Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 41, tiempo total: 0.016 segundos rss2
1 meneos
6 clics

Spokesman: BBB Tip of the Week

Open enrollment for many 2015 health insurance plans is around the corner. Those searching for plans online may think they have found a great deal when they’ve found a scam. The FTC has reached settlements stopping two businesses perpetrating such schemes: Independent Association of Businesses and Health Service Providers Inc. Similar online schemes may still be operating. In addition, online phishing scams are eager to collect your personal information by pretending to offer health insurance.
1 0 5 K -41
1 0 5 K -41
752 meneos
3756 clics

"Nos enteramos de que prescindían de nosotros al ver nuestros puestos ofertados en Infojobs"

Los trabajadores afectados por los despidos de la red pública de telecentros KZgunea, que han ofrecido acceso libre a Internet y formación gratuita durante 12 años, revelan en sede parlamentaria el proceso seguido por las empresas adjudicatarias del servicio para despedir a 52 trabajadores. 20 de los trabajadores despedidos fueron contratados después con salarios más bajos y al resto la subcontrata les debe entre 23.000 y 40.000 euros, dependiendo del puesto, en atrasos e indemnizaciones.
257 495 1 K 1017
257 495 1 K 1017
11 meneos
83 clics

Madrid y Barcelona entre las ciudades más atractivas del mundo para trabajar (eng)

En el último estudio realizado a 200.000 trabajadores de todo el mundo por Boston Consulting Group, se muestra que las ciudades con mayor atracción de talento son Londres y Nueva York. Madrid y Barcelona se sitúan entre los diez primeras ciudades, y España es el único país con dos ciudades en el Top 10.
2 meneos
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India Reintroduces Attention on Tourism to Improve Economy

E-Visa Whereas in other Indian tourism news, the government has exposed plans to begin offering electronic visas for foreign tourists by October. “The e-visa scheme is expected to be rolled out shortly. “We are trying to make it operational by October,” tourism minister Sripad N...
2 0 9 K -120
2 0 9 K -120
1 meneos
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Koyal International Fraud Training and Consulting: Perustamisesta Integrity Business

Koyal’s International Fraud Training and Consulting Group liittyy korkeimmat alan konsulttien ja asiantuntijoiden yli 125 vuoden kokemus petosten hallinta. Kattaa 82 maassa nykyhetkessä, Koyal n palveluihin kuuluvat seuraavasti.
1 0 13 K -132
1 0 13 K -132
1 meneos
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Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia: How to tailor your CV to get more Interviews

If you were proceeding for an interview at a big City law firm in Jakarta Indonesia, it is doubtful you would turn up wearing sandals, swimming trunks and a tee shirt. Similarly, if you were going for an interview to be a Lifesaver for a beach in Bali Indonesia, it may come across as somewhat strange if you turned up for your interview in a pin striped suit and bowler hat. If it’s significant to shape your method for interviews, it is likewise vital when it comes to your CV.
1 0 5 K -52
1 0 5 K -52
1 meneos
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Cheap Travel Destinations in Asia

Taipei, Taiwan -Maybe because of its unglamorous reputation, Taipei does not frequently get recognized for the low-priced bliss it is. Although taxis and hotels can be more costly that the other places on this list, what matters most is the food and shopping. The boundless night markets run a way to pamper in visible ingesting and stuff your face on the cheap. The subway charges are likewise unbelievably sensible, topping off around US$2.
1 0 3 K -32
1 0 3 K -32
1 meneos

Langford puts out welcome mat for seniors

The municipality — with 32 per cent of its population between the ages of 25 and 44 years compared to the B.C. average of 26.3 per cent — entices new seniors’ housing developments with a 10-year tax holiday. But there’s also room — a lot of room — for the massive Westhills development, a planned community that aims to attract grandparents, parents and children.
1 0 9 K -119
1 0 9 K -119
1 meneos
7 clics

How to cope up with losing your job

Allow yourself accept it and give a reason to get your life going, the first advice Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia provide to people who lost their jobs. It doesn’t matter how self-assured you are, losing a job always grounds you to doubt yourself. In general the two responses are to distrust yourself and your capability, or to guilt your situation or your people at your old company. Both are not worth doing. The best thing you can do is discover a credible purpose why this occurred and then truly believe it.
1 0 14 K -166
1 0 14 K -166
1 meneos
25 clics

Black Sand Beaches around the World

Black is beautiful and these black sand beaches from around the world show how true this saying is. This Black Sand Beach, Lost Coast, California is so well-known for its black sand beach lies pristine and relatively untouched. It is 4,000 feet below the surrounding mountains of California. The remote beach is hard to reach and very hard to get in, the only way to get there is the small mountain roads. Camping as well as hiking are the two big things in this area. This is a perfect place to connect with nature.
1 0 5 K -60
1 0 5 K -60
1 meneos

Getting that job takes work

Interviews make some folks nervous. We have to maintain a balance of selling ourselves to our employer and yet not coming across as conceited. A nice middle ground is to be confident. If we are truthful about what we put on a job application, and know that we can do the skills that we’ve listed, our confidence is appropriate.
1 0 6 K -58
1 0 6 K -58
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Jakarta’s Latest Employment Figures Released

Jakarta – Indonesia’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased in 2014. Unaffected from the January 2014 revised rate, and up 2.0 percentage points from 9.3 percent a year ago. The city’s latest rate was the lowest since 2006 when it was 7.0 percent. There were thousands and thousands jobless.
1 0 10 K -120
1 0 10 K -120
801 meneos
2776 clics
Axpe Consulting sancionada con 1.753.910 euros por impago de cuotas de la Seguridad Social

Axpe Consulting sancionada con 1.753.910 euros por impago de cuotas de la Seguridad Social

Hasta que supimos que por las mismas fechas Axpe Consulting estaba recibiendo otra visita: la de una inspección de la Seguridad Social que estaba auditando todas las cuentas de la empresa con la tesorería desde el 2009. El resultado de dicha inspección lo hemos conocido ya: Axpe Consulting ha sido sancionada y obligada a ponerse al día de los pagos no realizados a la Tesorería de la Seguridad Social por una cuantía total de 1.753.910,09€. Relacionada:
265 536 0 K 365
265 536 0 K 365
415 meneos
8800 clics
Informatica_CGT: Echad un vistazo a este video ... [Twitter]

Informatica_CGT: Echad un vistazo a este video ... [Twitter]

Echad un vistazo a este video que el empreSAURIO de Axpe nos dedica En realidad, nos encanta. Sí, luchamos.
184 231 12 K 380
184 231 12 K 380
1 meneos
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London house price bubble moves to the suburbs

Prices for homes outside the centre of the Capital are rising at a record pace. -
1 0 10 K -110
1 0 10 K -110
2 meneos
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Do's and Don'ts When Visiting Jakarta, Indonesia During Ramadan

The company also provides information such as warnings regarding scams, tips and advice regarding travelling abroad, especially to such countries that requires special responsibilities for tourists. Ramadan in Jakarta may be a challenging trip for a tourist, but it can also be a fascinating, uplifting, and festive experience. So if you're planning on visiting the Indonesian capital from July to August, keep in mind these helpful reminders to make your journey worthwhile and more meaningful.
1 1 8 K -98
1 1 8 K -98
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