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8 meneos
417 clics

Cómo hacer una bufanda 'Infinty Scarf' en 30 minutos  

Como tejer de forma fácil y rápida una bufanda de hilo con sus propias manos. Con esta técnica, podrás crearla en menos de 30 minutos.
1 meneos
5 clics

How to go get a home loan

Axis Capital Group, Inc. located at 4640 Admiralty Way, Suite 500 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292, focuses on real estate which services not only CA but worldwide including SE Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more. Lenders assess your ability to pay back a mortgage by these 5 C’s. Credit history. Your lender will require you to ensure when you’ve borrowed money, you’ve paid it back. Warning, you have to retain an unsoiled record if you would like your loan approved fast. community.good.is/
1 0 10 K -125 ocio
1 0 10 K -125 ocio
3 meneos
35 clics

Los babuínos comparten con los humanos la habilidad del 'Know-How'

La capacidad de acopiar conocimiento a través de generaciones, la llamada cultura acumulada, ha dado a la humanidad el lenguaje y la tecnología. Una investigación ha descubierto que, además de los humanos, los babuínos también son capaces de desarrollar esta cualidades. Sus conclusiones se publican en Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
1 meneos
26 clics

Como Reparar un Disco Rígido  

A través de la herramienta Hirens y el software "Victoria" que viene incorporado, podes detectar errores importantes en tu disco rígido y repararlos.
1 0 11 K -146 tecnología
1 0 11 K -146 tecnología
1 meneos
2 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Fat Burner | Best Diet To Lose Weight | How To Lose Stomach Fat

Optimal fat burner is always ready to help you. If you have any queries feel free to contact us and we must respond as soon as possible.
1 0 1 K 0 cultura
1 0 1 K 0 cultura
1 meneos
6 clics

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia: How to tailor your CV to get more Interviews

If you were proceeding for an interview at a big City law firm in Jakarta Indonesia, it is doubtful you would turn up wearing sandals, swimming trunks and a tee shirt. Similarly, if you were going for an interview to be a Lifesaver for a beach in Bali Indonesia, it may come across as somewhat strange if you turned up for your interview in a pin striped suit and bowler hat. If it’s significant to shape your method for interviews, it is likewise vital when it comes to your CV.
1 0 5 K -52 actualidad
1 0 5 K -52 actualidad
1 meneos
16 clics

Fat Burner | Best Diet to Lose Weight | How to Lose Stomach Fat

Learn how to Loss stomach fat and best diets to lose weight. Optimal fat burner provides you powerful weight loss tips ever and loses weight naturally.
1 0 7 K -50 ocio
1 0 7 K -50 ocio
2 meneos
20 clics

Última temporada. Cómo conoci a vuestra madre (How I met your mother) [sin spoilers]

Fin de la serie How I met your mother. ¿Crees que acabó a tiempo? ¿que fue demasiado larga? ¿o tú eres de los que no querían que se acabase nunca?
1 1 10 K -112 ocio
1 1 10 K -112 ocio
1 meneos
8 clics

Corliss Expert Group Home Security: How to Secure Your Home without Spending Too Much

HOME SECURITY: HOW TO SECURE YOUR HOME WITHOUT SPENDING TOO MUCH Imagine if there were no burglar or criminals who threaten the safety of our homes; we will be surprised how much savings we would have on several things we do to secure ourselves and our loved ones. We would not need fences, gates with locks, doors locks, window grills, CCTV cams, perimeter lighting, shotguns and baseball bats. The cost of maintaining these things can run up to the entire cost of building another room or, in some cases, a whole new house.
1 0 10 K -108 actualidad
1 0 10 K -108 actualidad
1 meneos
2 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

How to Acquire Equipment

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to know that the construction industry has experienced noteworthy changes for the last six years. Amid to depressed housing markets, a deficiency of highway funding and environmental policies like Tier 4 emission ingenuities, equally contractors and equipment manufacturers have seen their fair share of trials.
1 0 4 K -46 tecnología
1 0 4 K -46 tecnología
9 meneos
538 clics

‘Penny in Yo’ pants’: cómo montar en bici con falda y sin miradas indiscretas  

La bicicleta es una máquina perfecta. La falda es un invento impecable. Pero su combinación es (casi) imposible. O no. La ciclista escocesa Johanna Holtan, cansada de ráfagas de viento imprevisibles y miradas lujuriosas, pero sin intención de renunciar a la estética, ha diseñado un sencillo invento para montar en bici con falda. El ‘Penny In Yo’ Pants’ (penique en tus pantalones) sólo necesita de una moneda y una goma de pelo. Esta idea analógica solucionará el conflicto existente entre el sillín y la prenda de ropa femenina por antonomasia.
1 meneos
7 clics

