Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 170, tiempo total: 0.498 segundos rss2
216 meneos
6391 clics
Para algunos, el trabajo perfecto: 18 mil dólares por estar acostado

Para algunos, el trabajo perfecto: 18 mil dólares por estar acostado  

Desde hace tres años, la NASA está trabajando en un programa de investigación en el que buscan aprender más acerca de los huesos y la atrofia muscular en el espacio. Por esta razón, La Administración Espacial de los Estados Unidos ha estado buscando a personas que acepten estar acostadas en una cama durante 70 días a cambio de 18 mil dólares
84 132 2 K 457
84 132 2 K 457
443 meneos
2774 clics
Cómo luchamos contra la corrupción: manual de uso para la ciudadanía

Cómo luchamos contra la corrupción: manual de uso para la ciudadanía

Desde diferentes grupos como 15MpaRato, impulsor de la querella contra Bankia por la estafa de su salida a bolsa y de las Preferentes; Xnet, que lleva años fomentando el uso de Internet para luchar contra los abusos y mejorar la democracia y que en la actualidad gestiona el BuzonX o la Comisión Anticorrupción del Partido X, responsable del descubrimiento de los correos de Blesa y las tarjetas negras, queremos compartir algunas consideraciones generales que hemos aprendido luchando contra la corrupción por si pueden servir al resto de ciudadano.
170 273 1 K 407
170 273 1 K 407
1 meneos
1 clics

The Shearin Group Leadership Training Tips to Help Put "Thanks" and "Giving”

5 Tips to Help Put "Thanks" and "Giving" Back In Thanksgiving It’s that time of year again. So, why is this money expert, who provides financial advice to Baby Boomers and their offspring, writing about Thanksgiving? Because the “giving” part of money is key to any money discussion (and I love Thanksgiving and this is my blog!)
1 0 7 K -65
1 0 7 K -65
1 meneos
5 clics

Mortgage mistakes to avoid

Axis Capital Group, Inc. (located at 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 500 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 which focuses on real estate which services not only CA but worldwide including SE Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more) provides you this list of rookie mortgage mistakes to avoid: Eyes larger than your wallet – You desire it all and you mean now but that’s difficult. First-home buyers have to super-nanny their housing wants and stop acting like spoiled brats.
1 0 6 K -47
1 0 6 K -47
1 meneos
6 clics

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia: How to tailor your CV to get more Interviews

If you were proceeding for an interview at a big City law firm in Jakarta Indonesia, it is doubtful you would turn up wearing sandals, swimming trunks and a tee shirt. Similarly, if you were going for an interview to be a Lifesaver for a beach in Bali Indonesia, it may come across as somewhat strange if you turned up for your interview in a pin striped suit and bowler hat. If it’s significant to shape your method for interviews, it is likewise vital when it comes to your CV.
1 0 5 K -52
1 0 5 K -52
1 meneos
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Axis Capital, Bermuda: Health Insurance False Promises to Indonesians created many complaints

Up till now for all the numerous healthcare schemes that have begun at district and provincial levels, the general image is one of failing health pointers and facilities through the country. A 2008 World Health Organization report found that decentralization has ran to the erosion of a once incorporated health system, extremely discouragement the worth of disease surveillance and public health programs. Diseases like polio and leprosy, once under control, are resurfacing and the districts are not capable to attend to these or other complicated
1 0 9 K -117
1 0 9 K -117
1 meneos
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Why You Need an Insurance against Accidents and How to Buy One

You have a huge life insurance cover with a term plan to protect your family's financial future. You also have a complete health insurance plan to pay your hospital bills. Your car is insured against damage and theft, whereas your house is covered against natural and man-made calamities and burglary. But it is quite possible that you don't have personal accident insurance. In 2013-14, barely 55 individuals purchased personal accident insurance. That's less than 0.4% of the total population of the country and about 3% of the projected insurable
1 0 5 K -54
1 0 5 K -54
2 meneos
25 clics

Un vecino de Tomiño pide la limpieza de las fincas próximas

Avelino Beiro presentó, “inútilmente”, desde el mes de junio, tres solicitudes en el Ayuntamiento de Tomiño, para la limpieza y tala de árboles en dos parcelas cercanas a su vivienda al amparo de la Ley de prevención de incendios, y aunque afirma que se ha limpiado una de ellas y talado los árboles en la otra no se ha hecho nada.
1 1 5 K -40
1 1 5 K -40
1 meneos
8 clics

Corliss Expert Group Home Security: How to Secure Your Home without Spending Too Much

HOME SECURITY: HOW TO SECURE YOUR HOME WITHOUT SPENDING TOO MUCH Imagine if there were no burglar or criminals who threaten the safety of our homes; we will be surprised how much savings we would have on several things we do to secure ourselves and our loved ones. We would not need fences, gates with locks, doors locks, window grills, CCTV cams, perimeter lighting, shotguns and baseball bats. The cost of maintaining these things can run up to the entire cost of building another room or, in some cases, a whole new house.
1 0 10 K -108
1 0 10 K -108
1 meneos
4 clics

Cheyney Group Accounting: Ohjauslaitteet jotta ehkäistä ja havaita petokset!

