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encontrados: 341, tiempo total: 0.008 segundos rss2
2 meneos
4 clics

Elliott and Associates Corporate Advisory Services: Fem Finansiella Tips för en Lyckad 2015

I början av ett nytt år ofta signalerar en tid när människor vill göra bedömningar och börja utforska nya sätt att göra positiva förändringar i deras liv. Personliga livsstilsförändringar som att äta hälsosamt och träna mer är bra sätt att börja ett nytt år. Det är dock också viktigt att se till att du börjar året med en solid plan ekonomiskt också.
2 0 12 K -126 actualidad
2 0 12 K -126 actualidad
1 meneos
10 clics

Hass and Associates Cyber Security: Portable HD 'Mirror' from LaCie

Early this month, LaCie made waves when it announced "Mirror", a high-end portable hard drive with a reflective body which is absolutely stunning -- but do you really need such a thing?
1 0 7 K -86 actualidad
1 0 7 K -86 actualidad
2 meneos
5 clics

Elliott & Associates Research Global Markets: Japan's Death Spiral and its Economic Effects

In 2014, the estimated birth-rate in Japan reached a record low of a mere 1 million while the number of registered deaths reached 1.3 million. Such downward trajectory in the country even worsens the already bad situation with a shrinking and aging population...
2 0 10 K -104 actualidad
2 0 10 K -104 actualidad
2 meneos
2 clics

Norvell and Associates Certified Public Accountants: IRS Minner Skattebetalere å Være Klok når du Velger Skatt Preparers

En av de første valgene skattytere vil gjøre i januar er hvordan de planlegger å sende sin skatt. Hvis planlegger å bruke tjenestene til en betalt profesjonell skatt, har Skattemyndighetene noen tips å dele. Her er noen tips du bør huske på når du velger en skatt preparer...
2 0 14 K -138 actualidad
2 0 14 K -138 actualidad
27 meneos
105 clics

Associated Press retira de sus archivos las fotografías de la obra "Cristo orinado" de Andrés Serrano [ENG]  

La agencia de noticias Associate Press retiró de sus archivos las imagenes de la obra "Piss Christ" (Cristo orinado) del artista americano Andrés Serrano, una obra que muestra a un Jesucristo cruficicado sumergido en la orina del autor. La agencia las retiró después de que el diario conservador "Washington Examiner" denunciara que después del ataque a la sede de Charlie hebdo las caricaturas de Mahoma habían sido autocensuradas y pixeladas mientras las fotografías de la obra de Serrano permanecían intactas.
1 meneos
3 clics

Dyman Associates Insurance Group of Companies Review: Forsikring utviklingen i 2014

2014 var en opptatt år for forsikring utøvere, lovgivere og jurister. Året tok en av deførste rettsavgjørelser angående tilgjengeligheten av forsikring for tap av data brudd.Det kom også med avklaring om når en assurandør kan (og ikke) avhengige politikkunntak etter urettmessig nektet å gi et forsvar. Domstolene også lagt bredden tilforekomster der forsikringsselskaper må holde administrative svaret omkostningene.
1 0 13 K -148 actualidad
1 0 13 K -148 actualidad
2 meneos
1 clics

Micron Associates Health and Fitness on Dangers of sitting still (Part 2): How to reduce sitting time

We have previously posted why sitting for long hours is actually a dangerous thing to do, so for this second installment we're hoping to give some pointers that could help all of us sitters prevent a health disaster.
2 0 6 K -58 actualidad
2 0 6 K -58 actualidad
1 meneos
8 clics

Micron Associates Travel Guide: 'Hidden City' Trick - An Open Secret of Travelers

The 'hidden city' trick is sort of an open secret for some travelers and agents alike as observed by Micron Associates Travel Guide. However, manually searching for it requires much time and effort on their part as it does not always apply to all destinations. Even using Skiplagged does not guarantee a favorable result, though it does make the searching part easier.
1 0 7 K -78 actualidad
1 0 7 K -78 actualidad
1 meneos
2 clics

Elliott and Associates renewable energy review europe tokyo paris asia purchase plan

Minimize adverse impact of review of renewable energy purchase plan The Yomiuri Shimbun The government has drawn up a set of measures in regard to five major electric power utilities that have stopped signing new purchase contracts for electricity generated from solar power and other renewable energy sources.
1 0 12 K -131 actualidad
1 0 12 K -131 actualidad
2 meneos
1 clics

