Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 238, tiempo total: 0.004 segundos rss2
130 meneos
790 clics
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El espionaje de EEUU contactó con el asesino de las Ramblas por Telegram el 31 de julio

Espías del Exeintel Group, que trabaja en la Intelligence Security contratada por el servicio secreto estadounidense, lanzó una "Alerta Roja" internacional tras hacerse pasar por yihadistas y engañar a Younes Abouyaaqoub, quien les reveló que eran "5 hermanos" estaban "en España" dirigidos por "un imán" y que se disponían a "atacar varios pequeños pueblos"
108 22 31 K 40
108 22 31 K 40
17 meneos
552 clics

La modelo Chloe Ayling revela que conocía a su secuestrador de la Dark Web [Ing]  

¿Por qué la glamurosa la modelo británica se fue de compras con su secuestrador? Los medios italianos cuestionan que la chica fuera secuestrada durante seis días y subastada como esclava sexual en la Dark Web al saberse que conoció a su secuestrador en abril en París. Los investigadores en Italia sí aceptan que el secuestro fue real y la drogaron con ketamina. Fue liberada en julio cuando el secuestrador la acompañó al consulado afirmando que la banda Black Death la secuestró por error, ya que ellos no secuestran a madres.
14 3 3 K 44
14 3 3 K 44
26 meneos
36 clics

Televisión Española regala de nuevo un concurso a Eurostar Media Group

Todoterrenos, coches eléctricos, premios en metálico… Este ha sido el reclamo del concurso “Tu mejor verano” que ha ocupado la parrilla central de TVE durante todo un mes de este verano. El objetivo de este tipo de concurso, que vuelve a poner en duda si cumple la Ley de financiación de la Televisión pública, es más que cuestionable. Si el Ente dirigido por José Antonio Sánchez no se rige por criterios de audiencia, ¿por qué se tienen que convocar estos concursos? ¿A quién beneficia? La respuesta parece clara: a quien lo organiza.
21 5 2 K 80
21 5 2 K 80
3 meneos
33 clics

Demandan a Jennifer Lopez por aceptar 42 hoverboards y tuitear sobre ello solo una vez

¿Has visto últimamente a Jennifer Lopez subida en algún Hoverboard? Los responsables de SideKick Group tampoco, y están enfadados. A finales de 2015, este fabricante de hoverboards envió 40 de sus vehículos a la popular cantante a cambio de que esta tuiteara sus bondades. Lo hizo sí... una vez.
3 0 3 K 12
3 0 3 K 12
2 meneos
3 clics

The Asquith Group Asia, Tokyo Japan on Complete Financial Analysis

Our investments experts will collaborate with you to develop a complete evaluation to help determine your unique individual financial objectives. This will include your net worth, tax mitigation, educational financing, retirement and estate strategizing, and income and asset security. Likewise, we will analyze such issues as investment tax considerations, appropriate real estate titling steps, and our clients' capability to attain the retirement lifestyle they aspire for.
1 1 13 K -165
1 1 13 K -165
73 meneos
163 clics

La imparable ascensión del capital chino como inversor líder en Galicia

De materializarse las últimas operaciones corporativas en marcha en Galicia, reconocidas por el protagonismo de Citic Group, el capital chino inyectado en los principales sectores productivos habrá alcanzado los 500 millones de euros en los últimos cuatro años, lo que convierte al país asiatico en el inversor líder en Galicia.
63 10 1 K 168
63 10 1 K 168
21 meneos
26 clics

Konkurrez Group: La fusión de Bayer y Monsanto violaría las leyes antimonopolio

Una firma especializa en fusiones, Konkurrez Group, ha advertido de riesgos significativos en la fusión de Bayer y Monsanto. La firma señala que esta operación infringiría la regulación antimonopolio en EEUU y en la Unión Europea. Además, apunta que restringiría 'seriamente' las opciones de elección de los agricultores y consumidores.
21 meneos
127 clics

