Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 296, tiempo total: 0.006 segundos rss2
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3 clics

Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan: Tips to Avoid Asset Protection Schemes and Scams

The Marvont Group provided several tips below on how to protect yourself from asset protection schemes and scams and how you could lose all your hard earned money if you fall for one.
1 0 7 K -93
1 0 7 K -93
1 meneos
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Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan on Definition of a Good Financial Planner

Most of us are aware that there are different types of financial planners for different types of plans. However, we will only concentrate on the financial planners specializing in investments in this discussion.
1 0 15 K -165
1 0 15 K -165
1 meneos

Alfaone Group Dubai based corporation, Logistics & Supply Chain Management

The Logistics division operates with its head office in Dubai the global hub of Middle east
1 0 6 K -63
1 0 6 K -63
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Alfaone Group Dubai based corporation: Mission & Vision

To be a high-value partner for our customers providing them with innovative products, professional support and services while meeting our obligations to society and the environment.
1 0 21 K -225
1 0 21 K -225
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FDA Continues warning on Counterfeit Touch Blood Glucose Test Strips

Back in 2005, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has alerted the public to counterfeit blood glucose test strips being sold in the United States claiming different models and under different brands. Upon tracing the origin of these counterfeited medicines, the authorities had found same copies distributed in developing countries including Jakarta, Indonesia, Bangkok, Thailand and some part of Northern Australia.
1 0 9 K -112
1 0 9 K -112
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2019 Forecasts 24.3 Exabytes per Month

With the fast adaptation with today’s advanced technology, there is also an increase in monthly mobile data traffic as more and more people use smart phones and are online almost 24/7. While you might be thinking that today’s data subscription is heavy enough, take a look at what Cisco Visual Networking Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast is for 2019. With 24.3 exabytes per month, that is about ten folds of what we have right now and the trajectory date is only set for four years from now.
1 0 9 K -112
1 0 9 K -112
2 meneos
104 clics

Se hace pasar por 'Forrest Gump' y liga en Tinder

La app para ligar Tinder está llena de frikis y gente extraña que no para de sacarnos de onda, pero este tipo nos hizo el día al hacerse pasar por el popular protagonista del drama Forrest Gump para enamorar a una de las chicas que le hizo 'Match' unos minutos antes. Quizá esta mujer nunca ha visto la película de Tom Hanks o tal vez simplemente olvidó de qué trata (no todos tenemos el argumento tan presente en nuestras mentes), pero la forma en la que ella cae en esta broma merece pasar a los libros de historia de las bromas de internet.
1 1 6 K -67
1 1 6 K -67
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4 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Benefits of Trinity Energy Group Limited Southern Sudan

There are very many shell companies in this market. It is critical to choose a name you can trust.
1 0 7 K -78
1 0 7 K -78
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Trinity Energy Group Limited Southern Sudan: Key Management Profiles

Mr. Akol Ayii – Chairman and Managing Director Mr. Akol is the founder of Trinity Holdings and Trinity Energy Limited. He has over ten years of senior management experience. His educational background is in finance and management (BA Accounting and Business Finance, European Business School, MBA, United States International University). He is the promoter of several large and strategic projects i
1 0 10 K -131
1 0 10 K -131
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Así quedaría tu ciudad tras un ataque con una bomba atómica como la de Hiroshima

Se cumplen 70 años del ataque nuclear en Hiroshima, que acabó con la vida de 140.000 personas de forma inmediata. Para concienciar de los peligros de que una tragedia de estas dimensiones se vuelva a repetir en la actualidad, Public Radio International ha creado una aplicación web que permite descubrir los efectos que tendría un ataque de las mismas características en cualquier lugar del mundo.
2 0 5 K -39
2 0 5 K -39
163 meneos
832 clics
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Sopra Group, condenada a readmitir a un trabajador despedido por negarse a hacer guardias

Seis meses después de los despidos de tres compañeros, se ha publicado la sentencia por la que Sopra será obligada a readmitir a un trabajador al que sancionó y despidió por negarse a hacer unas guardias que habían sido declaradas ilegales por otra sentencia anterior.
97 66 28 K 41
97 66 28 K 41
26 meneos
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El Dr. Forrest Bird, inventor del respirador médico y el ventilador, muere a los 94 años [eng]

Dr. Forrest M. Bird, un aviador e inventor excéntrico que estudió problemas respiratorios a gran altitud de los pilotos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y más tarde creó dispositivos médicos que salvaron vidas y ayudaron a miles de personas con enfermedades respiratorias, murió el domingo en su casa de Sagle, Idaho. Tenía 94 años.
21 5 0 K 124
21 5 0 K 124
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El Defensor del Pueblo reconoce la falta de transparencia de la Comunidad de Madrid en las negociaciones con empresa Dal

