pocos días después de su lanzamiento, el editor de texto ya ha llamado la atención de miles de usuarios y parece que va a convertirse en uno de los editores de texto más usados. A continuación podremos ver en más detalle qué es, en qué consiste y cómo instalar Atom, el editor de texto más prometedor para los tiempos que vienen.
241 meneos
9022 clics
El páncreas, ese gadget corporal infravalorado

El páncreas, ese gadget corporal infravalorado

Tu páncreas no debutará en el MWC de Barcelona, porque si lo hiciera, estarías muerto y no podrías leer esta joyita que te traigo...
112 129 4 K 709 ocio
112 129 4 K 709 ocio
4 meneos
67 clics

Review y unboxing de la caja ATX modular 1961

Hoy os traigo el unboxing y una review de la caja ATX modelo "modular 1961" una caja de bajo precio solo 38,60€ y que podéis conseguir en las tiendas de tecnologiamodular o en su web www.tecnologiamodular.es/ La verdad es que para el precio es una caja excelente.
3 1 11 K -119 tecnología
3 1 11 K -119 tecnología
1 meneos

latest mobile information, Mobile price, Reviews and Speces

new mobile phone details and information are availabe here..............
1 0 9 K -92 tecnología
1 0 9 K -92 tecnología
1 meneos
3 clics

latest mobile information, Mobile price, Reviews and Speces

New smartphone review,latest information such as mobile specification, new upcaming phones, mobile prices, all new android,symbian,mac,iphone and top brands mobile.
1 0 11 K -132 tecnología
1 0 11 K -132 tecnología
14 meneos
145 clics

Review de Golden Axe

Genial Review del gran juego retro, Golden Axe.
12 2 16 K -100 tecnología
12 2 16 K -100 tecnología
7 meneos
218 clics

Battleblock Theater, o la maravillosidad hecha juego

Genial review sobre este magnífico juego
5 2 9 K -66 ocio
5 2 9 K -66 ocio
