Actualidad y sociedad

encontrados: 38, tiempo total: 0.011 segundos rss2
20 meneos
38 clics

La coordinadora del PP en Zamora reprocha a Valdeón que no deje su escaño en las Cortes

Mayte Martín ve "poco entendible" y "poco coherente" que la exvicepresidenta de la Junta no haya dimitido también como parlamentaria en las Cortes regionales. A su juicio, la decisión de su compañera de partido supone asumir su responsabilidad "a medias". Rosa Valdeón dimitió este sábado tras un incidente de tráfico este viernes en el que triplicó la tasa de alcohol permitida en un control.
150 meneos
748 clics
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El Ejército expulsado de una feria de educación de Girona

Las Fuerzas Armadas no podrán tener un stand propio en cualquiera de los eventos que se celebren en la Feria de Girona. Los representantes del ejército estarán vetados en la próxima edición de Expojove, que ofrece salidas profesionales a los jóvenes gerundenses.
101 49 36 K 42
101 49 36 K 42
1 meneos
6 clics

Building your Dream Home into Reality

Hiring The Petersen Group as your custom home builder will give you significant benefits in the long run. The company is renowned as one of the most trustworthy builders in Alaska and its neighboring areas. Its previous projects of exceptional quality houses and communities show its ability to build a customer's dream home into reality and satisfy their every need.
1 0 16 K -217
1 0 16 K -217
1 meneos
6 clics

Secret Menu Restaurants is great website which educates people about recipes and prices of all local area Restaurant Menus. You can search here all types of different recipes of your favorite restaurant. With the help of secret menus you can also know the price of every items of your choice restaurant. The aim of secret menus is to serve the information about restaurants recipes and menu prices.
1 0 12 K -150
1 0 12 K -150
584 meneos
1815 clics
Fallece a los 76 años de edad, la leyenda del R&B Ben E. King intérprete de "Stand by me" [ENG]

Fallece a los 76 años de edad, la leyenda del R&B Ben E. King intérprete de "Stand by me" [ENG]

Ha fallecido a los 76 años de edad, la leyenda del R&B Ben E. King intérprete de "Stand by me".
250 334 1 K 393
250 334 1 K 393
688 meneos
6082 clics
Madrid cambia su stand en Fitur por parecer 'gay'

Madrid cambia su stand en Fitur por parecer 'gay'

Pocas horas después de la inauguración de Fitur,el stand que patrocina la ciudad ha cambiado sus colores después de la visita de las autoridades, Ana Botella entre ellas. La razón que publican varios medios,es que no les gustó por "parecer demasiado gay".Los colores del espacio recordaban a la bandera LGTB, algo que ha provocado que los técnicos y encargados hayan tenido que volver a pintarlo para que luzca diferente.Algunas partes han sido incluso cambiadas a negro.El Ayuntamiento ha negado por completo que este cambio se deba a dichos motivos
232 456 9 K 519
232 456 9 K 519
1 meneos
1 clics

Start Your Business with Little to No Capital

AXIS Capital, Inc. headquartered in Grand Island Nebraska, is a Direct Lender providing quality equipment leasing/financing services along with superior customer service, give you this tips to start your business with little to no capital.
1 0 10 K -117
1 0 10 K -117
1 meneos
6 clics

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia: How to tailor your CV to get more Interviews

If you were proceeding for an interview at a big City law firm in Jakarta Indonesia, it is doubtful you would turn up wearing sandals, swimming trunks and a tee shirt. Similarly, if you were going for an interview to be a Lifesaver for a beach in Bali Indonesia, it may come across as somewhat strange if you turned up for your interview in a pin striped suit and bowler hat. If it’s significant to shape your method for interviews, it is likewise vital when it comes to your CV.
1 0 5 K -52
1 0 5 K -52
1 meneos
8 clics

Corliss Expert Group Home Security: How to Secure Your Home without Spending Too Much

HOME SECURITY: HOW TO SECURE YOUR HOME WITHOUT SPENDING TOO MUCH Imagine if there were no burglar or criminals who threaten the safety of our homes; we will be surprised how much savings we would have on several things we do to secure ourselves and our loved ones. We would not need fences, gates with locks, doors locks, window grills, CCTV cams, perimeter lighting, shotguns and baseball bats. The cost of maintaining these things can run up to the entire cost of building another room or, in some cases, a whole new house.
1 0 10 K -108
1 0 10 K -108
1 meneos
4 clics

Tips for Planning your Retirement by Corliss Law Group

Here are the top 10 things you need to know as you plan for retirement.
1 0 9 K -98
1 0 9 K -98
2 meneos
4 clics

Complaints on the jobs not posted but ended up closed without your knowledge

In our hyper-connected society, there are several means to discover jobs counting social media and the web, says Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. It appears like when you found a posting for companies you like, they seldom post something you are appropriate for. There are positions at these companies not ever even make the posting point, and instead are occupied by offline networks, so you’re never even alerted that they existed. So how to land a job before it’s even posted, especially jobs abroad such as KL Malaysia, Bangk
2 0 11 K -116
2 0 11 K -116
7 meneos
170 clics
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Entendiendo las leyes de defensa estadounidenses: SYG (Stand Your Ground) y la Doctrina del Castillo

Hace unos años el estado de Florida (EEUU) aprobó una polémica ley llamada “Stand Your Ground” cuya traducción viene a ser “Mantén tu posición”. Hasta entonces Florida era un “Estado de Retirada”, donde una persona asaltada fuera de su hogar tenía obligación de retirarse de la amenaza antes de poder hacer uso de la fuerza letal en defensa propia.
1 meneos
7 clics

How to cope up with losing your job

Allow yourself accept it and give a reason to get your life going, the first advice Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia provide to people who lost their jobs. It doesn’t matter how self-assured you are, losing a job always grounds you to doubt yourself. In general the two responses are to distrust yourself and your capability, or to guilt your situation or your people at your old company. Both are not worth doing. The best thing you can do is discover a credible purpose why this occurred and then truly believe it.
1 0 14 K -166
1 0 14 K -166
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