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En menéame desde abril de 2010

5,51 Karma
749K Ranking

100+ la mayoría de los cuadros locos y divertidos vistos siempre [5]

  1. Que titular más surrealista! :-D.
    #2 Que comentario más surrealista! :-D
  1. #3 Your Spanish isn't very good, is it? :-)
    Anyway here you have a better translation for the title, in case you wanna change it: "Las 100 imágenes más locas y divertidas jamás vistas".

50 imágenes Photoshop Excelente (eng) [26]

  1. #22 A la gente lo que les disgusta no son tus fotos, sino que solo subas noticias tuyas, meneame no es un sitio para el autobombo y en mis carnes he aprendido que tampoco para las noticias del corazón... pero desde luego no es para el autobombo xD.
  1. #4 Sorry, but I didn't fully get you. I appreciate the effort, but I think it's more practical to speak in English ;)

    You can just answer to any of my comments and I'll sure read it. If you want to keep track of me, you can add me as a friend here: www.meneame.net/user/kolme then clicking the heart.

    About the spam issue, it's OK to self promote, but you'll need to send interesting articles in between or people will get pissed off.

    Have a nice day n_n
