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En menéame desde noviembre de 2006

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El árbol más viejo de España es un olivo catalán que aún da frutos y fue plantado hace 1.700 años en la época romana [32]

  1. #20 Si, también es un término geográfico. O no quieres saber donde está el olivo? Si dijera jienense te chirriaría igual? En fin, la alergia que tenéis algunos es increíble.

20 años del estreno de ‘Perdidos (Lost)’: los 5 aportes de la serie a la cultura pop [35]

  1. #17 Esto dice chatGPT:

    "Lost" is a mystery-drama television series that aired from 2004 to 2010, spanning six seasons. The show follows the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, which crashes on a mysterious island in the South Pacific. As they struggle to survive, they encounter supernatural elements, a complex web of secrets, and a shadowy group known as the "Others."

    Here’s a digest of each season:
    Season 1 (2004–2005)

    Main focus: Survival and the mysteries of the island
    The first season introduces the crash survivors and their struggles to survive on the island. Early mysteries emerge, such as the smoke monster, strange island inhabitants ("the Others"), and a mysterious metal hatch. Flashbacks reveal the survivors' lives before the crash, giving insight into characters like Jack (the reluctant leader), Kate (a fugitive), Locke (a paraplegic who can suddenly walk), and Sawyer (a conman).

    Key events:
    The survivors find fresh water and build shelters.
    Locke discovers the island’s mysteries, including the existence of the smoke monster and a hatch.
    A raft is built in an attempt to escape, but it is attacked by the Others.
    At the end of the season, Jack and Locke blow open the hatch door, leading to even deeper island mysteries.

    Season 2 (2005–2006)

    Main focus: The hatch and the DHARMA Initiative
    Season 2 explores the hatch (revealed as the Swan Station), a research facility built by the DHARMA Initiative. Inside, they discover a computer that must be periodically input with a sequence of numbers to prevent an unknown catastrophe. New survivors from the tail section of the plane, including Ana Lucia, Eko, and Bernard, are introduced. Conflicts arise between these groups and the mysterious Others.

    Key events:
    Desmond is introduced as the lone inhabitant of the hatch.
    The survivors learn more about the DHARMA Initiative and the Others.
    Tension grows between the crash survivors and the Others as they abduct some of the…   » ver todo el comentario
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