How to cope up with losing your job

Allow yourself accept it and give a reason to get your life going, the first advice Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia provide to people who lost their jobs. It doesn’t matter how self-assured you are, losing a job always grounds you to doubt yourself. In general the two responses are to distrust yourself and your capability, or to guilt your situation or your people at your old company. Both are not worth doing. The best thing you can do is discover a credible purpose why this occurred and then truly believe it.
1 0 14 K -166 actualidad
1 0 14 K -166 actualidad
3 meneos
4 clics

Effortless Methods to prevent and get Rid of Back Zits

Cystic acne breakouts also will probably be close to for a longer period than common acne breakouts and so persons surely want to obtain a means The way to Dispose of Cystic Pimples. In the event you materialize to own it, then right here can be a couple things you could look at doing. Some strategies on how to Do away with Bacne . You ought to Wash Your Confront, Use Toothpaste, Use Aspirin plus much more. These are generally extremely productive dwelling remedies that you could use and
2 1 14 K -146 tecnología
2 1 14 K -146 tecnología
8 meneos
85 clics

Neil Patrick Harris anuncia una autobiografía estilo "elige tu propia aventura" [EN]

Nacerás en Nuevo México. Tendrás tu gran oportunidad en un curso de verano de interpretación. Te meterás en un estrafalario enfrentamiento con el actor Scott Caan en la puerta de un pub.
1 meneos
13 clics

Vídeo grabado en directo de Say My Name  

Vídeo grabado durante el "V Festival Solidario, En directo". Ágora. 31/01/14. Podéis visitar nuestra página en Facebook (www.facebook.com/SayMyNameCoruna) o ...
1 0 11 K -124 cultura
1 0 11 K -124 cultura
2 meneos
4 clics

How To Be A Voice Over

How to be a voice over? We provide wide range of Voice professional or animated films and television shows, narrate documentaries and so on.
1 1 10 K -112 actualidad
1 1 10 K -112 actualidad
414 meneos
16776 clics
Pintando un mural sin saber dibujar

Pintando un mural sin saber dibujar

Esta era la aburrida pared vacía de mi cocina, y yo necesitaba desesperadamente algo que la hiciera guay...
196 218 0 K 550 ocio
196 218 0 K 550 ocio
2 meneos
6 clics

Investing Money in Gold: Gold vs BitCoin

Is Bitcoin better than Gold? And is Gold a Good & Safe Investment?
2 0 12 K -160 cultura
2 0 12 K -160 cultura
8 meneos
284 clics

El sorprendente final de 'Cómo conocí a vuestra madre' indigna a los fans (SPOILER)

Así acabó 'How I Met Your Mother' en un final que ha causado controversia entre los fieles de la serie.
6 2 8 K -52 ocio
6 2 8 K -52 ocio
2 meneos
54 clics

Cómo conoci a vuestra madre 9x15

Análisis de la relación entre Marshall y Lily a lo largo de la veterana comedia de la CBS con motivo de la emisión del capítulo 199.
1 1 6 K -58
1 1 6 K -58
1 meneos

Bully Vention

Say no to bully! stay connected with your children, check the point how to guide your kids against bullying.
1 0 13 K -141
1 0 13 K -141
1 meneos
2 clics

Solutions to Bullying

School life, which used to be a pot of good experiences for kids in the past, has dramatically changed over the years. Kids always have used to tease one another during school life, but due to few aggressive wrongdoers the game of teasing has transformed into bullying these days. And more bad news is that bullying has further been changed into violence.
1 0 13 K -148
1 0 13 K -148
2 meneos
50 clics

Cómo se hacen las Pringles [EN]  

Vídeo de la serie "How it's made" que explica el proceso de producción de las patatas Pringles.
2 0 0 K 20
2 0 0 K 20
5 meneos
606 clics

Fotos inverosímiles de bodas [RU]

Fotos inverosímiles de bodas. Ya sabéis, lo típico y tal...
12 meneos
157 clics

'Como conocí a vuestra madre' celebra sus 200 capitulos

Como conoci a vuestra madre' celebra su capitulo 200, imágenes de la celebración y detalles sobre el capitulo 'How Your Mother Met Me'.
10 2 3 K 35
10 2 3 K 35
