El sub de las noticias (in)deseadas

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#7 Podríais abrir el enlace:

The #US and #NATO are in no position to judge any country, ostensibly on the moral high ground, unless they apologize and compensate for the damage and sufferings they imposed on the people in #Yugoslavia, #Iraq, #Syria and #Afghanistan ...
#0. El titular es incompleto :

"...The #US and #NATO are in no position to judge any country, ostensibly on the moral high ground, unless they apologize and compensate for the damage and sufferings they imposed on the people in #Yugoslavia, #Iraq, #Syria and #Afghanistan..."

#1. Cómo apunta #3 una cosa es la propaganda y otra son los hechos. Cómo mínimo deberian explicarnos a todos con pelos y señales las razones y las consecuencias reales de esos conflictos bélicos.
Menuda panda de hijos de puta.

So sad. Jamal already beaten & arm broken by 4 kids. His sister also so badly bullied she locked herself in school toilet & cut her wrist trying to commit suicide. Family had escaped Homs after relatives killed by regime, had asylum through UN. #Syria #UK

Sin comentarios.
PHOTOS: One of the largest maternity hospitals in rebel held #Syria, just hit by an airstrike - @lizziedearden
#27 contradicciones, que por otra parte parecen existir solo en tu cabeza. Alguien con un mínimo de comprensión lectora entiende que el titular y la entradilla de esta noticia (en esencia,el gran debate que has planteado), concuerdan perfectamente.
Ah! Y para ser exactos, la filtración dice que Arabia Saudita, Qatar y Turquía urdieron un plan secreto para derrocar a al Assad en 2012.
"#SaudiCables: Saudi, #Turkey and Qatar secret agreement to overthrow #Syria made in 2012 "
Joe Lauria @unjoe
#Egypt paper Al Nahar now reporting #Sisi closing #SuezCanal to US/UK warships headed to attack #Syria. alnaharegypt.com/t144828
about 1 hour ago

Joe Lauria @unjoe
Reuters apparently says #Sisi blocking #US #UK ships in canal on way to attack #Syria because of joint defense agreement with #Syria,
about 2 hours ago

US sources confirm that the American war ships in the Mediterranean have received orders to start bombing #Syria within hours. twitter.com/Zentensity/status/372257327984173056
Ahora mismo la noticia es errónea.

"Telecomix Syria @TelecomixSyria 2h

#Syria coming back online, receiving traffic on our DNS servers as well".

Update 2:

At 14:12 UTC the OpenDNS operations team saw traffic come back online in Syria, after 19 hours and 27 minutes of total time offline. More updates shortly.
La televisión siria confirma uno de los ataques y dice que se ha dirigido contra el centro de investigación de Jamrayah, donde los servicios de inteligencia israelíes dicen que se acumulan numerosas armas de destrucción masiva.

#Damascus explosions targeted Jamrayah Research Center - #Syria State-Run TV
En twitter una página de la resistencia siria dice que también hay ataques aereos contra unidades del ejército en la provincia de Hama, y otra cuenta de twitter dice que han derribado un avión israelí.

Rami Al-Lolah @RamiAlLolah 1min
Syrian army division four near Hama were targeted by unknown huge missiles! #Syria #Damascus
El titulo de la entrada es "Rebeldes "reeducando" al famoso "hombre amarillo" de Alepo, Siria" y el comentario del autor "Al parecer su aspecto no les parece moralmente adecuado, y no escatiman en insultos y golpes"

Es curioso que nadie, siquiera el autor de la entrada , a leido el blog que enlaza en la entradilla.


“Definitely he’s a pimp.” said Basel, from the neighbourhood
of Ibara Street in Aleppo where -I was told- the Yellow Man works for a cabaret club, Hisan Ajjameh (Crazy Horse).

...As unlikely as this story sounded to me at the time, my worst fears were awakened when I struck up a conversation with Mohammed, an English student, on the bus to the city centre. “The

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