Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 28, tiempo total: 0.007 segundos rss2
29 meneos
78 clics
FACUA denuncia a la aseguradora Celside por trabas e ignorar las peticiones para darse de baja

FACUA denuncia a la aseguradora Celside por trabas e ignorar las peticiones para darse de baja

FACUA-Consumidores en Acción ha denunciado a Celside Insurance (SFAM), la aseguradora que ofertan Fnac y Xiaomi, ante la Dirección General de Consumo. La aseguradora francesa ya fue multada en 2019 con 10 millones de euros por prácticas fraudulentas en la comercialización de seguros. En 2022 la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD) la penalizó con 5.000 euros. La aseguradora exige al consumidor rescindir algunos contratos del seguro con un preaviso de "al menos dos meses antes de cada fecha de vencimiento anual". Cláusula ilegal.
24 5 3 K 102
24 5 3 K 102
19 meneos
59 clics
Quiebra Celside-SFAM tras un reguero de fraudes: FACUA considera escandalosa la inacción de las autoridades de seguros y consumo

Quiebra Celside-SFAM tras un reguero de fraudes: FACUA considera escandalosa la inacción de las autoridades de seguros y consumo

FACUA-Consumidores en Acción considera escandalosa la inacción de las autoridades de seguros y consumo españolas con la aseguradora de productos electrónicos Celside-SFAM, una empresa que acumula miles de reclamaciones de usuarios por introducir en sus contratos cláusulas y prácticas abusivas, y que desembarcó en España a finales de 2019 habiendo sido multada y teniendo un procedimiento penal abierto en el Tribunal de París por cometer estas mismas prácticas irregulares.
15 4 0 K 148
15 4 0 K 148
22 meneos
52 clics

Destacado jurista califica de “infundado” que las aseguradoras de Nord Stream nieguen que sus pólizas cubran riesgos de guerra

Nord Stream AG interpuso el mes pasado una demanda de 400 millones de euros contra la británica Lloyd’s of London y Arch Insurance , con sede en las Bermudas, ante el Tribunal Superior de Londres por negarse a pagar una indemnización. La defensa escrita a la demanda, presentada en nombre de las aseguradoras Lloyd’s y Arch Insurance, fue hecha pública la semana pasada por el ingeniero sueco Erik Andersson, quien dirigió la única expedición privada de investigación
18 4 1 K 136
18 4 1 K 136
4 meneos
25 clics
Estafas, prácticas fraudulentas… la tienda Hubside de Aix, en tela de juicio (fr)

Estafas, prácticas fraudulentas… la tienda Hubside de Aix, en tela de juicio (fr)

Cientos de denuncias, un procedimiento civil en curso iniciado el pasado abril, una multa de 10 millones de euros en 2019 por prácticas comerciales engañosas (para evitar un juicio) y la retirada temporal de la autorización para distribuir pólizas de seguros el pasado abril no parecen haber frenado a la empresa dirigida por el multimillonario de la Drôme Sadri Fegaier. Las cantidades sustraídas sin el consentimiento de sus clientes suelen ser unos cientos de euros, pero en los casos más extremos pueden alcanzar varios miles de euros.
36 meneos
447 clics

Cómo me han robado seiscientos y pico euros en la FNAC

Hilo de Twitter: cómo me han robado seiscientos y pico euros (y espero que no sean más) por una estafa de la FNAC. En Marzo, compré un ordenador en la FNAC y me impusieron un seguro "de un mes gratuito", sin informarme de que después de ese mes me iban a seguir cobrando cantidades rarísimas (tanto por fechas, como por cantidad, o por frecuencia al mes), pasando cada vez pagos mayores.
30 6 0 K 107
30 6 0 K 107
1 meneos

Insurance Definition

Insurance is a methods for security from monetary misfortune. It is a type of hazard administration essentially used to support against the danger of an unforeseen, dubious misfortune. An element which gives protection is known as a safety net provider, insurance agency, or protection transporter. A man or element who purchases Insurance is known as a safeguarded or policyholder.
1 0 14 K -113
1 0 14 K -113
1 meneos
4 clics

