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7 meneos
430 clics

¿Qué hay en el horizonte? Estos nuevos mapas te lo mostrarán  

Debido a que las costas están torcidas y la Tierra es redonda, a veces la respuesta no es intuitiva. Después de la línea recta más corta en un ámbito conocido como un "gran círculo", la serie de mapas de Woodruff muestran muchas líneas de visión que no son evidentes cuando se mira en un mapa 2-D. Por ejemplo, la línea de visión de un faro en Terranova puede estirarse todo el camino hasta Australia. Un mapa que hizo para Boston.com muestra que las playas cercanas apuntan a España, Nueva Escocia, Marruecos e incluso América del Sur.
20 meneos
530 clics

Así experimentaban con pilotos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial a resistir vientos de 700 km/h

Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el gobierno de Estados Unidos se propuso comprobar de manera empírica cómo afecta a las personas una fuerte ráfaga de viento. Para ello metía a sus pilotos en túneles de viento atados a una silla y simplemente encendía las turbinas, con una cámara registrándolo todo.
5 meneos
619 clics

Cómo es el mundo si lo dibujan 30 personas -de memoria- [HUMOR]

En un experimento se pidió a 30 personas que dibujaran el mapa mundi de memoria. El resultado se fusionó y se le agregó las tonalidades de un mapa de la NASA. No es de extrañar, que es la visión de norteamericanos, porque bien trazaron sus lagos, pero ninguno recordó que existe la península Ibérica, ni Turquía, ni Indonesia, inclusive Reino Unido. Sería interesante si el ejercicio se realizara en España.
1 meneos
1 clics

Axis Capital Group Review: Challenges of Micro-insurance in Asia

Micro Insurance is of big importance in many developing and underdeveloped countries. It can be an important tool for sustaining economic growth as they are for the lives of the vulnerable communities. As it has been established for the protection of low-income people against specific perils in return for the regular premium rates, Asian and African countries are mostly benefitting from these micro insurance schemes and projects for years.
1 0 7 K -74 actualidad
1 0 7 K -74 actualidad
1 meneos
3 clics

Reasons Why Your Life Insurance May be Declined

Life Insurance is already considered a necessity nowadays. But if you think everybody can just avail of it, you just might get surprised if you get declined. Before you file any complaints, there are actually various reasons why you fail in inquiring a life insurance. Axis Capital, with a group of insurance and reinsurance companies in Bermuda, Singapore, Australia, United Kingdom and the United States, has rounded up some of the main reasons why most insurance companies do not permit you to have a life insurance:
1 0 13 K -134 actualidad
1 0 13 K -134 actualidad
36 meneos
1242 clics
Este envío tiene varios votos negativos. Asegúrate antes de menear

Mapa con la dificultad/facilidad para ligar con mujeres en el mundo

El mapa, elaborado por Target Map (World map of Easiness of Girls By Country by Country - TargetMap) divide a las mujeres en cinco categorías diferentes. El rojo significa que son “muy difíciles” de conquistar. A este grupo pertenecen las mujeres que habitan en los países de Oriente Medio como Siria, Arabia Saudita, Irán, Irak, entre otros.
8 meneos
150 clics

Cómo descifraba Colossus los mensajes nazis en la Segunda Guerra Mundial

Colossus tomaba como entrada el mensaje capturado a los nazis y, como hemos comentado antes, simulaba una máquina Lorenz internamente en diversos estados y con varias combinaciones. Cuando una combinación era más o menos coherente, la máquina la tomaba como buena e intentaba descifrar el mensaje, escribiéndolo. Era un método de fuerza bruta en toda regla.
2 meneos
7 clics

The Increasing Value of the Internet of Things

Today is the digital universe. For the next decade, we will be expanding by 40%, counting not only the increasing number of people and enterprises online but also almost everything related to our life. It is impossible to search online nowadays and not get answers. The Internet of things refer to things answerable by Who, Where, When, What, Why and How. Like the physical universe which spans to depths unknown, the internet also has digit bits almost as many as the stars. It is expected to double in the next 5 years.
1 1 9 K -95 tecnología
1 1 9 K -95 tecnología
1 meneos

Workforce Shortage Results to Illegal Migrant Labor

Construction companies may be a little bit desperate at this time of need. Without realizing it, the industry is already doing actions which go against governing laws of different countries. While the public remains oblivious to the growing issue of the saturation of manpower in construction industries, a lot of workers take advantage of the demand to apply, albeit illegally, in various construction-related businesses in the last couple of years.
1 0 6 K -63 actualidad
1 0 6 K -63 actualidad
1 meneos
3 clics

Obsolescence of Telecommunications

Fast paced technology and the invention of a lot of gadgets in the present times have caused the fast deterioration and obsolescence of many present devices. Our smart phones now may already be called outdated tomorrow. Telecommunications sector has always thought of ways to take part in the fast demand and growing development of the industry. However, the sector has never really conceived of ways to get with the flow of development. One of the issues faced by obsolete telecommunications media is caused by
1 0 12 K -135 tecnología
1 0 12 K -135 tecnología
9 meneos
109 clics

Una familia aislada durante 40 años, no conocían ni la existencia de la segunda guerra mundial [EN]

En 1978, geólogos soviéticos encontraron en Taiga a una familia aislada de cualquier contacto humano durante 40 años.
7 2 1 K 74 actualidad
7 2 1 K 74 actualidad
2 meneos
6 clics

