- Why can't they keep the damn money safe?
- The money is entirely safe. That is, it didn't disappear (as in poof disappear--not to imply it didn't go anywhere) and it's still usable.
What happened here is the equivalent of two guys getting together one day and deciding to open a "bank." They made some advertisements and people started to deposit into their "bank" because they said it was secure. Then they got robbed because even though they have very strong locks on their titanium doors, they leave the windows open over the weekend. Then people come into the "bank" on Monday to find out that their money is gone and they're fucked because that "bank" isn't actually a "bank" it's just two assholes who one day decided to make a "bank." To make it all worse is, they're not insured.
So who do you really blame here? The guys that did everything wrong when setting up their "bank" by developing security holes into their secure system and went a step farther to not get insured, or do you blame the people who are actually depositing real money into their business?
People need to understand that these things that keep happening where Bitcoin is being stolen isn't a reflection on Bitcoin itself in the same way you don't say the Dollar bill is losing value because someone robbed a bank. Point of fact, the very fact that they can't track these people stealing the money is proof of the Bitcoin concept--and proof of its strengths. We just need to work on educating the masses about using insured and reputable exchanges and everything would be relatively fine.
#1 que conste que te voto negativo no por que me guste Cecilia, que no es el caso, sino por tu más absoluta falta de tacto, empatía y respeto. Una cosa es que no te guste su música y otra muy distinta tus gracietas.
#2 por lo que se ve en las fotos (ver comentario #34) parecen ESTAS y no ESTOS.
Nota, no lo digo en plan machista, que aquí hay mucha gente muy susceptible.
Pues encima no tienen pinta de llevar Telepago, y han entrado en el carril de via T.
Por cierto, pone en los comentarios alguien que lo ha visto en directo que la "ganadora" (la del ibiza) era una señora mayor.
Yo lo he intentado en Madrid, y al final nos pedimos (mi mujer y yo) el día libre y nos fuimos a Segovia a por el DNI y Pasaporte. En 15 minutos y sin ninguna cola nos los hicieron. Luego un poco de turisteo y una buena comida y de vuelta a casa.
Mi pregunta es, ¿cómo es posible que en Segovia no exista el problema ce citas que hay en Madrid? Si, ya se que hay menos habitantes, pero entiendo que en Madrid también hay muchísimas más comisarías en las que sacarse el DNI.