cultura y tecnología

encontrados: 113, tiempo total: 0.557 segundos rss2
2 meneos
2 clics

4 Day Served, “Board of Directors “XL Unison Retirement

Some " official helm " in PT XL Axiata simultaneously ended his term , ranging Chief Executive Officer , Chief Commerce Officer , Chief Service Management Officer , and Chief Digital Services Officer , starting on Friday ( 28/11 / 2014 ). They ended his term for four days at the telecommunications company.
1 1 5 K -45 tecnología
1 1 5 K -45 tecnología
1 meneos
1 clics

Review of Corliss Expert Group in Home Security: Ist Mobile Banking Sicher?

Verwenden ein Handy, um Ihren Kontostand überprüfen, Transfer Geld und bezahlen Rechnungen scheint ein Kinderspiel, so einfach und bequem, dass jeder, der es nicht tut irgendwie Luddite sein muss. Nach Javelin Strategy and Research erhöht mobiles Banking um 40 Prozent im Jahr 2013, mit 74.000 neue Nutzer pro Tag.
1 0 8 K -87 tecnología
1 0 8 K -87 tecnología
2 meneos
2 clics

Norvell Group and Associates: Ihre Hardwareanforderungen Erfüllt Online

Sprechen Sie über Ihre Elektronik-Hardware-Anforderungen und man kann auf jeden Fall schätzen, was Norvell Electronics über ihre Website bietet. Mit fünfzig Jahren unter den Gürtel lieferte Norvell Electronics Service und Support für die verschiedenen Energiebedarf des privaten und öffentlichen Sektor.
1 1 5 K -43 tecnología
1 1 5 K -43 tecnología
1 meneos
5 clics

Review of Corliss Expert Group in Home Security: Tjek denne vejrfast HD kamera

Tjek dit hjem fra hvor som helst med denne vejrfast HD kamera Netgear har afsendt 84 millioner trådløse routere og gateways siden 2006, men virksomheden ønsker at være kendt for mere end blot at være standardnavnet på din usikrede hjem Wi-Fi. I dag det kundgøre dens løsning i den smart home sfære: en ny trådløs sikkerhed kamera til dit hus. Kaldet Arlo, enheden kan bruges inde og ude og streame 720p video selv om natten.
1 0 6 K -53 tecnología
1 0 6 K -53 tecnología
1 meneos
4 clics

Norvell and Associates Review: Was Sie Sehen im Menü is What You Get (Teil 2)

Viele weitere Hersteller dienen zu stützen, Norvell Electronics fähigkeit, exzellenten Service, den Energiebedarf der Wirtschaft und Industrie Branchen anbieten. Hier ist der Rest von den vertrauenswürdigen Produkte-Quellen...
1 0 5 K -48 tecnología
1 0 5 K -48 tecnología
2 meneos
2 clics

Jongla eyes big presence in Indonesia

Helsinki-based messenger application developer Jongla Ltd. aims to have a big presence by partnering with the country’s second largest cellular operator, PT XL Axiata, aiming to make its instant messenger among the top three in the country. Jongla CEO Riku Salminen said after the partnership launch on Wednesday that he aimed at making his firm’s messenger application ―also named Jongla― one of most used instant messengers in Indonesia next year.
1 1 5 K -44 tecnología
1 1 5 K -44 tecnología
1 meneos
3 clics

PT XL Axiata Tbk involved working with Jongla

Maybe it's a lot of people who know the whereabouts of one of the mobile application called Jongla Instant Messenger (IM) is. More recently, PT XL Axiata Tbk cooperates with Jongla to provide convenience to the people of Indonesia to enjoy the ease of digital content transactions in the application.
1 0 10 K -109 tecnología
1 0 10 K -109 tecnología
2 meneos
3 clics

Norvell Group and Associates: Your Hardware Needs Fulfilled Online

Talk about your electronics hardware needs and one can definitely appreciate what Norvell Electronics provides through its website. With fifty years under its belt, Norvell Electronics has delivered service and support for the various power needs of the private and public sectors. When it comes to power solutions, Norvell offers a wide selection of power supplies, thermal cooling products, filters, protection devices and magnetic, manufactured by many leading companies. More than that, Norvell can also offer products not commonly available at
1 1 9 K -79 tecnología
1 1 9 K -79 tecnología
1 meneos
7 clics

