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El británico Duncan Scott también se niega a darle la mano a Sun Yang [59]

  1. Aquí más información detallada y cronología del caso, sin sensacionalismos ni propaganda antichina, que la meten donde haga falta: www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-21/sun-yang-doping-case-more-complicated-t

    "Here's the crucial chronology of what happened on that night:

    Of the three people who arrived to test Sun at his home at around 11:00pm on September 4, 2018, only one had proper accreditation.
    The swimmer had blood extracted and when filling in the paper work noticed anomalies, which he queried.
    When the answers weren't to his satisfaction he called his coach, the head of China's swimming delegation and his lawyer, all of whom advised against signing incorrect paperwork.
    The report says:

    The blood that was initially collected (and subsequently destroyed) was not collected with proper authorisation and thus was not properly a "sample" … as a result, the sample collection session initiated by IDTM on September, 4, 2018, is invalid and void.

    No FINA DC rule violations can result therefrom.

    One of the testing entourage was at the time taking photos and taking video of the swimmer without authority or permission to do so.

    The conduct on the part of the DCA (doping control assistant) is highly improper and extremely unprofessional. This should never happen … proof of this conduct by a DCA prior to the athlete providing a chaperoned urine sample is unquestionably reason to immediately suspend the DCA's involvement in the testing mission.

    With no other male DCA's to perform this role, the mission with regard to urine collection must be abandoned. Such facts, once established, are a compelling justification for the athlete to refuse to have any further personal and sensitive contact with the DCA.

    Sun's entourage queried the qualifications of the nurse who collected the blood from Sun, known as a blood collection assistant or BCA.

    FINA called no evidence to rebut the serious contentions made by…   » ver todo el comentario
