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El Ejército de Israel pide a los palestinos abandonar Rafá "inmediatamente" ante una inminente ofensiva [111]

  1. #36 we have already read it:

    The Quran contains at least 109 verses in which Muslims are called to kill non-believers in Allah. Some are very graphic, with the explicit order to cut off heads and hands and kill infidels wherever they are hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and are warned that Allah will send them to hell if they do not participate in the massacre.

    Here is a summary of some verses:

    Quran 2:191-193: Kill them where you find them, and expel them from where they have expelled you. Tempt is more serious than killing. Do not fight them near the Sacred Mosque, unless they attack you there. So if they fight against you, kill them: that is the retribution of the infidels. But if they cease, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Fight them until they stop inducing you to apostatize and worship Allah. If they cease, let there be no hostilities except against the wicked.

    Quran 4:95: The believers who stay at home, without being hindered, are not equal to those who fight for Allah with their property and their people.

    Quran 5:51-52: Believers! Do not take Jews and Christians as friends! They are friends of each other. Whoever among you makes friends with them becomes one of them. Allah does not guide the wicked people.

    Quran 9:5: When the holy months have passed, kill the associators [Christians for associating Jesus with God] wherever you find them. Capture them! Siege them! Ambush them everywhere!

    And so, in this tone it continues for 109 long verses…. As you can see, no matter how many excuses they make and tell us that it is “interpretation”… or a “metaphor”… in 109 paragraphs (or suras) it clarifies in every way what a Muslim has to do to please Allah.

    From a theological point of view, or from divinity, that is, from the point of view of a god - Allah -. It is completely absurd to ask the believer to murder in his name, as if the god himself did not have the power to dominate everyone's lives, take them away, cure them or make…   » ver todo el comentario
