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Me duele Palestina. Me duele la injusticia.

En menéame desde junio de 2008

10,09 Karma
1.315 Ranking
439 Enviadas
122 Publicadas
11K Comentarios
16 Notas
  1. @FrayM gracias!

    @carme muchas felicidades majísima <3
  2. # humor   media
  3. I'm gonna leave this place
    I'm going outer space
    I'll be a refugee
    In different galaxy
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Shit so fat
    Gotta move it like that
    If you put it like that
    It ain't so funny
    Everybody here just
    Running for the money
    And on the streets
    Beggars, junkies
    We didn't learn a thing
    Since we were monkeys
    Never-ending wars
    Screaming and fighting
    Thousands of people disappeared
    Still counting
    Fake news?
    No, no, don't believe them
    Just wanna runaway to freedom
    I'm gonna leave this place
    I'm going outer space
    I'll be a refugee
    In different galaxy
    I'm gonna leave this place
    I'm going outer space
    I'll be a refugee
    In different galaxy
    I'm gonna leave this place
    I'm going outer space
    I'll be a refugee
    In different galaxy
  4. @angelitoMagno hay confirmación de que se ha bajado él del Pregúntame por la incomodidad de las preguntas?, pregunto.
  5. @carademalo la asamblea de majaras se ha reunido, la asamblea de majaras ha decidido, mañana sol. Y buen tiempo.
  6. Take me down to the Paradise City
    Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
    Take me home (I want you, please, take me home)
    Take me down to the Paradise City
    Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
    Take me home (I want you, please, take me home)
    Just an urchin living under the street
    I'm a hard case that's tough to beat
    I'm your charity case, so buy me somethin' to eat
    I'll pay you at another time
    Take it to the end of the line
    Rags and riches, or so they say, you gotta
    Keep pushing for the fortune and fame
    You know it's, it's all a gamble when it's just a game
    You treat it like a capital crime
    Everybody's doing their time
    Take me down to the Paradise City
    Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
    Oh, won't you please take me home? Yeah-yeah
    Take me down to the Paradise City
    Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
    Take me home
    Strapped in the chair of the city's gas chamber
    Why I'm here, I can't quite remember
    The surgeon general says it's hazardous to breathe
    I'd have another cigarette, but I can't see
    Tell me, who you're gonna believe?
    Take me down to the Paradise City
    Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
    Take me home, yeah-yeah
  7. Haremos que Menéame deje de ser un nido de rojos. Llamad a Alejandro Cao de Benós para una cosa.
  8. Al final saldrá barato pagar por rechazar cookies.
  9. Os acordáis de cuando lo único que no funcionaba era el buscador? Qué tiempos, eh?
  10. Si vais a usar el sticky en el footer* subid al menos la X de cerrar imágenes a arriba a la derecha, mamones.

    *la posición de publicidad fijada en la parte baja de la página, para los boomers**

    **los viejos.   media
  11. Hello
    I've waited here for you
    Tonight, I throw myself into
    And out of the red
    Out of her head, she sang
    Come down and waste away with me
    Down with me
    Slow, how you wanted it to be
    I'm over my head
    Out of her head, she sang
    And I wonder
    When I sing along with you
    If everything could ever be this real forever
    If anything could ever be this good again
    The only thing I'll ever ask of you
    You've got to promise not to stop when I say when
    She sang
    Breathe out
    So I can breathe you in
    Hold you in
    And now
    I know you've always been
    Out of your head
    Out of my head, I sang
    And I wonder
    When I sing along with you
    If everything could ever feel this real forever
    If anything could ever be this good again
    The only thing I'll ever ask of you
    You've got to promise not to stop when I say when
    She sang
  12. @woody_alien po ahora bajo al garaje y robo 42 matriculas
  13. 3000notas
  14. @Chinchorro Le llamaréis Valentín, por supuesto...

  15. Eso sí, menudas tetaas, bro.
  16. Melody, la niña del baile del gorila, está en la revuelta desde hace 20 segundos, y es una choni de la reostia. He dicho.
  17. @ZamBombaZo ojalá sea a langosto mayor del reino.

  18. @Zoidborg a qué opositas?
  19. @imparsifal Ya que andas por aquí.
    Hay un usuario que hace spam de dos fuentes.

    Ahora para disimular hace un envío de la fuente escrita y otro de youtube, siendo el origen el mismo.

    Y pienso votar spam porque lo es, y ajustado a la nueva norma de 5 envíos entre uno y otro.

    Como ves,desde el primer dia los spammers van a buscar la forma de colarlo.
  20. @angelitoMagno Tú lo has pensado, yo lo he propuesto, jejejeje:


    xD xD :shit: :troll:
  21. @angelitoMagno Jajajajajaja, ni tan mal xD :shit:
  22. Trump quejándose de que el accidente aéreo ha sido culpa de las políticas de inclusión e integración de Biden, porque, dice, la FAA ha contratado como controladores a personas con deficiencias intelectuales o físicas.

    Uno, diría que no es lo mismo deficiencia intelectual que física: una persona con un retraso cognitivo serio puede todavía hacer trabajos físicos en un aeropuerto, como cargar maletas, y otra con una paraplejia, en una silla de ruedas, puede tener una cabeza bien puesta sobre los hombros como para hacer control aéreo. Pero, como siempre, él dispara al bulto.

    Eso sí, una muestra de que las políticas integradoras e inclusivas de Biden han funcionado es que han conseguido que un subnormal, acompañado de un puñado de retrasados, lleguen a la Casa Blanca… :troll:
  23. Pues ya estamos en febrero, el pana @Chinchorro debe de estar a punto de ser padre por partida doble. Dadle ánimos a su santa parienta. Qué vaya guay la cosa, bonicos!
  24. Uh, uh
    Life's like this
    Uh, huh, uh, huh
    That's the way it is

    'Cause life's like this
    Uh, huh, uh, huh
    That's the way it is

    Chill out, whatcha yellin' for?
    Lay back, it's all been done before
    And if you could only let it be
    You would see

    I like you the way you are
    When we're drivin' in your car
    And you're talkin' to me one-on-one
    But you become

    Somebody else 'round everyone else
    You're watchin' your back like you can't relax
    You're tryin' to be cool
    You look like a fool to me
    Tell me

    Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
    I see the way you're
    Actin' like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated
    And life's like this, you

    And you fall, and you crawl, and you break
    And you take what you get
    And you turn it into
    Honesty, and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
    No, no, no
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