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En menéame desde marzo de 2014

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Brufau: el litro de gasolina seguiría costando casi un euro aunque el barril cayera a 10 dólares [81]

  1. #68 Sí. A partir de ahora el precio del petróleo dejará de ser estable y empezará a dar bandazos. Esto del fracking ya ha reventado y todas las petroleras están huyendo en desbandada.

El timo del año: Tesla y el cambio de batería. [30]

  1. #19 Del artículo "...por no hablar de que esta pesa quinientos kilos. La batería es el suelo del coche."
    Parece que #17 también ha dejado de leer.

    De la página de comentarios:

    Pungoteague_Dave | September 1, 2013

    Brian H, My main high voltage battery had to be replaced at the Rockville SC this week. The time charge was three hours, plus 7600 units of ethylene glycol, a couple dozen replacement bolts, several seals, clips and a replacement cover. When I asked why it took so long if the car is so swap-ready, the SC staff just laughed and said they' believe it when the see it. In my case, it actually took a full man-day to do the swap, although the TM specification is for 3 hours. A lot of stuff happened under the demo car that was PT Barnum-level illusion. I will be glad to post a pdf of the 9-page work order that includes my multi-hour battery "swap".

    I was not wrong about feasibility of swap, except that I did not believe the announcement would be a swap. I was wrong about it, but not about the substance. It still isn't feasible, but once "demonstrated" is quite valuable as a "feature" for tax and marketing purposes. That's all it is. IT CANNOT be done with existing cars. Anyone having spent ten minutes under the car, much less the hours I have under my car, disassembling and re-assembling, would know that it is mechanically not possible with cars that have been delivered so far. There are panels UNDER and attached TO the battery that have to be removed and there is no amount of automation that make that happen. There were either modified panels under the demo car, or a person under there working very fast. And that does no begin to deal with the manual coolant bleeding and torque verification that would be required after any automated swap process - after all, the battery is a stressed part of the car's body structure. The existing cars have glue/mastic/sealant around the battery as part of the attachment process - the issues go on and on, but it isn't even a question that swapping batteries in existing the Model S deliveries cannot be done the way it was demonstrated.

    Si lees los comentarios, parece que Tesla especifica que se necesitan 3 horas para cambiar la batería en un taller.
