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En menéame desde mayo de 2007

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Promoting consumer’s participation in virtual brand communities [8]

  1. La que tiene que aprender leer es usted. En el trabajo hay decenas de referencias.
  1. ¿Es spam compartir trabajos de investigación que uno mismo ha hecho?. De verdad que hay gente difícil de entender.
  1. Virtual brand communities have become a powerful tool for marketers since these communities may help to understand consumer needs and to promote brand loyalty and involvement. In this respect, this work analyzes the effect of participation in a virtual community on consumer commitment and tries to explore how consumers can be motivated in order to take part of a virtual community. To be precise, we analyze the role of trust, satisfaction with previous interactions and communication in the member’s intentions to participate in a virtual community. The data (obtained through an online survey made to members of several virtual brand communities) show first that participation in a virtual community has a positive influence on consumer commitment to the brand around which the community is centred. Secondly, we found that trust in a virtual community had a positive and significant effect on members’ participation in the virtual community activities and, finally, satisfaction with previous interactions and the level of communication significantly increased the level of trust in a virtual community.
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