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Best Cars Deals with Rental Cars UAE

The best place online with the list of car rental sites due to a large number of rental options compared to the car rental companies in Dubai. In addition to choosing where and when customers want to pick up and drop off, they can also limit the results to a specific company that delivers to their doors for free. See the results for the cheapest rental price, which is easy and simple to rent or lease if clients have a limited budget and look for 3 to 12 months of long term rent in Dubai.
1 0 9 K -79 ocio
1 0 9 K -79 ocio
36 meneos
909 clics
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Un médico mallorquín logra lo impensable: circula a una media de 240 km/h durante 50 horas seguidas  

Según parece, en Baleares contamos con un conductor de récord, y no es un conductor que haya batido cualquier marca sino que ha sido capaz de recorrer con un coche 12.000 kilómetros en 50 horas o, lo que es lo mismo, ha circulado ininterrumpidamente a 240 kilómetros/hora durante ese periodo sin pararse si quiera a dar un trago.
