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Reasons why You Shouldn’t Trust your Realtor Easily

Most prospective house hunters or sellers think they have a “good” agent. They either have agents who they have already acquainted with or perhaps a referral from a friend or a co-worker. One of the big reasons for having confidence in their agent is a belief that the agent is “on their side” and “honest” etc. However, in today’s competing world, there are a lot of agents who are desperate enough to lure you into some scams and will pose as your enemy behind your back.
1 0 1 K -13
1 0 1 K -13
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Choosing Art Work For Modern Homes

We rarely enter a home without an art piece in sight. Let’s face it: even the most self-proclaimed and the strictest minimalist has at least one art piece displayed in his home. Art items help us express the personality we want to exude. These displays support the outlook of the room and the theme we want to approach. Searching for the right item can be irritating, intimidating and challenging especially if you admittedly lack art streaks.
1 0 10 K -129
1 0 10 K -129
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Distinguishing Different Kinds of Cables and Connectors

Wireless world is the dream of the future. There will come a time when we can finally go on our daily activities without being wasting time dismantling tangled wires and connectors. Everything will soon be digitally connected. In the meantime, while we are not into that phase of technology yet, we can only hold our complaints in and lengthen our patience in handling the bowl of spaghetti behind and around our personal computers and laptops. Perhaps, acquainting ourselves with their names and functions can help.
1 1 8 K -68
1 1 8 K -68
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Studio Room Review Tips for Students

Some students are privileged to have the freedom to have their own space either provided by their parents or availed at their own will and means. Yet, either way, being a student would usually mean owning a studio-type apartment as a start – except of course if you are already overly fortunate to own a house. It can be rented or purchased. Like professionals or even mature adults, decorating a room can be very challenging for these young adults.
1 0 10 K -126
1 0 10 K -126
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Ergonomics behind the Usage of Laptops

Laptops claim to be user-friendly since its features are easily understandable. It is also portable, convenient and lightweight making it efficient to use anywhere. Unfortunately, laptop’s compact design which attaches keyboard and monitor, make it awkward to use. It forces users to an uncomfortable position. It is worse for frequent laptop users since it can affect their stature or a fracture a wrist.
1 0 7 K -74
1 0 7 K -74
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Challenges in Preparing Homeopathic Medicines

When the German physician, Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, first introduced homeopathy to the world, it was because he was appalled by medical practice in the late 1700s when physicians believe that bleeding, vomiting and purging noxious agents from the body can heal it and bring a patient back to health. Same treatment was conducted to the late president, George Washington who died two days after he underwent medication and lost an estimated 128 ounces of blood and received a number of injections and laxatives.
1 1 22 K -249
1 1 22 K -249
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The Peterson Group Review: Moving in Guide for Expatriates

The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominiums has its own membership organizations in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Hong Kong.The number of expatriates in the developing cities is increasing gradually every year. Cultural exchange, as it is called, has been happening from across the globe as continental boundaries have opened wide to admit other nationalities. There may even come a time when people are no longer caring on race, religion and color and natives are already fused with different bloods from different nations. S
1 0 9 K -84
1 0 9 K -84
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New Bargain Tips in Buying Furniture for Expats in Asia

Asia is known for its unique and almost eccentric style of designs on furniture using mostly the wonders of nature. Oriental designs, as it is called, are able to attract a lot of homes because of its clean and almost calm ambience. Bamboo and wooden figures are mostly associated with this type of accent. When it was once only exclusive to Japanese and Chinese style of designs, it is now assimilated with other cultures such as Thai, Indonesian, Javanese, Balinese and Vietnamese among others.
1 0 10 K -117
1 0 10 K -117
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Defining Fraudulence

Fraudulence has been defined in many ways depending on where it is being used. The general idea around the term is negative and is often used interchangeably with deceitfulness or trickery. The extremity of a fraudulent act ranges from being a mere prank to risking a life. In the field of medicine, health and wellness, it can result to the latter. World Health Organization (WHO) has first used the term counterfeit to the production of counterfeit medicines. Nowadays, the use of the term fraudulent had incited numerous co
1 0 10 K -113
1 0 10 K -113
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Introducing Gilles Peterson, International DJ

