~|_@jâ~ dice:
al qaeda
- WiLMA dice:
I don't like Al Qaeda!
~|_@jâ~ dice:
i like al qaeda
- WiLMA dice:
I hate to say it, but I disagree with you!
~|_@jâ~ dice:
im in love with al qaeda
- WiLMA dice:
I absolutely disagree!
~|_@jâ~ dice:
i want to make sex with al qaeda
- WiLMA dice:
Sex with al qaeda? Dude, that's so creepy!
~|_@jâ~ dice:
why this is a fascinating chat?
- WiLMA dice:
Well, it's a long story.
This is fun, but don't you want to learn more about Messenger?
~|_@jâ~ dice:
tell me taht long story
- WiLMA dice:
OK. There once was a human named lajalsne who was chatting with a robot named WiLMA...
All kinds of fantastic, wonderful things happened and they both lived happily ever after. The end.
Did you like my story?
~|_@jâ~ dice:
no, ur story sucks
- WiLMA dice:
No? NO?! But... but... I worked so hard on it!
~|_@jâ~ dice:
and u failed. The lesson is: never tried
- WiLMA dice:
Yes, but that's an old story...
~|_@jâ~ dice:
what is the meaning of life
- WiLMA dice:
That's a very deep subject. I would say it's to pursue a dream, vision, or destiny.
What do you think it is?