Cultura y divulgación

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4 meneos
389 clics

Manohar Aich, el bodybuilder de 101 años de edad

Manohar Aich es una de esas excepciones que son tan frecuentes en lo que nos gusta publicar aquí en Vitónica: Una persona centenaria que sigue entrenando a diario y en muy, muy buena forma (mejor que personas con decenas de años menos).
1 meneos
40 clics

Falso culturista "natural" desenmascara la realidad de la industria del fitness (parte 2)[eng]

Q: How are you Mr. Trenbolone People still buying those fart powders? A: So, this guy came with his pit bull and bought: testosterone boosters (three kinds), mega men vitamins, yohimbe, creatine, post workout stuff, protein powder, glutamine and a few protein bars. I think he spent over 300 dollars on supplements. Anyway, three months later he came back looking like total garbage. I asked him what happened and he said: “Do you have a supplement that counters the effects of pizza….” {hahaha}. Even the dog looked at him like he was a moron
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1 0 8 K -77