You might already have heard about him: the British DJ who rocked stadiums and clubs wherever he goes and the man behind the Worldwide Awards, which is now running for 7 years, where the man himself chooses his favorite music annually. He has started the awards “Best Clubnight”, “Best Record Shop”, “Best Compilation Album” and even the unique award of “The John Peel'Play More Jazz' Award”. Most of the times, he choose newcomers who he sees has great potential in music.
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1 0 12 K -136
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Singapore Residential Joins Green Wave

Singapore has been a catalyst in eco-friendly establishments and infrastructure recognized not only in Asia but across the world. With 80% of its buildings integrating a proliferation of energy efficient systems and processes which helps in innovative urban planning, the island-city is foretelling a brighter future ahead. Residential buildings, condominiums and apartments are also adapting to this nation’s trend.
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1 0 2 K -15
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Workforce Shortage Results to Illegal Migrant Labor

Construction companies may be a little bit desperate at this time of need. Without realizing it, the industry is already doing actions which go against governing laws of different countries. While the public remains oblivious to the growing issue of the saturation of manpower in construction industries, a lot of workers take advantage of the demand to apply, albeit illegally, in various construction-related businesses in the last couple of years.
1 0 6 K -63
1 0 6 K -63
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Leader vs Boss

Hear people saying that a leader can always be a boss but not every boss can be a leader? Although leaders and bosses have nearly identical definitions, in effect, they are different in today’s competitive world. Westhill Consulting and Employment, differentiates the two. Just the term “leader” evokes more positivity than that of “boss.” While a boss is mostly concerned with outcomes, a leader is concerned with the overall process and the people who work for the outcome.
1 0 11 K -136
1 0 11 K -136
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Credit Risk Principles

Credit risk is always predictable when you are loaning for your business. Regardless of being a start-up or an already established company, the danger of not being able to pay off your debts always is a probability. There may be different reasons which can cause inability to pay loans. In the first resort, the risk is that of a lender and that it can lead to loss of principal interest and disruption of cash flow.
1 0 0 K 6
1 0 0 K 6
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Axis Capital Group Jakarta Review Traffic Jam, an Issue since Forever

Jakarta, Indonesia – Traffic congestion in main cities around Asia has long been an issue since anyone can remember. According to many surveys like Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Jakarta, Indonesia has received the status of the city with the worst traffic in the world. The city was reviewed to have the highest number of stops and starts with an average of 33, 240 per drive per year.
2 0 9 K -109
2 0 9 K -109
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Koyal Group: De tol van een eenzame leven

Vind je het leuk om alleen? Nieuwe onderzoek van Brigham Young University toontaan hoe slecht eenzaamheid en sociaal isolement, zelfs voor mensen die liever huneigen bedrijf, kan voor de gezondheid. De onderzoekers geanalyseerd gegevens verzameld uit 70 studies en meer dan 3,4miljoen mensen uit 1980 tot 2014. De studies, die gevolgd mensen gemiddeld voorongeveer zeven jaar, bleek dat de mensen die waren sociaal, eenzame of geïsoleerdlevende alleen had ongeveer een 30 procent hogere kans om te sterven tijdens eenbepaalde onderzoeksperiode dan
1 0 11 K -93
1 0 11 K -93
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Indonesiska molnbaserade bokforingsprogram Jurnal griper utsade finansiering: Cheyney Group Accounting Software

En indonesiska start kallas Jurnal, som är en moln-baserade bokföringsprogram för små till medelstora företag, meddelade idag att den fått utsäde finansiering för en hemlig summa från lokala riskkapitalbolag öst Ventures. Jurnal planer på att använda de nya medel att växa i laget och investera kraftigt i ytterligare produktutveckling.
1 0 18 K -170
1 0 18 K -170
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Periscope: Nueva App de Twitter de vídeo en Directo

Ha llegado la aplicación de microblogging en vídeo de Twitter ¿la conoces? Hago una pequeña review sobre ella, nos conectamos en directo con más usuarios del mundo y vemos la terrible obsesión que hay con los frigoríficos en esta red :D
1 0 7 K -55
1 0 7 K -55
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Topcoat Construction Limited (TCL Associates): Tips on How to Repair and Maintain Your Home

Even in the aftermath of plummeting prices of homes in many developed countries as a result of the prevailing global economic crisis, a home remains one of the primary and essential commodities which are still beyond the reach of majority of low-income families in developing countries. Whether one owns a home or not, keeping it in proper condition is a necessary step toward achieving safety and comfort.
1 0 12 K -155
1 0 12 K -155
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Royal Bank of Canada tuin onthuld voor Chelsea Flower Show: The Woo Group Review RBC Wealth Management Hong Kong USA

RBC van engagement tot water instandhouding tentoongesteld zoals het markeert vijf jaar verjaardag in prestigieuze Bloemenshow Londen, 2 December 2014 - tuin ontwerper Matthew Wilson groeide op met een liefde voor het platteland, natuur en het buitenleven en realiseerde op een vroege leeftijd het belang dat zoet water had in het behoud van de natuurlijke wereld. Nu, als directeur en belangrijkste ontwerper op Clifton kwekerijen in Londen, combineert hij deze vroege belangen bij het maken van stedelijke.
1 0 7 K -61
1 0 7 K -61
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Topcoat Construction Limited (TCL Associates): Cykliske Maleri og Udsmykning Tjenester

Gennem anvendelsesområdet unikt tilpassede og specialiserede tjenester har Topcoat Construction Limited med succes leveret hvad små og store projekter kræver til istandsættelse, vedligeholdelse og rehabilitering. Kapacitet af et selskab til at besvare behovene af kunder, der har disse speciale konstruktionskrav tilføjer til virksomhedens voksende omdømme som en vigtig aktør i branchen.
1 0 11 K -115
1 0 11 K -115
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The Woo Group Review RBC Wealth Management Hong Kong USA på RBC søk 15 studenter som er ledende endring

Scholarship Søknadsfrist er 19 februar 2015 TORONTO, 9 desember 2014 - en mulighet til å gjøre en reell samfunnet forskjell, en "tankevekkende" mulighet til å jobbe frivillig i utlandet og viktig hjelpe med den økonomiske byrden opplæring-disse er blant fordelene sitert av tidligere vinnerne av RBC studenter ledende endre stipend som RBC begynner å godta årets programmer.
1 0 0 K 6
1 0 0 K 6
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Tipps zum Umgang mit Geld klug von Cathford Group Credit Inc

Nationalstiftung für Kredit-Beratung in den USA hat eine Umfrage, die ergab, dass fast 80 % der Menschen behaupten, verlieren sie Schlaf durch geldprobleme über andere Themen wie ihre Ehen, die Kinder oder die Sicherheit des Arbeitsplatzes. Es scheint daher, dass viele schlaflosen Menschen in unserer Mitte ein Großteil der unglücklichen Familien umfassen.
1 0 6 K -43
1 0 6 K -43
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How to Manage Work-Related Stress

One of people’s biggest problems is work-related stress. It may be because of a demanding boss, a mountain of workload or pressuring deadlines. Many people say stress is relative and natural but most people who undergo it would give anything just to get rid of it.
2 0 13 K -124
2 0 13 K -124
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Support Ghana’s Continued Growth

Axis Human Capital, a recruitment group based in Africa, supports Ghana’s continued growth and development in its economy. According to the African Economic Outlook, the country remains positive with projected GDP growth of 8.3%. Moreover, Ghana’s government statistics added that the value of goods and services produced in the 3rd quarter of 2014 grew by 0.7% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2014.
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