Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 252, tiempo total: 0.007 segundos rss2
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The Peterson Group Review: Moving in Guide for Expatriates

The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominiums has its own membership organizations in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Hong Kong.The number of expatriates in the developing cities is increasing gradually every year. Cultural exchange, as it is called, has been happening from across the globe as continental boundaries have opened wide to admit other nationalities. There may even come a time when people are no longer caring on race, religion and color and natives are already fused with different bloods from different nations. S
1 0 9 K -84
1 0 9 K -84
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RFID: Solution to Counterfeiting?

Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) is being eyed as the main answer to the endless issue of flourishing illegal business of drug counterfeiting across the world. With the widespread application of RFID, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expecting to trace purchased prescription drugs to as long as three years ago. This plan, however, is being faced with numerous complaints from pharmaceutical companies.
1 0 11 K -136
1 0 11 K -136
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New Bargain Tips in Buying Furniture for Expats in Asia

Asia is known for its unique and almost eccentric style of designs on furniture using mostly the wonders of nature. Oriental designs, as it is called, are able to attract a lot of homes because of its clean and almost calm ambience. Bamboo and wooden figures are mostly associated with this type of accent. When it was once only exclusive to Japanese and Chinese style of designs, it is now assimilated with other cultures such as Thai, Indonesian, Javanese, Balinese and Vietnamese among others.
1 0 10 K -117
1 0 10 K -117
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Software de espionaje de empresa del Reino Unido usado para aplastar la oposición en Uganda [ENG]

Una empresa con sede en Reino Unido ha vendido tecnología de vigilancia a Uganda que se ha utilizado para aplastar y potencialmente chantajear a los opositores al presidente, de acuerdo a documentos vistos por BBC Newsnight. Un informe interno afirma que la tecnología se ha utilizado también en otros países de África y en Siria. El gobierno de Uganda niega que exista la operación. La firma, Gamma Group, dice que no fomenta, ni ayuda en el mal uso de sus productos a agencias del gobierno.
19 4 1 K 81
19 4 1 K 81
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Defining Fraudulence

Fraudulence has been defined in many ways depending on where it is being used. The general idea around the term is negative and is often used interchangeably with deceitfulness or trickery. The extremity of a fraudulent act ranges from being a mere prank to risking a life. In the field of medicine, health and wellness, it can result to the latter. World Health Organization (WHO) has first used the term counterfeit to the production of counterfeit medicines. Nowadays, the use of the term fraudulent had incited numerous co
1 0 10 K -113
1 0 10 K -113
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Las grandes corporaciones de EEUU se suben a la ola renovable

Goldman Sachs, Johnson & Johnson, Nike, Inc, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, Steelcase, Voya Financial y Walmart. Todas ellas se han comprometido a que el 100% de la electricidad que consuman en sus empresas esté producida a partir de fuentes de energía renovables. El compromiso forma parte de RE100, una iniciativa mundial puesta en marcha por los grupos sin fines de lucro The Climate Group; “La investigación muestra que las empresas más ambiciosas han visto un retorno del 27% por sus inversiones bajas en carbono" Señales claras para COP21.
18 3 0 K 80
18 3 0 K 80
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Forbes Private Capital Group Hong Kong News Alert on $1B Hong Kong Fund Targets Midsize Oil Cos

Law360, New York (July 25, 2012, 1:22 PM ET) -- Hong Kong-based private equity fund Kerogen Capital Ltd. has closed a more than $1 billion fund to invest in midsize oil and gas producers, according to a statement Wednesday by Forbes Private Capital Group, which managed and advised on the fund.
1 0 9 K -110
1 0 9 K -110
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Forbes Private Capital Group Hong Kong News Alert: Kerogen Capital closes over $1 bln energy private equity fund

Kerogen Capital is led by Ivor Orchard, ex Head of Energy & Natural Resources Group in Asia Pacific at J.P.Morgan, and Jason Cheng.
1 0 6 K -49
1 0 6 K -49
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Forbes Private Capital Group Hong Kong News Alert on $1B Hong Kong Fund Targets Midsize Oil Cos

Hong Kong-based private equity fund Kerogen Capital Ltd. has closed a more than $1 billion fund to invest in midsize oil and gas producers, according to a statement Wednesday by Forbes Private Capital Group, which managed and advised on the fund.
1 0 13 K -141
1 0 13 K -141
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Combining Stylish and Functionality

Smart homes are popular nowadays. Stylish and functional designs are being integrated to modern living. We always see that cool kind of furniture with an incredibly funky design which turns out to be the opposite of uselessness. What seems to be a tree structure in a wall turns out to be a book case. We are now out with those bulky home design items which seems to take too much space and yet, do not do anything but gather dust.
1 0 6 K -70
1 0 6 K -70
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Medicines, an Intellectual Property

