Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 240, tiempo total: 0.005 segundos rss2
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Axis Human Capital Limited Consumer Review

Are you exhausted of your present job? Are you between careers and need to find employment fast? Axis Human Capital Limited, is a group of companies that is particular in socially-conscious human development firm based in Ghana which is a free internet-based tool, can help you find employment opportunities across the country. I used this…
1 0 12 K -145
1 0 12 K -145
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Repairs? – Get Help of an Expert

Construction industry is greatly reliant on on heavy equipment and one must take complete care of his equipment; since if the equipment goes defective, he has no work to do for the whole day. Furthermore, the work awaiting for the day gets carried forward to the following day, which signifies that he, has to finish 2 days’ work in a single day. This could be pretty difficult for a company which deals with giant projects. A postponement of work for a day can even start huge loses and can furthermore dull the reputation of the company. Therefore,
1 0 13 K -148
1 0 13 K -148
1 meneos

Which is better off Leasing or Buying Capital Assets?

There are generally insistent reasons for a business to lease instead of buying capital assets. Leasing arrangements are a type of finance in which an asset is learned by a third party, typically a bank or finance company, and afterward leased to the end user for a prearranged period of time. This arrangement denotes the business never really has title to the asset for the term of the lease, even though it is permitted to use the asset in that time.
1 0 6 K -53
1 0 6 K -53
11 meneos
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Madrid y Barcelona entre las ciudades más atractivas del mundo para trabajar (eng)

En el último estudio realizado a 200.000 trabajadores de todo el mundo por Boston Consulting Group, se muestra que las ciudades con mayor atracción de talento son Londres y Nueva York. Madrid y Barcelona se sitúan entre los diez primeras ciudades, y España es el único país con dos ciudades en el Top 10.
2 meneos
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Axis Capital Group Insurance: Assessing final expense insurance

Final expense insurance, regularly called burial insurance, was retailed door to door as late as the 1960s. Then it turns out to be the domain of mid-sized life insurers, funeral home directors and television spokespeople whose message was simple: "You cannot be turned down!" The cost for burial service has risen from about $700 in 1960 to $8,343 in 2012, says the National Funeral Directors Association. And that doesn't comprise the plot and headstone.
1 1 6 K -49
1 1 6 K -49
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UPDATE 1-Indonesia's XL Axiata sells telecom towers to Solusi Tunas for $460 mln

Oct 1 (Reuters) - Indonesian mobile telecom operator PT XL Axiata Tbk will sell 3,500 communication towers to telecom infrastructure firm PT Solusi Tunas Pratama Tbk in a 5.6 trillion rupiah ($460 million) deal that will help it cut mounting debt. After a three-month tender process, the country's second-biggest telecom operator by subscribers agreed to sell the towers to Solusi Tunas for cash and then lease them back for 10 years, XL Axiata said in a statement. The deal is expected to close by the end of the year.
1 1 6 K -46
1 1 6 K -46
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Start Small yet Think Big

The most straightforward and most economical opportunities to consider when beginning out are laser-based systems that usually use a magnetic attached laser receiver on the machine with a grade lasers for advancement and grade. The laser receiver proposes both visible and audible indication for above, below and on grade location.
1 0 10 K -114
1 0 10 K -114
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Leren Van De Touwen Met Deep Blue Publications Group Madrid: Overzicht Van Investeren op Een Dieper Niveau

Zoals het verhaal van The Great Gatsby geprobeerd aan te tonen, kan rijkdom onbeperkte toegang brengen naar mensen, plaatsen en kansen. Maar uiteindelijk zal het niet brengen geluk. Alleen wanneer we met de beste bedoelingen beginnen zullen we komen genietend van de vruchten van onze eerlijke arbeid.
1 0 15 K -158
1 0 15 K -158
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Travel Review Tips by the Avanti Group: Une Liste de Contrôle Financier Pour Voyager À L'étranger