Top Ten sisäisen valvonnan ehkäistä ja havaita petokset! Äskettäin "KPMG petos" tehdyn tutkimuksen organisaatiot ovat kertoneet enemmän kokemuksia petoksia kuin aikaisempina vuosina ja että kolme neljästä järjestöjen on paljastunut petoksia. NYS Office of mielenterveyden 's Bureau tarkastuksen on toimittanut sisäisen valvonnan auttaa ehkäistä ja havaita petokset viraston seuraavassa luettelossa.
1 0 5 K -49
1 0 5 K -49
2 meneos
22 clics

La selección de Cataluña de hockey patines usa una camiseta considerada "ilegal" por el CSD

La prenda muestra el lema "Catalans want to vote" (los catalanes quieren votar). Será utilizada en la Copa del Tricentenario, que disputan la selección catalana, el Noia Freixenet y las selecciones de Francia y Suiza.
1 1 5 K -45
1 1 5 K -45
1 meneos
7 clics

How to cope up with losing your job

Allow yourself accept it and give a reason to get your life going, the first advice Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia provide to people who lost their jobs. It doesn’t matter how self-assured you are, losing a job always grounds you to doubt yourself. In general the two responses are to distrust yourself and your capability, or to guilt your situation or your people at your old company. Both are not worth doing. The best thing you can do is discover a credible purpose why this occurred and then truly believe it.
1 0 14 K -166
1 0 14 K -166
5 meneos
86 clics

Reportaje especial: 'Red de prostitución al interior del PRI-DF'

Cuando gana confianza, con ese tono adormecedor, Priscila suelta que, entre sus actividades, está el tener sexo oral o vaginal con Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez de la Torre. Sin saber que se encuentra frente a una reportera, Priscila, advierte que ese mismo día puede tener un encuentro sexual con el líder priista. Además Priscila advierte un detalle: al jefe no le gustan las niñas “del otro bando”. Priscila, aconseja a la chicas ser atentas. "Al líder priista, hay seducirlo". Si aceptan sumarse a esta red de prostitución...
3 meneos
37 clics

Mariano, to cagao, estudia restringir el voto para las próximas generales [HUMOR]

"No nosh queda másh remedio que bajarle los humosh al coleta", a dicho
2 1 11 K -97
2 1 11 K -97
11 meneos
128 clics

La participación de Pep Guardiola al Catalans Want To Vote enciende los medios españoles (CAT)

Los medios alemanes se hacen eco de la actuación dels Xics en Berlin
9 2 12 K -46
9 2 12 K -46
1 meneos

XL Axiata Gets $500m Loan to Aid in Axis Telekom I

XL Axiata, one of the largest mobile-phone operators in Indonesia, has obtained a $500 million loan from its holding company, Malaysia’s Axiata Group that will be used to finance the acquisition of Axis Telekom Indonesia. The loan will have 2.41 percent interest rate for the next three years, according to a prospectus published in Bisnis Indonesia on Tuesday.
1 0 11 K -125
1 0 11 K -125
1 meneos

The Avanti Group Law articles In The Fight To Vindicate The Comfort Women

In The Fight To Vindicate The Comfort Women, Ordinary Americans Upstage U.S. Tokyo Ambassador Caroline Kennedy Last month I recounted how a top U.S. law firm had agreed to help shadowy Japanese interests try to portray the so-called Comfort Women – the sex slaves grotesquely abused by the Japanese Imperial Army in World War II – as no more than common prostitutes. As I pointed out, the case is totally toxic and no respectable law firm should have anything to do with it.
1 0 5 K -38
1 0 5 K -38
2 meneos
4 clics

How To Be A Voice Over

How to be a voice over? We provide wide range of Voice professional or animated films and television shows, narrate documentaries and so on.
1 1 10 K -112
1 1 10 K -112
8 meneos
24 clics

Los bancos “demasiado grandes para quebrar” siguen siendo una amenaza

Ningún gobierno solvente permitirá que la totalidad de su sector bancario colapse. Las instituciones apalancadas cuyos pasivos son más líquidos que sus activos son inevitablemente vulnerables al pánico. En una situación de pánico, será difícil distinguir la falta de liquidez de la insolvencia. Estos tres puntos dan forma a mis puntos de vista: el Estado apoya la banca a pesar de que podría no apoyar cada institución individualmente.
6 meneos
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Un nuevo partido griego se coloca tercero en las encuestas de intención de voto

To Potami, creado en torno a la popularidad del presentador de televisión Stavros Theodorakis, estaría así solo por detrás de Syriza (22,7 por ciento) y del gobernante Nueva Democracia (22,6 por ciento).