Counterfeit, substandard and fake medicines pose a great risk. Counterfeited clothes, bags and accessories have economic effects, loss of profits and perhaps cause financial downfall. Employment and income which is supposed to be directed to the legitimate brand are being distributed to counterfeiters and imitations. However, the concern of brand owners are being disputed since counterfeited items are helping these brands market their name.
1 0 8 K -83
1 0 8 K -83
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Understanding Foreign Bank Accounts and Offshore Banking of the Marvont Group

There is an increasing industry of offshore practitioners advising citizens of the United States to set up offshore bank accounts. They convince the U.S. individual to trust the firm secrecy laws of the jurisdiction and to not report ownership of the funds to the Internal Revenue Service. This pure and simple tax fraud gets several people into trouble. Bear in mind that the people of the United States are required to report any financial interest in any offshore account.
1 0 10 K -106
1 0 10 K -106
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Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Singapore Residential Joins Green Wave

Singapore has been a catalyst in eco-friendly establishments and infrastructure recognized not only in Asia but across the world. With 80% of its buildings integrating a proliferation of energy efficient systems and processes which helps in innovative urban planning, the island-city is foretelling a brighter future ahead. Residential buildings, condominiums and apartments are also adapting to this nation’s trend.
1 0 2 K -15
1 0 2 K -15
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Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan: Terms and Conditions

A key understanding of the various regulations and governmental policies which will affect your business from its day to day compliance with taxation and financial reporting to the ever present need for accreditations in a range of different environments is of the upmost importance. The Marvont Group can be your trusted partner as you navigate what may be a never before encountered regulatory field.
1 0 5 K -59
1 0 5 K -59
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Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan - Understanding Foreign Bank Accounts and Offshore

There is an increasing industry of offshore practitioners advising citizens of the United States to set up offshore bank accounts. They convince the U.S. individual to trust the firm secrecy laws of the jurisdiction and to not report ownership of the funds to the Internal Revenue Service. This pure and simple tax fraud gets several people into trouble. Bear in mind that the people of the United States are required to report any financial interest in any offshore account.
1 0 8 K -89
1 0 8 K -89
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Workforce Shortage Results to Illegal Migrant Labor

Construction companies may be a little bit desperate at this time of need. Without realizing it, the industry is already doing actions which go against governing laws of different countries. While the public remains oblivious to the growing issue of the saturation of manpower in construction industries, a lot of workers take advantage of the demand to apply, albeit illegally, in various construction-related businesses in the last couple of years.
1 0 6 K -63
1 0 6 K -63
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Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan on Facts about Asset Protection Planning

The Marvont Group provided some important concepts and interesting facts regarding asset protection.
1 0 7 K -77
1 0 7 K -77
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The Struggles of Manufacturers to the Widespread of Counterfeit Medicines

In 2012, bevacizumab, a drug which is currently used to cure tumor has been reviewed to have components of chalk. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) immediately sent out warnings to hospitals and clinics of possible the possible taint. It was then found out that for many years, doctors has been prescribing the drug which contains either chalk or cornstarch. In Jakarta, Indonesia and Bangkok, Thailand, FDA even found out that there are a number of bevacizumab which has no effective ingredient at all.
1 0 9 K -103
1 0 9 K -103
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Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan: Tips to Avoid Asset Protection Schemes and Scams

The Marvont Group provided several tips below on how to protect yourself from asset protection schemes and scams and how you could lose all your hard earned money if you fall for one.
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1 0 7 K -93
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Asset Protection tru The Marvont Group United States/Tokyo Japan on Definition of a Good Financial Planner

Most of us are aware that there are different types of financial planners for different types of plans. However, we will only concentrate on the financial planners specializing in investments in this discussion.
1 0 15 K -165
1 0 15 K -165
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Alfaone Group Dubai based corporation, Logistics & Supply Chain Management

The Logistics division operates with its head office in Dubai the global hub of Middle east
1 0 6 K -63
1 0 6 K -63
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Alfaone Group Dubai based corporation: Mission & Vision

To be a high-value partner for our customers providing them with innovative products, professional support and services while meeting our obligations to society and the environment.
1 0 21 K -225
1 0 21 K -225
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FDA Continues warning on Counterfeit Touch Blood Glucose Test Strips

Back in 2005, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has alerted the public to counterfeit blood glucose test strips being sold in the United States claiming different models and under different brands. Upon tracing the origin of these counterfeited medicines, the authorities had found same copies distributed in developing countries including Jakarta, Indonesia, Bangkok, Thailand and some part of Northern Australia.
1 0 9 K -112
1 0 9 K -112
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2019 Forecasts 24.3 Exabytes per Month

With the fast adaptation with today’s advanced technology, there is also an increase in monthly mobile data traffic as more and more people use smart phones and are online almost 24/7. While you might be thinking that today’s data subscription is heavy enough, take a look at what Cisco Visual Networking Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast is for 2019. With 24.3 exabytes per month, that is about ten folds of what we have right now and the trajectory date is only set for four years from now.
1 0 9 K -112
1 0 9 K -112
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4 clics
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Benefits of Trinity Energy Group Limited Southern Sudan

There are very many shell companies in this market. It is critical to choose a name you can trust.
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1 0 7 K -78
