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encontrados: 14, tiempo total: 0.004 segundos rss2
7 meneos
93 clics

Se ha revelado por qué Zelensky pudo visitar Kherson sin ser disparado [RUS]

Las redes sugieren que se abra una causa penal contra Zelensky por cruzar ilegalmente la frontera estatal en la región de Kherson. Otra cosa que preocupa a la gente de a pie es por qué, el ejército ruso no ataca a Kherson, incluyendo el "centro de decisión" en forma de Zelenskyy.
6 1 11 K -24 actualidad
6 1 11 K -24 actualidad
2 meneos
154 clics

Mission To Abandoned Military Aircraft Storage Facility [ENG]  

Visita ilegal a un cementerio de aviones y escalada a unas torres de alta tensión
2 0 6 K -37 ocio
2 0 6 K -37 ocio
11 meneos
11 clics

Twitter censura la expresion 'Illegal alien' (inmigrante/extranjero ilegal) por 'contenido ofensivo' [ENG]

El gobierno federal, el Tribunal Supremo de EE. UU. y abogados de todo el país usan la expresión "illegal alien" (extranjero/inmigrante ilegal) para describir a los inmigrantes que ingresan ilegalmente al país, ya que así es como esta redactado en la ley. Pero Twitter crea sus propias leyes y está bloqueando los twitts que la contienen, sus moderadores, aparentemente lo consideran "discurso de odio".
12 meneos
452 clics

Una semana en la Deep Web, tres años después

Han pasado tres años desde que nos zambullimos una semana en la deep web. Gente pidiendo ayuda para hackear las notas de su universidad, buscando "patentes de energía alternativa" o conversaciones sobre qué tipo de medicamentos/drogas administran a los reclutas en las fuerzas armadas.De todos modos, mi sección favorita es en la que se tratan temas de "conspiranoia". Aquí hay desde usuarios interesados en "comprar almas" (sí, "almas", no armas), preguntando "cómo integrarse en la masonería" o compartiendo libros de brujería.
1 meneos

Fraudsters’ Tricks to Counterfeiting

For years, the authorities have applied different kinds of safety and protective measures to obliterate drug counterfeiting in the list of major issues in the world. The worsening proliferation of drug fraudulence has prompted the authorities to aggressively undertake the problem. Dozens of raid operations have already been held across continents just to pin down the group responsible. World Health Organization (WHO), different health ministries and Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) from different countries have already been on the watch alon
1 0 11 K -144 cultura
1 0 11 K -144 cultura
1 meneos
3 clics

Importance of Chromatography Methods against Counterfeiting

Currently, there are only six countries which have the proper tools and equipment and ensured high quality protective devices to know and detect counterfeit medicines from real ones. Needless to say, these countries are power houses in the field of medicine with advanced technology on their side. Of course, the United States is within the list as well as five European countries. With pharmaceutical counterfeiting becoming a serious issue in both developed and developing countries, procurement of these tools is of uttermost importance.
1 0 6 K -67 actualidad
1 0 6 K -67 actualidad
1 meneos

Problems and Prospects in Afghanistan’s Pharmaceutical Market

Working with World Health Organization (WHO) has brought a lot of perspectives and opened up a wider scope of realization regarding counterfeit medicines. The Peterson Group’s - now an international non-profit organization campaigning against the proliferation of counterfeit medicines across nations - systematic review of the current situation of fraudulence on drug distribution among pharmacies and markets has broadened the problems encountered in counterfeiting. {0x1f3e2} {0x1f3e9} {0x1f691}
1 0 12 K -149 actualidad
1 0 12 K -149 actualidad
1 meneos
6 clics

RFID: Solution to Counterfeiting?

Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) is being eyed as the main answer to the endless issue of flourishing illegal business of drug counterfeiting across the world. With the widespread application of RFID, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expecting to trace purchased prescription drugs to as long as three years ago. This plan, however, is being faced with numerous complaints from pharmaceutical companies.
1 0 11 K -136 actualidad
1 0 11 K -136 actualidad
1 meneos

Medicines, an Intellectual Property

Counterfeit, substandard and fake medicines pose a great risk. Counterfeited clothes, bags and accessories have economic effects, loss of profits and perhaps cause financial downfall. Employment and income which is supposed to be directed to the legitimate brand are being distributed to counterfeiters and imitations. However, the concern of brand owners are being disputed since counterfeited items are helping these brands market their name.
1 0 8 K -83 actualidad
1 0 8 K -83 actualidad
1 meneos
2 clics

The Struggles of Manufacturers to the Widespread of Counterfeit Medicines

In 2012, bevacizumab, a drug which is currently used to cure tumor has been reviewed to have components of chalk. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) immediately sent out warnings to hospitals and clinics of possible the possible taint. It was then found out that for many years, doctors has been prescribing the drug which contains either chalk or cornstarch. In Jakarta, Indonesia and Bangkok, Thailand, FDA even found out that there are a number of bevacizumab which has no effective ingredient at all.
1 0 9 K -103 actualidad
1 0 9 K -103 actualidad
1 meneos
5 clics

FDA Continues warning on Counterfeit Touch Blood Glucose Test Strips

Back in 2005, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has alerted the public to counterfeit blood glucose test strips being sold in the United States claiming different models and under different brands. Upon tracing the origin of these counterfeited medicines, the authorities had found same copies distributed in developing countries including Jakarta, Indonesia, Bangkok, Thailand and some part of Northern Australia.
1 0 9 K -112 actualidad
1 0 9 K -112 actualidad
3 meneos
32 clics

illegal activity

Bueno pues aquí tenéis la tercera parte de Illegal Activity, la peli/serie que están haciendo unos chavales de Matalascañas
2 1 5 K -47
2 1 5 K -47
1 meneos
13 clics

Immigration Service Australia

We are provide corporate and business law, dispute resolution, family law, mediation, migration, property and conveyancing, wills, estate planning & probate and employment & workplace relations.
1 0 10 K -84
1 0 10 K -84
2 meneos

Catalina Lopez de Ecuador, finalista en nuestra belleza Latina

Catalina Lopez, finalista en nuestra belleza Latina, representando al Ecuador. Catalina dijo esta noche: ” Llevaría la corona al Ecuador para que todos reconozcan que si se puede “. Después de ser nominada finalista de la competencia de NUESTRA BELLEZA LATINA en Univision, Canal 34 en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
1 1 9 K -99
1 1 9 K -99
