Ocio, entretenimiento y humor

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1 meneos
3 clics

Westhill Consulting Tours Review: Jakarta Street Food

Jakarta Street Food is a piece of the overall Java / Javanese cuisine, a chief ethnic group in Indonesia. It is well-known for dishes that are sweet, along with being simple. Java / Javanese cuisine can be separated into three main groups, Central Javanese, East Javanese and Common Javanese, all of which are extensively accessible in Jakarta. More and more food reviews are appreciating Jakarta’s cuisine.
1 0 6 K -70
1 0 6 K -70
1 meneos
4 clics

tours a machu picchu| tour a machu picchu 100% garantizado y recomendado

peru sites agencia de viajes y turismo en cusco, operador oficial de turismo en cusco, viajes de turismo en cusco - peru , Bolivia, paquetes turisticos en peru, tours a machu picchu, camino inca, salkantay, inca jungle, choquequirao, city tour
1 0 11 K -118
1 0 11 K -118
1 meneos
1 clics

Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours, Singapore: Great budget locations

Portugal One of the best choices for a backpacker in Europe, Portugal is in every aspect charming and captivating like the more glamorous and expensive Spain and Italy. Each and every good thing in Portugal is free. Many of the finest tourist attractions in Porto are free of charge and Lisbon has a remarkable diversity of hostels for a budget traveler. Moreover, for the most part of what Portugal’s feature is concealed in simple sight.
1 0 5 K -35
1 0 5 K -35
13 meneos
58 clics

Un tour por el mundo de la corrupción

En el laberíntico Jardín Franciscano de Praga, un oasis urbano en la República Checa, una curiosa ceremonia está teniendo lugar. Los tours -de los que hay varios- le dan a los visitantes una idea de lo que pasó con las enormes sumas de dinero de los contribuyentes que han desaparecido en los bolsillos de empleados públicos y empresarios de dudosa reputación. Es una excursión rápida que pasa por villas ostentosas, proyectos públicos de infraestructura masivamente pasados de presupuesto y corredores desolados de oficinas gubernamentales.
10 3 0 K 71
10 3 0 K 71
1 meneos
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Gay Destinations Outside SE Asia

Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours, Singapore sure know how to define fun. SE Asian cities such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia, Singapore and many more are not the only cities our gay friends can enjoy travelling.
1 0 6 K -65
1 0 6 K -65
2 meneos
13 clics

Crazy Festivals In The World

Harbin Ice Festival, Harbin, China. This festival happens during January. The residents of Harbin resist the bitter Siberian winter by building a city made exclusively of ice instead of staying in front of the fire indoors. Laser technology and traditional sculpting techniques are used to build the chilly metropolis, which then melts into the history books with the arrival of spring.
1 1 7 K -84
1 1 7 K -84
1 meneos
Aviso noticia descartada por violar las normas de uso

Avoiding Jetlag

Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours, Singapore wants your vacation more enjoyable and free of hassle, here are some advice on how to avoid having a jetlag. • Hydrate. You can quickly be dehydrated in the airplane cabins since they are dry and pressurized, this will make you feel really sleepy, what you should do is drink lots of water during the trip since it can help you ease the process. This doesn’t necessarily stop the jetlag, but it will aid the dehydration so it won’t add to your fatigue.
1 0 0 K 6
1 0 0 K 6
1 meneos
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Dangerous Form of Shock Therapy, Indonesia’s Railway Therapy

Indonesian officials are rushing to come with a solution to the newest hazardous trend in Jakarta: people who wander the city's railway tracks looking for free "electric therapy." Some say it’s a scam but people all over the country seems to embrace the therapy.
1 0 7 K -64
1 0 7 K -64
1 meneos
4 clics

Be a Responsible Traveller

Jakarta is a sprawling and crowded city home to approximately 12 million people, which puts it in the category of “Mega-City.” Sadly, the size of the city is taking a toll on the health and well-being of its inhabitants. | www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/networking/go-and-trave
1 0 9 K -110
1 0 9 K -110
12» siguiente