Quiebra el touroperador Low Cost Travel, con sede en el ParcBit

El touroperador británico con sede en el ParcBit, Low Cost Travel Group (LCTG) ha presentado su quiebra, dejando deudas por valor de más de 50 millones de euros, la mayor parte de ellas a hoteleros de Baleares. de los touroperadores online con mayor proyección en este sector, que se convirtió en uno de los referentes del ParcBit tras decidir sus propietarios abandonar el Reino Unido para instalarse en el parque tecnológico balear. El touroperador señala que todas las quejas que se planteen se realicen ante el Govern balear.
17 4 0 K 12
17 4 0 K 12
6 meneos
28 clics

El Supremo de EE UU da la razón al ex presidente de la filial norteamericana de Afinsa

El Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos ha fallado de forma unánime, este lunes 16 de mayo, a favor de la petición del que fuera presidente de Escala Group, filial estadounidense de Afinsa, Greg Manning. Manning, considerado uno de los mayores expertos filatélicos del mundo, se ha enfrentado en los tribunales a varios bancos de inversión como Merrill Lynch y diversos ‘hedge funds’, a los que acusa de hacer caer el valor de las acciones de la compañía mediante prácticas como las venta a corto en descubierto.
1 meneos
6 clics

Building your Dream Home into Reality

Hiring The Petersen Group as your custom home builder will give you significant benefits in the long run. The company is renowned as one of the most trustworthy builders in Alaska and its neighboring areas. Its previous projects of exceptional quality houses and communities show its ability to build a customer's dream home into reality and satisfy their every need.
1 0 16 K -217
1 0 16 K -217
1 meneos
2 clics

Increasing Expat Population Drives Posh Condo Market to Soar

The potential of Asian countries have grown from mediocre to an alarming threat to oust already developed countries such as the United States and United Kingdom from their economic leading positions. The culture and the rich variety of resources also contribute to the growing investments in the each country. The continent already has its own list of developed countries including Singapore, South Korea, Japan, China and United Arab Emirates (UAE) among others.
1 0 11 K -130
1 0 11 K -130
4 meneos
31 clics

Wanda negocia con el gigante asiático Platinum Estates la venta del Edificio España

Los dos son asiáticos y los dos tienen un objetivo común en la Plaza de España. Por una parte, Wanda Group, uno de los mayores conglomerados chinos, y por otra, Platinum Estates, 'family office' de origen hongkonés que en los últimos tiempos ha protagonizado importantes inversiones en España, están en conversaciones para que el primero venda al segundo el Edificio España.
926 meneos
3837 clics
El tren en Reino Unido funciona tan mal que las empresas privadas se hacen pasar por públicas para mejorar su reputación

El tren en Reino Unido funciona tan mal que las empresas privadas se hacen pasar por públicas para mejorar su reputación

La Advertising Standards Authority ha emitido esta semana una resolución en la que prohíbe a la operadora británica First Group publicitarse dando a entender que se trata de una empresa del Estado. "La privatización del ferrocarril es tan impopular que para las compañías es rentable dar a entender que son propiedad pública".
277 649 13 K 418
277 649 13 K 418
1 meneos

The Petersen Group: Smart Design and Lifetime Homes

Everyone needs a home, not just simply a house. It is a place where you can escape the pressure of the outside world and find mental and emotional support from your family. Building your house into something you'll hold dear, and find comfort, love, and security is the first step in having your true home. With this goal in mind, a custom home would be the best answer to your special needs. A secondhand house is not bad, but why not make something according to your specifications and tastes from the ground up? Sounds exciting right?
1 0 6 K -49
1 0 6 K -49
1 meneos

Falsified Medicine Analysis

Proliferation of counterfeit medicine market is a great concern to government regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies, health care providers and consumers. However, its percentage is continuously increasing not only in poor and developing countries but also in developed ones. Unfortunately, counterfeiting is one of the most underrated issues in the world that contributes largely to morbidity, mortality and drug intoxication of people of ages, religions and cultures.
1 0 14 K -173
1 0 14 K -173
1 meneos
3 clics

The Peterson Group and Homeopathy: Understanding Its Essential Approach

Although it was discovered and introduced by a German doctor only within the last two centuries, homeopathy has attracted many practitioners and believers. Still, not many know what it really is and what benefits it offers to people with medical problems. Let us look at some of its essential characteristics and the specific advantages it offers to people in general.
1 0 8 K -82
1 0 8 K -82
1 meneos
4 clics