Insurance Industry to Incorporate Social Media Strategy

For years, many insurance agents have had the same sales pitch, “review your annual premium… here are the list of what needs doing… the important thing is”… With the advancement of technology, those sales pitches are already obsolete. It’s time to change your own approach and get ahead before anyone else gets into it. Well, in fact, a lot of agents are already using far advanced tactics and incorporating technology to score an insurance premium.
2 0 10 K -128 cultura
2 0 10 K -128 cultura
1 meneos
3 clics

2019 Forecasts 24.3 Exabytes per Month

With the fast adaptation with today’s advanced technology, there is also an increase in monthly mobile data traffic as more and more people use smart phones and are online almost 24/7. While you might be thinking that today’s data subscription is heavy enough, take a look at what Cisco Visual Networking Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast is for 2019. With 24.3 exabytes per month, that is about ten folds of what we have right now and the trajectory date is only set for four years from now.
1 0 9 K -112 actualidad
1 0 9 K -112 actualidad
1 meneos
1 clics

Telecommunications Risks

Telecommunication is one of the present day emerging markets and like any other industry, it too has its own risks operating with unstable changes and developments. Many operators admit that their decisions to enter telecommunications industry are because of the large economic gain. On the field of action, they become exposed to dirty factors in business, fraud, theft and not to mention varying weathers and calamities Developing nations are harder to precipitate with more issues and conflicts to adhere. There are political struggles,ethical
1 0 7 K -74 tecnología
1 0 7 K -74 tecnología
1 meneos
1 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Credit Risk Principles

Credit risk is always predictable when you are loaning for your business. Regardless of being a start-up or an already established company, the danger of not being able to pay off your debts always is a probability. There may be different reasons which can cause inability to pay loans. In the first resort, the risk is that of a lender and that it can lead to loss of principal interest and disruption of cash flow.
1 meneos
7 clics

The Future of Mobile Age

Once upon a time, the use of mobile phones is limited to those who need it most. The age bracket even limits to those considered as legally adults. While the age of modernity is starting to get younger with younger users more knowledgeable in this field than their aging counterparts, there is a certain threat to how young users can become.
1 0 14 K -166 tecnología
1 0 14 K -166 tecnología
1 meneos
1 clics

Mobile Data in Indonesia

With the introduction of 4G LTE network on December, 2014, Indonesia has once again showed its growth in the field of telecommunication. Mobile data revenue has increased by 30% from 2013 and now contributes almost 50% of total usage revenue for each of the three leading operators - XL Axiata, Telkomsel and Indosat.
1 0 10 K -158 tecnología
1 0 10 K -158 tecnología
1 meneos
3 clics

Ways to Sell your Equipment

When you would want to sell something, it is a given that you would want it to be sold fast. Take it from us; selling capital equipment is twice the challenge. Axis Capital Group, Singaporean-based company selling and renting high quality heavy machineries which has expanded to Jakarta, Indonesia and has also been delivering to other parts of Asia has been undergoing the same challenges ever since we started our business on 1999. Moreover, the existence of fraudulent organizations claiming to sell equipment online is adding to the fierce compe
1 0 11 K -135 actualidad
1 0 11 K -135 actualidad
2 meneos
2 clics

Axis Capital Group Jakarta Review Traffic Jam, an Issue since Forever

Jakarta, Indonesia – Traffic congestion in main cities around Asia has long been an issue since anyone can remember. According to many surveys like Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Jakarta, Indonesia has received the status of the city with the worst traffic in the world. The city was reviewed to have the highest number of stops and starts with an average of 33, 240 per drive per year.
2 0 9 K -109 actualidad
2 0 9 K -109 actualidad
2 meneos
4 clics

Mosquito Breeding Stops Construction

Malaria and dengue are reportedly some of the most dreaded diseases in the construction sites. Because construction was observed to be taking place in water logged areas that provided many breeding sites for mosquitoes, many government offices, private institutions and non-organizations became concerned on the possible dangers it can bring to the community.
1 1 11 K -119 actualidad
1 1 11 K -119 actualidad
18 meneos
492 clics

Desvelan los secretos del 'mapa mundi' que inspiró a Cristóbal Colón

Henricus Martellus, un cartógrafo alemán del siglo XV afincado en Florencia, produjo un mapa muy detallado del mundo conocido. Colón estudió este mapa y le influyó para descubrir América.
5 meneos
125 clics

Los caidos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial  

Un documental basado en datos animados sobre la guerra y la paz. 'The Fallen of World War II' echa la vista al coste humano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
1 meneos
2 clics

Axis Capital Group Review: What Every New Business Owners Should Know

Startups and new businesses may already realize the many benefits of leasing their equipment, including conserving their cash and significant tax benefits. Before signing any contract, renting or buying any equipment for your business, you should consider the following tips to make sure you don’t make any costly mistakes.
1 0 13 K -127 ocio
1 0 13 K -127 ocio
4 meneos
49 clics

La Segunda Guerra Mundial, del frente a los libros

Las editoriales se vuelcan con el 70 aniversario del fin del conflicto bélico.Repasamos algunos de los títulos más destacados.El horror del Holocausto, el espionaje, la visión de Japón...
1 meneos
2 clics

Builder’s Risk Insurance

We have heard a lot of insurance. From insured buttocks to insured smiles, anything can be insured. Now we ask, how about those in risking their everyday lives? Can they be insured as well? Axis Capital, a group of insurance and reinsurance company based in Bahamas with branches in Singapore, Australia, UK and America has defined this kind of insurance for you to review.
1 0 7 K -71 actualidad
1 0 7 K -71 actualidad
