Ocio, entretenimiento y humor

encontrados: 10, tiempo total: 0.020 segundos rss2
4 meneos
114 clics

Calabozos y dragones: un ejemplo de cómo el capitalismo mata el arte

Los juegos de rol de mesa de repente se han puesto de moda. Para los que hemos sido aficionados a este hobby durante muchas décadas, es difícil creer que aquello que nos ridiculizaba en la escuela sea de repente un éxito generalizado. Hay podcasts y series web sobre TTRPG, hay películas de éxito sobre TTRPG, incluso los famosos los juegan. Lo que antes era un rincón pequeño y marginado de una afición ya oscura es ahora… bueno, todavía bastante pequeño, pero está creciendo. Y no se puede hablar de los TTRPG sin hablar del abuelo de todos ellos.
8 meneos
114 clics
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El intelectual que nos merecemos (ENG)

Jordan Peterson parece muy profundo y ha convencido a muchas personas de que lo tomen en serio. Sin embargo, no tiene casi nada de valor que decir. Esto debería ser obvio para cualquiera que haya pasado incluso unos momentos examinando críticamente sus escritos y discursos, que son cómicamente confusos, pomposos e ignorantes. Son mitad tonterías, mitad banalidad. En un mundo razonable, Peterson sería visto como el tipo de chiflado tedioso al que uno espera no sentarse al lado de un tren.
17 meneos
163 clics

Noam Chomsky Sobre Jordan Peterson, el Posmodernismo, Foucault y Ali-G  

Entrevista de Curt Jaimungal y Peter Glinos a Noam Chomsky, como parte del proyecto documental "Better Left Unsaid".
3 meneos
79 clics

El directivo que cambió la oficina por la calle y el ordenador por la cámara de fotos

En 2010 se lanzó una aplicación llamada Instagram que prometía revolucionar nuestras vidas. No lo hizo. A pesar de las cifras millonarias, de las horas perdidas y de los modismos atroces como selfi, hashtag e influencer; Instagram se basaba en algo que llevamos haciendo miles de años: representar nuestra realidad. Esta es la interesante tesis de Jason Peterson. Y cuando habla uno de los fotógrafos más seguidos de esta red social lo mejor es escuchar.
1 meneos
3 clics

Best Ways to Keep Your Condo in Great Condition

You will definitely experience arduous process in finding the right condo for you. But once you finally found the perfect place for you, every effort you made is worth it the end. You should look for a condo that offers complete amenities that could meet your needs and provides sure convenience and relaxation...
1 0 7 K -69
1 0 7 K -69
1 meneos
1 clics

How to Beat City Pollution

We all know that living in the city and even in some sprawling towns has become a dangerous proposition in terms of health risks due to pollution and, in spite of all the efforts done to mitigate it or address it through clean-air laws, the fight has not been quite successful in many regions. The best that the individual can do is to take some simple steps to minimize the aggravation that pollution brings, steps which can be easily done or resorted to at minimal or no cost at all.
1 0 6 K -49
1 0 6 K -49
1 meneos
4 clics

Battle against Drug Counterfeiting Continues for 2016

The world has witnessed brutal battles against drug counterfeiting last year. Different government sectors, non-profit organizations, pharmaceutical companies, private entities and even individual civilians have put up a lot of effort in taking down fraud online pharmacies conduct raid operations on possible manufacturers and haul drug shipments to and from unsecured territories.
1 0 13 K -156
1 0 13 K -156
1 meneos

Difficult Plight against Counterfeit Medicines

While medicine counterfeiting is fast becoming a lucrative business across the globe, international investigations are being conducted to one of the leading non-profit organizations campaigning against the proliferation of counterfeit medicines in the Asia-Pacific due to allegations of money laundering and corruption. How ironic it is to find one of the activists of illegal activities being questioned for their own legitimacy.
1 0 14 K -156
1 0 14 K -156
1 meneos
4 clics

The Peterson Group Review: Best Cleaning Tips

Now that you have your own unit to go home to, maintenance is the next step. You have the option to get a cleaning service for it or clean it yourself. However, if you are one of those individuals who would not want other people touching their things, then, it leaves you no other choice but to do the cleaning yourself.
1 0 10 K -148
1 0 10 K -148
1 meneos
4 clics

Vertigo Homeopathic Treatment

The British Empire has long been ridiculed and scorned because of its public support to homeopathy, a treatment which many experts consider as quackery. With a lot of individual supporters not only in the United Kingdom but also in many countries around the world, homeopathy has found its way to sensational media and has been patronized by many individual supporters.
1 0 8 K -87
1 0 8 K -87