El Defensor del Pueblo, a través de su adjunto primero Francisco Fernández Marugán, ha emitido el pasado 13 de julio una respuesta a la queja interpuesta el 12 de marzo de 2015 por la “Plataforma contra la Operación Especulativa en Campamento” (renombrada como “Campamento Sí”) ante la falta de información y participación ciudadana en las negociaciones entre las administraciones públicas y la empresa privada Dalian Wanda Group.
11 2 0 K 120
11 2 0 K 120
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1 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Credit Risk Principles

Credit risk is always predictable when you are loaning for your business. Regardless of being a start-up or an already established company, the danger of not being able to pay off your debts always is a probability. There may be different reasons which can cause inability to pay loans. In the first resort, the risk is that of a lender and that it can lead to loss of principal interest and disruption of cash flow.
1 0 0 K 6
1 0 0 K 6
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Cómo el futurístico nuevo aeropuerto de Berlín pasó a ser un embarazoso asunto [ENG]

Se esperaba que el aeropuerto estuviese funcionando en junio de 2012. El equipo de inspección de las instalaciones determinó en otoño de 2011 que el sistema antiincendios era un completo fiasco. Aun así, los planes para la inaguración siguieron adelante durante unos meses hasta justo antes de la inaguración oficial, cuando se le denegó la licencia de apertura. Y ahí, el público alemán empezó a conocer uno de los mayores fiascos de su historia.
23 4 0 K 100
23 4 0 K 100
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Trinity Energy Group Services: Contact

Trinity Energy Services, LLC is a full service oil and gas industry land service firm. We offer complete professional land services to the energy and communication industries throughout the United States.
1 1 9 K -88
1 1 9 K -88
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Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Trinity Energy Group Services - Company Resume

In the ever-changing energy markets with fluctuations of demand, prices and governmental regulations, quality of service remains at the forefront, in lieu of massive crews trying to dominate large areas. Trinity Energy Services has always positioned itself on the side of quality. Our main office is located near downtown Houston, Texas and our Louisiana office is located in Covington, Louisiana which has replaced New Orleans as the corporate center for oil and gas companies. Our roots extend back over thirty five years and our focus has been on
1 0 2 K -13
1 0 2 K -13
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Welcome to Trinity Energy Group Services

Trinity Energy Services, LLC is a full service oil and gas industry land service firm. We offer complete professional land services to the energy and communication industries throughout the United States.
1 0 9 K -114
1 0 9 K -114
27 meneos
338 clics
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Jose Carlos Díez: Supera Rajoy a Forrest Gump en un test de inteligencia?  

Pregunta de interés nacional de José Carlos Díez a Francisco Marhuenda. Reconoced que lo habíais pensado alguna vez.
22 5 11 K 85
22 5 11 K 85
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Trinity Energy Group: A Short Introduction to Petroleum Geology

Exploring for oil and gas takes a lot of money and know how to pull off as it requires first a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of petroleum Geology. Oil and gas are, after all, essential petroleum resources that are found deep within the earth’s crust, although there are cases where they may be found on the surface as well, but not in abundant commercial quantities.
1 0 8 K -116
1 0 8 K -116
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Ways to Sell your Equipment

When you would want to sell something, it is a given that you would want it to be sold fast. Take it from us; selling capital equipment is twice the challenge. Axis Capital Group, Singaporean-based company selling and renting high quality heavy machineries which has expanded to Jakarta, Indonesia and has also been delivering to other parts of Asia has been undergoing the same challenges ever since we started our business on 1999. Moreover, the existence of fraudulent organizations claiming to sell equipment online is adding to the fierce compe
1 0 11 K -135
1 0 11 K -135
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Asaba Group Holdings - SET Enterprises Announces Organizational Changes

WARREN, Mich., Aug. 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- SET Enterprises, Inc., a leading provider of steel processing, duct manufacturing and construction services with operations in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Alabama, today announced that Victor Edozien will be joining the Company as President and CEO. Edozien brings a wide array of automotive and manufacturing experience and will assist the Company as it continues to execute its growth initiatives.
1 0 8 K -100
1 0 8 K -100
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Axis Capital Group Jakarta Review Traffic Jam, an Issue since Forever

Jakarta, Indonesia – Traffic congestion in main cities around Asia has long been an issue since anyone can remember. According to many surveys like Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Jakarta, Indonesia has received the status of the city with the worst traffic in the world. The city was reviewed to have the highest number of stops and starts with an average of 33, 240 per drive per year.
2 0 9 K -109
2 0 9 K -109
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Mosquito Breeding Stops Construction

Malaria and dengue are reportedly some of the most dreaded diseases in the construction sites. Because construction was observed to be taking place in water logged areas that provided many breeding sites for mosquitoes, many government offices, private institutions and non-organizations became concerned on the possible dangers it can bring to the community.
1 1 11 K -119
1 1 11 K -119
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Comisión europea: ¡actúen frente a los ataques a los valores fundamentales de la UE en España!

Campaña de Rights International Spain. Los principios y valores de la UE están amenazados en España. Alza tu voz y exige que la Comisión Europea actúe de inmediato para intensificar su escrutinio de la situación en España y emprender una evaluación de conformidad con el marco del Estado de Derecho.