The Koyal Group Private Training Services: Elektronisk svindel - webområder Posering bruke enorme honorarer

Elektronisk svindel: nettsteder posere som regjeringen sider duping personer til å tilbringe store avgifter Copycat områder blir et større problem med MPs advarsel at ofrene er ofte "flau" rapportere svindlere Internett har endret måten vi gjør alt fra søker et pass eller fødselsattest å beskatte bilen. Men en epidemi av copycat nettsteder er duping tusenvis av mennesker til å gi store ekstra avgifter for offentlige tjenester.
1 0 6 K -47 tecnología
1 0 6 K -47 tecnología
1 meneos
5 clics

Path’s foothold in Indonesia isn’t a kiss of death, but a chance for a comeback

Earlier this month, Tech in Asia reported that Path was opening an office in Jakarta that would house a full-time staff member dedicated to growing the social network in Indonesia. The archipelago represents the company’s strongest market, and Path’s new focus on Indonesia comes at a time when the firm is struggling to regain market traction and relevance in most other parts of the world.
1 0 8 K -78 tecnología
1 0 8 K -78 tecnología
1 meneos
1 clics

Study proposes that prolonged health coverage may improve cancer results in young adults

Warning! According to a study from Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center (DF/BWCC) and Harvard Medical School, young adults who lack health care insurance are more likely to be diagnosed in advanced stages of cancer and have a higher risk of death. AXIS Capital, a group of companies with branch offices in Bermuda, Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Singapore and the United States, a global insurer and reinsurer, providing clients and distribution partners with a broad range of specialized risk transfer products and services
1 0 6 K -52 tecnología
1 0 6 K -52 tecnología
1 meneos
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Norvell Group and Associates Review and Complaints

Vos Besoins De Matériel Complétées En Ligne — Parler de vos besoins de matériel électronique et on peut apprécier sans aucun doute ce que Norvell Electronics fournit par le biais de son site Web. Avec cinquante ans d'existence, Norvell Electronics a rendu service et support pour les différents besoins de puissance du secteur privé et secteur public.
1 0 6 K -46 tecnología
1 0 6 K -46 tecnología
1 meneos
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Construction equipment industry to add skilled workforce

Axis Capital Group. Singapore industry would need around two million trained workforces by 2020 for operating and maintaining enormous volumes of machinery in the infrastructure sector through the country. This would entail the government and industry players will have to together review and present precise courses in industrial training institutes, polytechnics, and vocational training institutes to construct the necessary human capital throughout the next 10 years. Complaints of scarcity of skilled workforce could delay the growth of manufact
1 0 5 K -43 cultura
1 0 5 K -43 cultura
1 meneos
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Norvell Group and Associates: Uw Hardware Behoeften Voldaan Online

Praat over uw elektronica hardware behoeften en men kan zeker waarderen wat Norvell Electronics biedt via haar website. Met vijftig jaar onder zijn riem, heeft Norvell Electronics uitgebracht, service en ondersteuning voor de verschillende macht behoeften van de particuliere en publieke sector. Als het gaat om Vermogensoplossingen, Norvell Associates biedt een brede selectie van voedingen, thermische koeling producten, filters, bescherming apparaten en magnetische, vervaardigd door veel toonaangevende bedrijven. Norvell medewerkers bieden meer
1 0 15 K -156 tecnología
1 0 15 K -156 tecnología
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Norvell Group and Associates: Din Hardware Behov Opfyldt Online

Tale om din elektronik hardware behov og man kan helt sikkert forstå hvad Norvell Electronics giver gennem sin hjemmeside. Med halvtreds år under sit bælte, har Norvell elektronik leveret service og support for de forskellige magt behov i privat og offentlige sektorer. Når det kommer til power solutions, Norvell associates tilbyder et bredt udvalg af strømforsyninger, termisk køling produkter, filtre, beskyttelsesanordninger og magnetiske, produceret af mange førende virksomheder.
1 1 6 K -47 tecnología
1 1 6 K -47 tecnología
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The Koyal Group Info Mag: Kybernetiske Syntetisk Biologi og Levende Tingenes Internet

