#76Me encantaría ver cortes histológicos del tejido cerebral de los consumidores de Marihuana. hawaii.edu/hivandaids/Altered_Brain_Tissue_Composition_in_Heavy_Marijuf
Aprovecha de leer la conclusión de ese mismo estudio al cuál referencias:
Using voxel-based morphometry, we found brain tissue
composition alterations in heavy marijuana users that were
not detected by previous methods of image analysis.We have
identified areas in both gray matter and white matter of the
brain that are target regions for further investigation. Correlative
neuropathological and histological studies are needed
to understand what the structural results mean at the cellular
level. Given the limitations of a cross-sectional design
as employed here, replication of these preliminary results
in another and larger sample of marijuana users is needed.
Within-subject imaging would be useful to track possible
structural changes with heavy marijuana use, especially before
initiation and after long-term use. This would allow us
to determine if the differences detected in the present study
existed prior to the initiation of marijuana use. The question
of whether marijuana has harmful effects on brain structure
remains open. Although alterations in brain tissue composition
associated with heavy marijuana use may be subtle,
understanding the effects of these changes may be important
for informed decision-making about its use and abuse.
Practico montañismo y he estado cerca de desprendimientos parecidos de roca y hielo.. y siempre, lo que más impresiona, es el ruido, que parece que se te estuviera cayendo el cielo encima.
Otra "solución" para una necesidad que ni existe, ni nunca debió existir. Y con "solución" me refiero a esas falsas terapias para cambiar la orientación sexual.
Me pregunto si ahora se estarán invirtiendo los mismos recursos que se ocuparon para dar origen a esa barbaridad en ayudar a esas familias... temo que la respuesta no sea alentadora.
Yo creo que la única forma de evitar el asedio de parte de las grandes corporaciones en lo que a derechos de autor respecta, es que, las personas que generamos contenidos que usualmente están protegidos ( en mi caso musicales )asumamos la responsabilidad de abandonar el obsoleto sistema de mercado actual e innovar a algo que esté acorde a los tiempos.
Cuando pequeño me hice la misma pregunta. Sin embargo, la respuesta que me dieron fue que era para que las mujeres que amamantaban pudieran sostener al bebé con la mano más hábil ( usualmente la derecha ) y así poder desabrocharse con la izquierda.
Ahora me parece un poco rebuscada, pero aún sigue teniendo algo de sentido.
Aprovecha de leer la conclusión de ese mismo estudio al cuál referencias:
Using voxel-based morphometry, we found brain tissue
composition alterations in heavy marijuana users that were
not detected by previous methods of image analysis.We have
identified areas in both gray matter and white matter of the
brain that are target regions for further investigation. Correlative
neuropathological and histological studies are needed
to understand what the structural results mean at the cellular
level. Given the limitations of a cross-sectional design
as employed here, replication of these preliminary results
in another and larger sample of marijuana users is needed.
Within-subject imaging would be useful to track possible
structural changes with heavy marijuana use, especially before
initiation and after long-term use. This would allow us
to determine if the differences detected in the present study
existed prior to the initiation of marijuana use. The question
of whether marijuana has harmful effects on brain structure
remains open. Although alterations in brain tissue composition
associated with heavy marijuana use may be subtle,
understanding the effects of these changes may be important
for informed decision-making about its use and abuse.