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En menéame desde julio de 2021

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¿Es mejor Pfizer, Janssen o AstraZeneca contra la variante Delta? El resultado del 'cara a cara' de las dosis frente a la cepa [8]

  1. To be honest, there is not much reliable information on this. Studies are still ongoing to determine the effectiveness of the vaccines against the variants.
    The Delta variant is almost 2.5 times as contagious than the original strain. However, other characteristics still seem to remain the same.
    WHO experts suggest that vaccination along with masks are crucial to combat the Delta variant.

    As of now all vaccines provide at least some protection against the variants. In the event that the vaccines are ineffective against a particular variant, it is possible to alter the compositions of the vaccines to provide protection.

    Have a good day.

¿Es mejor no vacunarse? [35]

  1. The chances that vaccinated people get infected with COVID are very low, you are only 5% likely to get Covid if you get vaccinated. So it is better to get vaccinated.
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