Y en el escritorio como va?
En escala logarítmica, que es como se miran estas cosas
Ahora en serio, por si alguien busca de donde salen los datos, en mi opinión mucha palabrería que no especifica directamente de donde....:
Source of Data
We collect data from the browsers of site visitors to our exclusive on-demand network of analytics and social bookmarking products. We count sessions to our network sites, which are defined as a user active on a site with no more than a 30 minute inactive period. A user can have multiple sessions per day. The data is compiled from approximately 100 million valid sessions per month, widely distributed over thousands of websites. The information published is an aggregation of the data from this network of hosted websites. In addition, we classify 430+ referral sources identified as search engines. Aggregate traffic referrals from these engines are summarized and reported monthly. The statistics for search engines include both organic and sponsored referrals.
This data provides valuable insight into significant trends for internet usage. These statistics include monthly information on key statistics such as browser trends (e.g. Internet Explorer vs. Chrome market share), search engine referral data (e.g. Yahoo vs. Bing vs. Google traffic market share) and operating system share (Windows vs. Mac vs. Linux market share or iOS market share vs. Android).
Additional estimates about the website population:
76% participate in pay per click programs to drive traffic to their sites.
43% are commerce sites
18% are corporate sites
10% are content sites
29% classify themselves as other (includes gov, org, search engine marketers etc.)
Competing methodologies are not as accurate as using global analytics data. Competing methods include:
Surveys or Panels: The results from a survey are based on a subset of the general internet population (those willing and able to take surveys). Also, surveys are generally not provided in all languages and for all regions. This can skew the results significantly.
ISP data: While the amount of ISP data can be voluminous, ISPs are regional. So, unless the ISP data is an aggregation of all ISPs, there will be a built in regional bias to the market share reports.
Toolbars or Other Tracking Components Installed on Computers: Since the components would need to be developed identically for every possible platform and language and distributed evenly across all platforms and regions, this collection method is inherently flawed.
Estas noticias me recuerdan cuando crucé Francia en coche hace un tiempo y el 99% de los coches que se veían eran Renault, Peugeot y Citroen. A ver si aprendemos a hacer boicot a marcas que no producen aquí y a apoyar lo local. España es un mercado grande, si las marcas supieran que no se comen un rosco si no producen en el país, más de una y más de dos dejarían sus factorías aquí para quedarse con la clientela. Pero más importante es que con la transición a los vehículos eléctricos hay una oportunidad de oro para desarrollar tecnología y producir aquí, creando empleo local, y dejando los beneficios dentro de nuestras fronteras. Todo esto necesita unas políticas fuertes de apoyo detrás. Pero con todo el dinero que se gasta en empresas extranjeras, en subvenciones y compras de vehículos públicos, con todo ese dinero seguro que se podría ayudar a la iniciativa local.
Menudo angelito
Aqui dice que dio una patada a su mami y que le escupio y le dio una hostia a su hermano........
This place truly made me and my family not feel welcomed. Me, wife, parents and inlaws (albanians) walked down the beach pathway and set camp under an umbrella waiting for a server to come and bring a menu, ask for money or whatever. But no, The owner/administration came yelling at us, screamed, kicked my mom (???!!) out of her beach bed, threw her towel and purse away, spit on me and hit my brother in law with his knee. my wife's side of the family who where locals got really scared. I would've normally responded back but not my home, not my rules. There are wonderful places minjtes away. Dont do this to your loved ones. Avoid.
#9#5#4 El puente de Tacoma entro en resonancia pero por efectos indirectos de otros fenómenos aerolásticos. El artículo deja claro que no es el clásico caso de resonancia forzada. En curioso que se siga poniendo este puente como ejemplo de resonancia.