Forex Trading Ways for Prediction

Actually, Forex trading is like whether or not prediction. Currency does not amendment in random fashion. Instead it changes in predefined fashion thats outlined by the market demand. So commercialism isnt not possible provided study and skill is performed properly.
1 0 9 K -106
1 0 9 K -106
1 meneos
1 clics

Axis Capital Group Review: Challenges of Micro-insurance in Asia

Micro Insurance is of big importance in many developing and underdeveloped countries. It can be an important tool for sustaining economic growth as they are for the lives of the vulnerable communities. As it has been established for the protection of low-income people against specific perils in return for the regular premium rates, Asian and African countries are mostly benefitting from these micro insurance schemes and projects for years.
1 0 7 K -74
1 0 7 K -74
1 meneos
3 clics

Reasons Why Your Life Insurance May be Declined

Life Insurance is already considered a necessity nowadays. But if you think everybody can just avail of it, you just might get surprised if you get declined. Before you file any complaints, there are actually various reasons why you fail in inquiring a life insurance. Axis Capital, with a group of insurance and reinsurance companies in Bermuda, Singapore, Australia, United Kingdom and the United States, has rounded up some of the main reasons why most insurance companies do not permit you to have a life insurance:
1 0 13 K -134
1 0 13 K -134
1 meneos
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Finding Private Health Insurance

Many of us have to rely on the company’s health care insurance provider. Luckily for those people who can stay in one job for years. How about those people who jumps from one venture to the other? Westhill Insurance Consulting has faced queries on the best alternative whenever unemployment comes near. Private health insurance is…
1 0 15 K -152
1 0 15 K -152
1 meneos
4 clics

Insurance for Expats

Have you had any offers abroad or are you planning to try looking for open opportunities in another country? Have you chosen a country where you feel you can be lucky at? If yes, then that’s good news then. Have you prepared for your migration? Insurance is one of the top priorities you should have. Have you already contacted your agent?
1 0 8 K -74
1 0 8 K -74
1 meneos
2 clics

Builder’s Risk Insurance

We have heard a lot of insurance. From insured buttocks to insured smiles, anything can be insured. Now we ask, how about those in risking their everyday lives? Can they be insured as well? Axis Capital, a group of insurance and reinsurance company based in Bahamas with branches in Singapore, Australia, UK and America has defined this kind of insurance for you to review.
1 0 7 K -71
1 0 7 K -71
1 meneos
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Harver Health Insurance Group Tokyo News: Laajeneva Kimpussa

Haluatko ostaa sairausvakuutuksen ja kutsua agentti. Hän tulee, täysin varustettu esitteitä ja lomakkeita, ja alkaa selittää politiikan vaihtelevat yksinkertaisin monimutkaisempia kuin ennen meneillään erityisiä kannet kuten leikkauksen ja diabetes. Kun tarttua tähän tietotulvasta, aloitat punnitus plussia ja miinuksia kunkin politiikan, mietin, mitä sopii sinulle parhaiten kattaa diabeteksen ja sydämen hoitoa? Tai äitiys? Tai syöpä? Tai, joka kattaa hoidot ulkomailla? Olet hämmentynyt.
1 0 13 K -132
1 0 13 K -132
1 meneos
1 clics

Harver Health Insurance Counter Fraud Group: Cyberattack Targets Health Insurer Records

One of the US' largest health insurers, Anthem, has announced last week that millions of their employee and client records have been illegally accessed through a sophisticated cyberattack.
1 0 12 K -144
1 0 12 K -144
1 meneos

Axis Capital Group Insurance America, Europe, Singapore, Jakarta Personal Accident Insurance Review

We all know that insurance is essential in our lives and a very good investment too. Life insurance can be used by our family members when we passed on; health insurance is to cover our health emergencies and medical needs.
1 0 9 K -110
1 0 9 K -110
2 meneos
3 clics

How to Transfer Your Insurance in Wheels

It is good to know that insurance companies like Axis Capital Holdings, a group of (re)insurance companies with branches all over the world, make it easier to handle our car insurances through insurance transfer.
1 1 14 K -132
1 1 14 K -132
1 meneos
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Harver Health Insurance Group Tokyo News: Krankenversicherung unter Obamacare