Vapo-bærende på Norvell Group and Associates Manufacturers Review

Sunon tilbyder kvalitet svar på spørgsmål vedrørende fordelene af god pejling design i Sunon fans. De fleste modeller leveres med et udvalg af kuglelejer, herunder standard kugleleje, ærme og Sunons proprietære Vapo-bærende ™-teknologi, en af branchens mest effektive design, at stort set eliminere slingrende, reducere forsynet med slid, tilbyde undtagelsesvis stille ydeevne og øge fan liv til en pris, der er ikke mere end er typisk med almindelige fans. Begge teknologier er patenteret og omfatter state-of-the-art forskud i bærende overflademate
1 1 13 K -141 tecnología
1 1 13 K -141 tecnología
1 meneos
3 clics

Norvell Group and Associates Manufacturers Review: Lav støj Design

ACCOUSTICAL STØJNIVEAU Akustisk sondemåling af SUNON fans er lavet i ekkofrie rum med baggrundsstøj er mindre end 15 dBA. Den målte fan kører i fri luft med en mikrofon i en afstand af en meter fra fan indtag.
1 0 9 K -100 actualidad
1 0 9 K -100 actualidad
2 meneos
56 clics

No se ha convertido en verdad

Viñeta de Bernardo Vergara sobre el final de la crisis.
2 0 0 K 26 ocio
2 0 0 K 26 ocio
1 meneos
3 clics

Hass & Associates Online Reviews Om 12 online frauds av julen

Humberside Police har utarbeidet en guide å unngå elektronisk svindel. Humberside Police har lansert en Christmas kampanje for å hjelpe forhindre online fraud. Kalt "The 12 Online svindel av Christmas", søker initiativet å advare folk om vanlige Internett-cons på en årstid når folk er shopping for kjøp online. Og i stedet for franske høner, skilpadde duer og en partridge i en pre-treet, den nye kampanjen inkluderer online shopping svindel, uønsket jul e-kortene og rogue nettsteder for veldedige.
1 0 9 K -99 tecnología
1 0 9 K -99 tecnología
1 meneos
3 clics

Dyman Associates Insurance Group of Companies: 10 Insurance Mistakes to Avoid in 2015

No coverage package is perfect, so avoid nasty surprises. At least a few of the 365 days in 2015 will include a calamity or two for your bank. Many will be small. A few might be large. Some that start small might morph into large. Make sure your bank’s insurance is up to the task of protecting your assets from the calamities. Here are some insurance mistakes to avoid...
1 0 8 K -96 actualidad
1 0 8 K -96 actualidad
1 meneos
2 clics

Dyman Associates Insurance Group of Companies: Versicherungsbetrug

Unternehmen, Agenten, Adjuster, Ärzte und Krankenhäuser oder Verbraucher begehen Versicherungsbetrug, wenn sie lügen oder falsch Fakten zum eigenen finanziellen Vorteil.
1 0 6 K -50 actualidad
1 0 6 K -50 actualidad
1 meneos

Elliott and Associates Global Markets Review på MPs' Utgifter

Elliott and Associates in Europe Tokyo Paris Asia: MPs' utgifter ble makulert å ødelegge smoking gun", hevder varsler. MPs beordret sine utgifter skal makuleres etter bare tre år å hindre at noen "røyking guns" kommer til lys, har en varsler hevdet.
1 0 13 K -162 actualidad
1 0 13 K -162 actualidad
1 meneos

SV TCL & Associates Probe Company: Förvärv Förbättrar SV’s Tekniska Proboffer

(Tempe, Arizona, 25 juni 2013) - SV Probe Pte. Ltd ("SV"), en av världens ledande leverantörer av högpresterande sond kort, meddelade idag att man har ingått ett affärsöverlåtelseavtal för att köpa vissa sondkortaffärs, teknik, immateriella rättigheter och tillgångar Tokyo Cathode Laboratory ("TCL"). Förvärvet kommer att skapa en starkare produktportfölj för SV, placera företaget i en mer konkurrenskraftig position inom IC testning marknaden och ge SV Probe en betydande fördel med tillgång till den stora japanska sonden kortmarknaden.
1 0 5 K -44 actualidad
1 0 5 K -44 actualidad
1 meneos

