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9 meneos
23 clics
The Rumjacks - A Fistful O' Roses (Official Music Video)  [Eng]

The Rumjacks - A Fistful O' Roses (Official Music Video) [Eng]

Oh I’ve loved you from afar, I’ve borne you like a scar,
Sung your name across the bloody Colfiorito,
But a poison took your heart, you charmless little tart,
Now you’ve nary a jot o’ bother at all for me-o,
This old town has gone to bits, all the folk are off their tits,
Screamin’, “Hoo-rah! Hurry the fuck t’blazes!”
A right parade o’ fools come to stomp all o’er yer jewels,
Like a fistful o’ half dead roses.

| etiquetas: rumjacks. fistful , roses