Avant de partir outre-mer, voyageurs planifier ce qu'il faut voir et à faire, mais ils oublient souvent la planification financière impliqués avec un voyage jusqu'à ce qu'il ne soit trop tard. En plus des préparations de base, comme faire des copies de votre compte bancaire et les informations de carte de crédit, il y a un certain nombre de mesures financières qui peuvent potentiellement vous sauver de la myriade de problèmes à l'étranger.
1 0 6 K -52
1 0 6 K -52
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The Corliss Group Review: 5 viktige Tips for Sørøst-Asia reiser

Fra Burma til Vietnam blir Sørøst-Asia et stadig mer populært reisemål for erfarne reisende og de som ønsker en mer eventyrlystne opplevelse. Uansett hvilken grunn for som ønsker å utforske disse kulturelt viktige destinasjoner, er her noen viktige tips verdt å huske på.
1 0 5 K -51
1 0 5 K -51
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Peter Sondakh wants his towers back, but at what price?

How much is Indonesian billionaire Peter Sondakh willing to pay to get back some of the telecom towers he sold nearly a decade ago? That is the question as the growing tower business, which is booming due to the explosive growth in data with the number of smartphone users soaring, is a lucrative side of the business with telecom companies eager to expand their network coverage.
1 1 13 K -139
1 1 13 K -139
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Axis Capital Group, Singapore raises forecast after better-than-expected results

Axis Capital Group, Singapore augmented its full-year profit prospects and stated first quarter earnings that beat analyst expectations. They now expect to earn $5.20 per share for the year, eliminating restructuring costs, a growth of 25 cents from its earlier forecast.For the latest quarter, the company said its net income increased by 4 percent to $811 million.Revenue was almost flat at $12.13 million. Analysts had anticipated first-quarter incomes of $1.23 a share on revenue of $12.1 million, according to reviews.
1 0 17 K -181
1 0 17 K -181
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Deep Blue Publications Group Review: Gebäude Wissen kommt zuerst

Ein Großteil der heutigen Wohlstand und die Schaffung von es erfordern, Bau oder Erwerb von Kenntnissen. Wenn Sie wollen die Leute wissen, was für ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung, die Sie verkaufen, müssen Sie die Zeit nehmen, ihnen zu sagen, um ihr Wissen über Sie und Ihr Produkt zu steigern. Und die einfachste und gilt als die effizienteste und profitable Weise dafür heutzutage über das Internet. Unter den vielen Menschen erfunden Tools verfügbar heute präsentieren Websites wahrscheinlich die beste Möglichkeit, die größte Menge an Wisse
1 0 6 K -54
1 0 6 K -54
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Start Your Business with Little to No Capital

AXIS Capital, Inc. headquartered in Grand Island Nebraska, is a Direct Lender providing quality equipment leasing/financing services along with superior customer service, give you this tips to start your business with little to no capital.
1 0 10 K -117
1 0 10 K -117
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The Koyal Group Private Training Services: Vasentliga Tjanster Som Ger Skydd

Bedrägeri är ett grovt negativa ord vem eller vad det med rätta beskriver. Ingen vill ha något att göra med det utom förövarna av det, tyvärr. Och däri ligger behovet av ärliga och hårt arbetande individer och företag att förbereda och skydda sig från dess katastrofala följder även om gör så kräver en hel del kostnader och uppmärksamhet.
1 0 12 K -142
1 0 12 K -142
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Why You Need an Insurance against Accidents and How to Buy One

You have a huge life insurance cover with a term plan to protect your family's financial future. You also have a complete health insurance plan to pay your hospital bills. Your car is insured against damage and theft, whereas your house is covered against natural and man-made calamities and burglary. But it is quite possible that you don't have personal accident insurance. In 2013-14, barely 55 individuals purchased personal accident insurance. That's less than 0.4% of the total population of the country and about 3% of the projected insurable
1 0 5 K -54
1 0 5 K -54
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Business Development: 6 Trin til Vellykket Case Studies