TCL Edu Associates Programs: Administrative Office Technology

assistants in a variety of professional settings including medical offices, accounting firms and other businesses. CAREER OPTIONS: TCL offers an Associate in Applied Science major in Administrative Office Technology, Administrative Support Diploma, and Administrative Office Technology Certificates including Medical Office Assistant and Word Processing. In 2009, the average annual income in South Carolina for Administrative Office Personnel was $26,650.* *Source: US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
1 0 9 K -102 tecnología
1 0 9 K -102 tecnología
2 meneos
2 clics

Norvell Group and Associates: Ihre Hardwareanforderungen Erfüllt Online

Sprechen Sie über Ihre Elektronik-Hardware-Anforderungen und man kann auf jeden Fall schätzen, was Norvell Electronics über ihre Website bietet. Mit fünfzig Jahren unter den Gürtel lieferte Norvell Electronics Service und Support für die verschiedenen Energiebedarf des privaten und öffentlichen Sektor.
1 1 5 K -43 tecnología
1 1 5 K -43 tecnología
1 meneos
1 clics

Elliott and Associates Energy Review: 40% Coupé en Gaz à effet de Serre d'ici à 2025

Elliott and Associates Energy Review Europe Tokyo Paris Asia: L'Australie a dit il Devrait Viser Pour 40% Coupé en Gaz à effet de Serre d'ici à 2025. Le Climate Institute a également dit que le monde a besoin de savoir comment l'Australie calculera sa cible.
1 0 11 K -118 cultura
1 0 11 K -118 cultura
1 meneos
16 clics

Micron Associates Travel Guide: 5 things to do while waiting at the airport

People who have been on a flight before are probably expecting to go on standby mode whenever they're at the airport, partly because they know there's going to be a very long wait ahead of them. Now it won't be that terrible if your flight is a real long-haul one but you got to admit it's a bummer when the time you're stuck at the airport took longer than the actual flight.
1 0 9 K -114 actualidad
1 0 9 K -114 actualidad
1 meneos
4 clics

Norvell and Associates Review: Was Sie Sehen im Menü is What You Get (Teil 2)

Viele weitere Hersteller dienen zu stützen, Norvell Electronics fähigkeit, exzellenten Service, den Energiebedarf der Wirtschaft und Industrie Branchen anbieten. Hier ist der Rest von den vertrauenswürdigen Produkte-Quellen...
1 0 5 K -48 tecnología
1 0 5 K -48 tecnología
1 meneos

Elliott and Associates economy review: In China testet Obama globalen Einfluss nach den Wahlen

Peking (AP) — seinen Einfluss zu Hause schnell verblassen, Präsident Barack Obama Osten nach China, der Eröffnung Haltestelle einer drei-Länder-Tour sucht, die seine Fähigkeit, eine Führungsrolle in der Welt in seinen letzten zwei Jahren im Amt zu spielen auf die Probe stellen.
1 0 13 K -134 actualidad
1 0 13 K -134 actualidad
2 meneos
6 clics

Agreden a un hombre en Berga por pegar carteles del 9N [CAT]

Un Berguedano recibió una paliza este pasado sábado en el barrio de Santa Eulàlia cuando colgaba carteles a favor de ir a votar el 9 de noviembre. Según han explicado fuentes policiales a NacióBerguedà , el presunto agresor dio dos puñetazos en la cara de la víctima que, supuestamente, estaba colgando carteles de la Asociación de Municipios por la Independencia (AMI) y de la Asociación Catalana de Municipios (ACM) en una cartelera de la calle Maestro Pérez.
2 0 1 K 13 actualidad
2 0 1 K 13 actualidad
2 meneos
3 clics

Norvell Group and Associates: Your Hardware Needs Fulfilled Online

Talk about your electronics hardware needs and one can definitely appreciate what Norvell Electronics provides through its website. With fifty years under its belt, Norvell Electronics has delivered service and support for the various power needs of the private and public sectors. When it comes to power solutions, Norvell offers a wide selection of power supplies, thermal cooling products, filters, protection devices and magnetic, manufactured by many leading companies. More than that, Norvell can also offer products not commonly available at
1 1 9 K -79 tecnología
1 1 9 K -79 tecnología
