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En menéame desde marzo de 2019

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Las Nuevas Generaciones del PP colocan un enorme cartel en la calle Ferraz, cerca de la sede del PSOE [61]

  1. #15 yo creo que unos roban y joden al pueblo, y otros no tanto o nada directamente. Aunque todos vivan de puta madre al fin y al cabo, hay pequeñas sutilezas que marcan la diferencia, no? 

Robert Kurz – La metafísica de la modernidad y la pulsión de muerte del sujeto que ya no tiene límites [5]

  1. #1 xD xD xD Buen comentario. Solo divaga sobre por qué nos vamos a la mierda, no es para tanto.

Detenido en Finlandia un español acusado de terrorismo islamista [170]

  1. #4 En los medios fineses tampoco dice más:


    "KRP suspects the young man of being trained to commit a terrorist crime
    The suspect in the crime is a 21-year-old Spanish citizen who lives in Finland.

    The Central Criminal Police is conducting a preliminary investigation, where a 21-year-old man is suspected of training to commit a terrorist crime.

    The suspect in the crime is a 21-year-old Spanish citizen who lives in Finland. According to the police, he has acted alone.

    The suspected crime has come to light at the Helsinki Police Department in connection with an investigation into another suspected crime.

    - In connection with the device search conducted by the Helsinki police, extremist Islamist material has come to light, which is now being investigated at the Central Criminal Police, says the head of the investigation, crime commissioner Masi Puolakka in a press release.

    The Helsinki District Court imprisoned the suspect on Friday 16 December 2022. According to coercive information, the police suspect that the act continued from June 2021 until December 13, 2022.

    - The investigation is still in the early stages, and therefore we cannot describe in more detail what kind of activity has piqued our interest. At the moment, there is no information that a concrete terrorist act was planned or that anyone was threatened with violence, says Puolakka."
