En los comentarios de la noticia un tipo ya lo ha desactivado
Deshabilitar en el registro:
1: regedit to open up the registry editor.
2: HKEY_ CURRENT_USER - Software - Policies - Microsoft - Windows
3. right-click windows folder, select new key and rename it WindowsCopilot
4. Right-Click on the new WindowsCopilot folder and select New, DWORD (32-bit) Value and rename it TurnOffWindowsCopilot
5. Click on TurnOffWindowsCopilot to edit it and change the value data to 1
Deshabilitar en el registro:
1: regedit to open up the registry editor.
2: HKEY_ CURRENT_USER - Software - Policies - Microsoft - Windows
3. right-click windows folder, select new key and rename it WindowsCopilot
4. Right-Click on the new WindowsCopilot folder and select New, DWORD (32-bit) Value and rename it TurnOffWindowsCopilot
5. Click on TurnOffWindowsCopilot to edit it and change the value data to 1