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En menéame desde diciembre de 2009

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El #19j salieron 4 gatos a la calle, Diario La Razón [6]

Otra portada alternativa de La Razón tras el 19J [Humor] [5]

  1. #4 nos has pillao, somos secretos de la razón...

El #19j salieron 4 gatos a la calle, Diario La Razón [6]

  1. #0 ¿ donde estabas esta mañana, escribiendo en tu blog?
  1. #0 Enviar excesivas cosas de tu propio blog es spam.

WTF en la seguridad de Facebook (y van…) [66]

  1. #62 Estoy de acuerdo contigo que puede ser que se use con ese fin, o no... pero eso deberian dejarlo claro en los TOC (Terms of Contract) y no simplemente ser una suposicion de lo que podamos pensar o con que intenciones o fines se vayan a utilizar, que es lo que estas haciendo tu. (Y eso que estoy de acuerdo con tu comentario en #61 de que emplear el movil para aumentar la seguridad puede ser factible) pero (y voy a resaltar algunos puntos importantes que comentaba antes en mis comentarios):

    This agreement was written in English (US). To the extent any translated version of this agreement conflicts with the English version, the English version controls. Please note that Section 16 contains certain changes to the general terms for users outside the United States.

    Date of Last Revision: October 4, 2010.

    Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

    This Statement of Rights and Responsibilities ("Statement") derives from the Facebook Principles, and governs our relationship with users and others who interact with Facebook. By using or accessing Facebook, you agree to this Statement.


    Your privacy is very important to us. We designed our Privacy Policy to make important disclosures about how you can use Facebook to share with others and how we collect and can use your content and information. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy, and to use it to help make informed decisions.
    Sharing Your Content and Information

    You own all of the content and information you post on Facebook, and you can control how it is shared through your privacy and application settings. In addition:
    For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos ("IP content"), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in

    …   » ver todo el comentario