The Peterson Group: The Future of CAM (Complementary, Alternative & Integrative Medicine)

The history of healing or medical practice is as long as the very existence of humans themselves. Well, almost. Many cultures speak of the pre-history of humans when they lived in Utopia or Paradise; and humans and their environment were initially perfect and conducive to perpetual living. But we are talking about history, pre-history.
1 0 7 K -75
1 0 7 K -75
2 meneos
4 clics

New Year, New Home Trends

Home construction has flourished in 2015 as it has in the last preceding years. Now that we have already welcomed 2016, architects and home builders are more optimistic than ever for the future of the industry. Analysts have also predicted that construction has a strong year ahead with the number of pending projects from last year to the upcoming demands of the next 12 months. Developing countries are also set towards urbanization. Topping the list is the city of Jakarta, Indonesia, Bangkok, Thailand and Taipei, Taiwan.
2 0 6 K -59
2 0 6 K -59
11 meneos
105 clics
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ALN no paga nóminas, nos cortan la luz incluso el agua y se lo gastan en sobornar a Sadat Maraña

El grupo ALN nos paga tarde, nos cortan la luz, el agua, trabajamos en situación infrahumanas en un puesto al que no podemos faltar porque la plantilla tiene miedo de perder su "trabajo" por el cual no cobra, y encima ese dinero que nos pertenece se lo gasta el señor Crego en sobornar a cargos políticos. ¡Vergonzoso!
1 meneos
15 clics

Home Builders: Production vs. Custom

As you plan your new home, it is important to consider the type of builder that is best suitable to materialize the home you are planning. One of the questions to ask is whether to sign up with custom home builder or higher-volume home builder which is also referred to as production builders.
1 0 11 K -135
1 0 11 K -135
1 meneos
5 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Why Fun People Should be Leaders

It is a global stereotyping when people consider leaders as boring, condescending and cold-blooded yet there is a basis for all these complaints. Because of the weight of the responsibility, many leaders settle into beastly mode to avoid annoying and irritating followers. However, humor should not only be considered a distraction nor a frivolity. It is actually an important and necessary prescription to a jovial and harmonious relationship for a happy and successful business life.
1 0 0 K 6
1 0 0 K 6
1 meneos
3 clics

How Can You Be Remembered as a Good Leader

When a leader seeks recognition, it does not mean he is at the point of arrogance. Leaders just strive to be significant and thus create greatest impact and influence. These are the types of leaders that we value the most; inspired by their courage and resiliency. They also seek to emulate them to be able to be remembered fully, even if not acknowledged.
1 0 12 K -138
1 0 12 K -138
1 meneos
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Reasons why You Shouldn’t Trust your Realtor Easily

Most prospective house hunters or sellers think they have a “good” agent. They either have agents who they have already acquainted with or perhaps a referral from a friend or a co-worker. One of the big reasons for having confidence in their agent is a belief that the agent is “on their side” and “honest” etc. However, in today’s competing world, there are a lot of agents who are desperate enough to lure you into some scams and will pose as your enemy behind your back.
1 0 1 K -13
1 0 1 K -13
1 meneos
7 clics

Leadership Habits You Must Posses

You have done every advice that you have read in the internet about leadership. You have founded a good team of subordinates who respect you and look up to you. Your boss has also given enough responsibility to you to feel your worth. Well, good for you. The truth is that not every leadership tactic works for every leader. Since there are different human behaviors, one approach may not be suitable for the environment and team you are working with.
1 0 11 K -136
1 0 11 K -136
1 meneos
3 clics

Choosing Art Work For Modern Homes

We rarely enter a home without an art piece in sight. Let’s face it: even the most self-proclaimed and the strictest minimalist has at least one art piece displayed in his home. Art items help us express the personality we want to exude. These displays support the outlook of the room and the theme we want to approach. Searching for the right item can be irritating, intimidating and challenging especially if you admittedly lack art streaks.
1 0 10 K -129
1 0 10 K -129