I oktober 2013 afsløre Greg Gage og Tim Marzullo en cyborg kakerlak, der kan styres fra en smartphone via elektroder fastgjort til sine antenner og en trådløs enhed på ryggen. Forestil dig i de kommende år hvad der ville ske, hvis vi er i stand til at gå meget mindre og nanoskala computerenheder kunne integreres med enkelte bakterier.
1 0 7 K -68 tecnología
1 0 7 K -68 tecnología
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The Corliss Group Latest Tech Review - Erste Eindrücke von Apples iPhone 6

Smartphones haben den Position so für eine Weile. Aber mit dem iPhone 6, Apple Inc. AAPL +0.23 % hat Anrufe gemacht, einem Dritten oder sogar vierten Ebene betreffen, nach dem Senden von Nachrichten, die Bilder — sogar dafür, dass eine Tasse Kaffee.
1 0 11 K -119 tecnología
1 0 11 K -119 tecnología
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Chinese heavy equipment firm eyes Indonesia plant

Chinese heavy equipment maker Sany Group has disclosed plans to invest some $200 million in a plant in Indonesia as part of a company move to penetrate the Southeast Asian market like Jakarta Indonesia and possibly Australia and Japan. Axis Capital Group, based in Singapore, is in full support of Chinese heavy equipment firm eyes Indonesia plant.
1 0 17 K -167 tecnología
1 0 17 K -167 tecnología
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Significant Lessons Learned from Jamkesmas to Achieve Universal Health Care in Indonesia and avoid deceit

Indonesia’s social insurance reform is the critical goal being universal health coverage for all by the year 2019. It has come into form with a single-payer umbrella program in 2014. Jamkesmas is the Government-financed health insurance program for the poor and near-poor. It has been combined and unified with other social insurance programs. Educating from Jamkesmas may start a better groundwork and application of universal health coverage for Indonesia by 2019.
1 0 11 K -133 tecnología
1 0 11 K -133 tecnología
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Property Insurance Basics

AXIS Capital, a group of companies with branch offices in Bermuda, Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Singapore and the United States has built a global franchise that is well diversified by product –i.e. Property and Casualty Insurance. When damage, theft or loss occurs, property insurance covers a business's building and its contents such as money and securities, accounts-receivable records, inventory, furniture, machinery, supplies and even intangible assets such as trademarks.
1 0 10 K -136 tecnología
1 0 10 K -136 tecnología
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Effective Delivery of Medical Goods and Medicines with United States Medical Supply

These contented patients choose this medical supplier for the reason that aside from their effective and quick deliveries, they are the licensed and accredited supplier; therefore they have laid down their trust in this supplier. This is proven by many positive reviews on the company.
1 0 10 K -112 tecnología
1 0 10 K -112 tecnología
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Property and Casualty Insurance

The main difference between auto insurance and property and casualty insurance is that auto insurance merely covers vehicles, together with injuries and damages involving a vehicle. On the other hand, property and casualty insurance covers all types of property, from cars, homes, businesses and commercial buildings. It as well covers liability that may result from injuries or damages withstood on a policyholder's property or from the actions of an employee.
1 0 9 K -107 tecnología
1 0 9 K -107 tecnología
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Hackean a la empresa que desarrolla un popular spyware usado por los gobiernos del mundo

Un hacker logró ingresar a los computadores y filtrar diversa información de Gamma Group International, la empresa responsable de FinFisher, un poderoso y misterioso spyware que se vende exclusivamente a gobiernos y agencias de policía
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Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

How to Acquire Equipment

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to know that the construction industry has experienced noteworthy changes for the last six years. Amid to depressed housing markets, a deficiency of highway funding and environmental policies like Tier 4 emission ingenuities, equally contractors and equipment manufacturers have seen their fair share of trials.
1 0 4 K -46 tecnología
1 0 4 K -46 tecnología
10 meneos
63 clics

Autoexamen con Koldo Saratxaga: todo ha de ser a cambio de algo y ¡ya! No amamos el riesgo, la siembra y los cuidados

Koldo Saratxaga arremete contra el sistema educativo actual que "no educa en la libertad, sino en el miedo" y perpetúa un modelo de relaciones humanas basadas en el poder.
