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En menéame desde agosto de 2013

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twitch ha sido hackeado [9]

Rocío (documental, versión sin censurar), de Fernando Ruiz Vergara (1980) [30]

  1. #2 La de ochenta y tantos es la version de Antena 3 :troll:

Almería, la última batalla perdida del susanismo [47]

The Oatmeal: No vas a creerte lo que te voy a contar [162]

  1. #23 Aquí un video en el que se explica lo mismo directamente:

    In 1975, psychologist Daniel Batson from the University of Kansas ran a bold experiment.
    To a group of young Christians, Batson presented evidence that Jesus Christ did not rise
    from the dead. Now the evidence wasn’t real, it was created for the experiment. Batson
    wanted to see how the Christians would react.
    The results were surprising. The left bar here shows the level of religious belief before
    receiving the evidence. The right bar shows religious belief after the evidence. After
    people saw evidence that ran counter to their religious belief, their faith actually got
    Now why am I talking about a 1970s experiment examining the belief system of young Christians?
    This study raises a key question: how can people update their beliefs in the opposite
    direction to the evidence? How could they come to have more faith in their religious
    belief than before they received evidence to the contrary?
    This type of response is called the worldview backfire effect. Evidence can backfire if
    it threatens someone’s worldview. And it doesn’t just apply to religious faith. Let’s
    look at some other examples.
    One recent study by Brendan Nyhan and his colleagues tested people’s intent to vaccinate
    their children. This graph shows the level of intent to vaccinate for people who were
    least favourable towards vaccination. The experimenters showed a range of different
    messages about the importance of vaccination to people who deny the positive benefits of
    vaccination. The bar on the left here shows the intent to vaccinate amongst a control
    group, who weren’t shown any messages.
    A second group read a message explaining the risks of preventable diseases. As you can
    see, no difference to the control group.
    A third group read dramatic narratives about diseases. Again, there was no increase in
    an…   » ver todo el comentario

Por qué los niños pequeños japoneses pueden ir solos al colegio (ENG) [169]

  1. #112 Cada uno se ríe como.... :troll:
