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How to Conduct a Patent Search?

In the patent procedure, a patent search is usually the first step. A patent search is used to see how unique innovation is compared to the existing one. A patent search will not tell you if your invention infringes on a patent held by someone else. When a utility patent application is filed, the patent office undertakes a patent search automatically because no patent will be provided on any innovation if the applicant was not the first to make the invention.
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Warner Bros intenta patentar el sistema némesis de Shadow of Mordor

El sistema némesis, desarrollado por Monolith Productions, se encarga de crear enemigos que parecen ser capaces de recordar nuestros enfrentamientos, y buscan venganza hacia nosotros. Si les derrotamos, su ira hacia nosotros crecerá; si somos derrotados por ellos, ese enemigo crecerá dentro de su propia organización y se hará más fuerte.
