Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 2, tiempo total: 0.043 segundos rss2
5 meneos
215 clics

Los principales activos financieros ordenados por capitalización

Página para consultar los principales activos financieros , capitalización , variación diaria , semanal y mensual del precio. Appel y Microsoft encabezan la lista de valor de capitalización.
1 meneos

Which is better off Leasing or Buying Capital Assets?

There are generally insistent reasons for a business to lease instead of buying capital assets. Leasing arrangements are a type of finance in which an asset is learned by a third party, typically a bank or finance company, and afterward leased to the end user for a prearranged period of time. This arrangement denotes the business never really has title to the asset for the term of the lease, even though it is permitted to use the asset in that time.
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