Newport International Group Projects Tokyo Company, Newport Travel, Newport International Group Consultancy, Business Development, Newport Tour Operations, 6 trin til vellykket Case Studies (og Tips om hvordan man får mest muligt ud af dem. Kunde casestudier kan gå en lang vej mod overbevisende perspektiver af værdien af din virksomhed, løsning eller service. Her er seks stensikre trin til effektivt producere hårdtslående casestudier.
1 1 8 K -93
1 1 8 K -93
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Newport International Runway Group Tokyo Fashion: Hvordan Designer Stella McCartney gjør god stil

Hvordan designere som Stella McCartney par gode stil og gjør godt Mens mest kreative folk reiser for inspirasjon, tilbakebetale få virkelig gjelden til sine utenlandske musene. Følgende nyskapende designere, underviser enten ved å støtte disenfranchised håndverkere eller ansette bærekraftig beite praksis, resten av bransjen hvordan gå turen. Bevis at god stil og gjøre godt ikke er gjensidig utelukkende.
1 0 9 K -92
1 0 9 K -92
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The Woo Group RBC Wealth Management Hong Kong USA: Jacynthe Côté Utnevnt til Styret for Direktører

Jacynthe Côté Utnevnt til Styret for Direktører av Royal Bank of Canada. Royal Bank of Canada (RY på TSX og NYSE) er glade for å kunngjøre utnevnelsen av Jacynthe Côté til styret, effektiv 1 September 2014.
1 0 10 K -141
1 0 10 K -141
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Koyal Group Discounts Blog Tips: Topp 10 Alternativ 2012 Bachelorette Party Idéer

Alternativa bachelorette party idéer är i ropet för 2012 bröllop. Kreativ semester och kul semester idéer blir populär för behandling av bruden för att blir till en rolig sista kväll ut parti.
1 0 8 K -106
1 0 8 K -106
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Axis Capital Group, Singapore Global Sales Increase

Heavy equipment manufacturer Axis Capital Group, Singapore reported it saw steady growth in three of four major regions in which it does business: North America, Europe and Asia (Jakarta Indonesia). Growth in Latin America has slowed over the past three months. Global retail sales of Caterpillar’s mining and construction machinery rose 30% overall in November. This is good news for the company and for those in doubt of the company.
1 0 11 K -142
1 0 11 K -142
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Corliss Expert Group Home Security: How to Secure Your Home without Spending Too Much

HOME SECURITY: HOW TO SECURE YOUR HOME WITHOUT SPENDING TOO MUCH Imagine if there were no burglar or criminals who threaten the safety of our homes; we will be surprised how much savings we would have on several things we do to secure ourselves and our loved ones. We would not need fences, gates with locks, doors locks, window grills, CCTV cams, perimeter lighting, shotguns and baseball bats. The cost of maintaining these things can run up to the entire cost of building another room or, in some cases, a whole new house.
1 0 10 K -108
1 0 10 K -108
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Store Sees Boost in Sales with Addition of Franchise from Appleby Westward Group Limited Paris Newsletter

A Cornwall store has added a Subway franchise to its retail offer. The store at Helston, run by Chris and Sue Sharrinton, has introduced Subway to complement its existing successful food-to-go operation and attract a wider customer base.
1 0 7 K -68
1 0 7 K -68
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Cheyney Group Accounting: Ohjauslaitteet jotta ehkäistä ja havaita petokset!

Top Ten sisäisen valvonnan ehkäistä ja havaita petokset! Äskettäin "KPMG petos" tehdyn tutkimuksen organisaatiot ovat kertoneet enemmän kokemuksia petoksia kuin aikaisempina vuosina ja että kolme neljästä järjestöjen on paljastunut petoksia. NYS Office of mielenterveyden 's Bureau tarkastuksen on toimittanut sisäisen valvonnan auttaa ehkäistä ja havaita petokset viraston seuraavassa luettelossa.
1 0 5 K -49
1 0 5 K -49
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Tips for Planning your Retirement by Corliss Law Group

Here are the top 10 things you need to know as you plan for retirement.
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1 0 9 K -98