Wie Sie dem Finanzamt über Krankenversicherung unter Obamacare melden In diesem Jahr wie Sie Ihrer föderalen Steuererklärung abgeschlossen haben, müssen Sie durch Obamacare noch zusätzliche Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen.
1 0 5 K -49
1 0 5 K -49
1 meneos

Disability Income Insurance: Some Features Say It All

Prospective insurance buyers are often confused about disability income insurance because the features and benefits vary widely from one policy to another. Especially now that there are a lot of frauds out there. Essentially, there are a few key elements that could make a big difference when you make your choice.
1 0 7 K -68
1 0 7 K -68
1 meneos
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Dyman Associates Insurance Group of Companies Review: Forsikring utviklingen i 2014

2014 var en opptatt år for forsikring utøvere, lovgivere og jurister. Året tok en av deførste rettsavgjørelser angående tilgjengeligheten av forsikring for tap av data brudd.Det kom også med avklaring om når en assurandør kan (og ikke) avhengige politikkunntak etter urettmessig nektet å gi et forsvar. Domstolene også lagt bredden tilforekomster der forsikringsselskaper må holde administrative svaret omkostningene.
1 0 13 K -148
1 0 13 K -148
1 meneos
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Dyman Associates Insurance Group of Companies: 10 Insurance Mistakes to Avoid in 2015

No coverage package is perfect, so avoid nasty surprises. At least a few of the 365 days in 2015 will include a calamity or two for your bank. Many will be small. A few might be large. Some that start small might morph into large. Make sure your bank’s insurance is up to the task of protecting your assets from the calamities. Here are some insurance mistakes to avoid...
1 0 8 K -96
1 0 8 K -96
1 meneos
2 clics

Dyman Associates Insurance Group of Companies: Versicherungsbetrug

Unternehmen, Agenten, Adjuster, Ärzte und Krankenhäuser oder Verbraucher begehen Versicherungsbetrug, wenn sie lügen oder falsch Fakten zum eigenen finanziellen Vorteil.
1 0 6 K -50
1 0 6 K -50
1 meneos
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Insurance Fraud Plots

When somebody gives fake info to an insurance company just so it can take advantage of anything of worth that the offender would not have collected if the reality had been stated‚ they’ve performed insurance fraud. Even though you under no circumstances will catch yourself involved in of one of its immoral scams, on the other hand auto insurance fraud affects you. Industry professionals articulate it decelerates genuine insurance claims, upturns premiums and, in some circumstances, places unknowing victims at risk.
1 0 5 K -38
1 0 5 K -38
1 meneos
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Axis Capital: Tips for first-time life insurance buyers

AXIS Capital is a group of global insurer and reinsurer, providing clients and distribution partners with a broad range of specialized risk transfer products and services, i.e. health insurance. We serve a host of industries and diverse coverage needs through our operating subsidiaries and branch offices in Bermuda, Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Singapore and the United States. The company also service SE Asian countries such as Jakarta Indonesia, KL Malaysia and many more.
1 0 7 K -56
1 0 7 K -56
2 meneos
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Axis Capital Group Insurance: Assessing final expense insurance

Final expense insurance, regularly called burial insurance, was retailed door to door as late as the 1960s. Then it turns out to be the domain of mid-sized life insurers, funeral home directors and television spokespeople whose message was simple: "You cannot be turned down!" The cost for burial service has risen from about $700 in 1960 to $8,343 in 2012, says the National Funeral Directors Association. And that doesn't comprise the plot and headstone.
1 1 6 K -49
1 1 6 K -49
1 meneos
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Axis Capital, Bermuda: Health Insurance False Promises to Indonesians created many complaints

Up till now for all the numerous healthcare schemes that have begun at district and provincial levels, the general image is one of failing health pointers and facilities through the country. A 2008 World Health Organization report found that decentralization has ran to the erosion of a once incorporated health system, extremely discouragement the worth of disease surveillance and public health programs. Diseases like polio and leprosy, once under control, are resurfacing and the districts are not capable to attend to these or other complicated
1 0 9 K -117
1 0 9 K -117
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