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En menéame desde febrero de 2015

8,62 Karma
4.518 Ranking
  1. Motörhead & Girlschool – "Please Don’t Touch (Official Top Of The Pops Performance)" www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSiMuKf9p3U
  2. Ilegales - " Es ansiedad" www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-tegEC7YWk
  3. @Stieg_bcn_2 Pero díselo, díselo al tronzadoras.
    @habitante TRONZADORAS.

    @ChiquiVigo :peineta: :pagafantas:
  5. Oh, Mona Lisa feel that beat and she's gonna light a fire
    Baila, baila, un poquita, let me stay a night
    Oh, Mona Lisa, I know we're gonna start a fire
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    Oh, Mona Lisa feel that beat and she's gonna light a fire
    Baila, baila, un poquita, let me stay a night
    Oh, Mona Lisa, I know we're gonna start a fire
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    Oh Mona Lisa, Lisa
    We really got it now, we got it, got it, now
    We really got it now, we got it now
    Oh, Mona Lisa, mi chiquita, when you gonna come on over
    Run, run, run, if you wanna have fun
    Come on just let me know
    Oh, Mona Lisa, I know we're gonna start a fire
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    Oh, Mona Lisa, Lisa
    We really got it now, we got it, got it, now
    We really got it now, we got it now
  6. John Fogerty -" When Will I Be Loved" www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds8B-8fADqk
  7. Do you think about me when you're all alone?
    The things we used to do, we used to be
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    Do you think about me when the crowd is gone?
    It used to be so easy, you and me
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    When you need a way to beat the pressure down
    When you need to find a way to breathe
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    If you wanna see me when the crowd is gone
    Used to be so easy, can't you see?
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
    I could be the one to make you feel that way
    I could be the one to set you free
  8. My Morning Jacket - " Squid Ink " www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCxgxQwYBOU
  9. When I look up to the sky
    I see your eyes, a funny kind of yellow
    I rush home to bed, I sunk my head
    I see your face underneath my pillow
    I wake next morning, tired, still yawning
    See your face come peeping through my window
    Pictures of matchstick men and you
    Images of matchstick men and you
    All I ever see is them and you
    Windows echo your reflection
    When I look in their direction, gone
    When will this haunting stop?
    Your face, it just won't leave me alone
    Pictures of matchstick men and you
    Images of matchstick men and you
    All I ever see is them and you
    You in the sky, you with this guy
    You make me cry, you lie
    You in the sky, you with this guy
    You make me cry, you lie
    Pictures of matchstick men
    Pictures of matchstick men
    Pictures of matchstick men
    Pictures of matchstick men
  10. Los Estanques - "A quién robé, cómo y qué / Scherzo (Directo Bregel estudios) " www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7XpLiCQ--0
  11. Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the schizophrenic psycho
    She lays down on the fresh lawn
    She can make everything magical
    But she tied one on big time
    And it makes me wanna rewind
    To back in the days when we were young
    When everything was like a loaded gun
    Ready to go off at any minute
    And you know we're gonna win again
    Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
    Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the paranoid freak, oh yeah
    She lays down on the sidewalk
    Never very analytical
    She is something simply beautiful
    Reappear when you feel magical
    To back in the days when we were young
    When everything was like a loaded gun
    Ready to go off at any minute
    Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
    Maybe I'm the one
    Maybe I'm the one
    Who is the paranoid freak
  12. The Rumjacks ·"Come Hell or High Water" www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vs0tNBwMVM
  13. Ease up a little bit
    'Cause I want to want you
    Follow the money spent
    Well, that's fine to guide you
    By my side, let's go for a long ride
    In my car, I'll drive you to my star
    Out in space, won't matter where we are
    Hey, hey, yeah
    A celebration, about time
    A generation out of line, yeah
    A revolution's in everyone (ah)
    Blame the gun
    Blame the gun
    Ease up a little bit
    'Cause I have to have you
    Drink up a little bit
    If you're mine, I'll find you
    By my side, let's go for a long ride
    In my car, I'll drive you to my star
    Out in space, won't matter where we are
    Hey, hey, yeah
    A celebration, about time
    A generation out of line, yeah
    A revolution's in everyone (ah)
    Blame the gun, yeah
    Hey, hey, yeah
    A celebration, about time
    A generation out of line, yeah
    A revolution's in everyone
    Blame the...
    Celebration, about time
    Generation's out of line, yeah
    Revolution's in everyone (ah)
    Blame the gun
    Blame the gun
    Blame the gun now
    Ooh, blame the gun
  14. Rafael Berrio - "Hola y adiós" www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MOyxoLeb4k
  15. The Offspring -"Fix You " www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOf_QJykVQM
  16. @vazana Acabo de editar el comentario. A qué te refieres, ¿a la ley del más fuerte?
  17. @vazana El problema de fondo, el problema real, es que los partidos políticos se lo acaban siempre montando de tal modo que es simplemente imposible salir de su círculo vicioso, de su enfermiza endogamia y de su ámbito de influencia. Lo siguiente es plantearse si realmente la idea de un "partido único" no acaba conduciendo comportamientos similares. Supongo que eso dependerá mucho de la cultura de cada país; lo que pueda funcionar en China o en Rusia quizas no sea aplicable en la sociedad española actual. Solo sé que no sé nada.
  18. En Valencia se está quemando un #bingo, huele a chamusquina... los bingos están de capa caída y... :roll:
  19. @vazana No lo tengo tan claro, la estupidez humana parece no tener límites. En cualquier caso ojalá lleves razón porque nos evitaría muchísimos disgustos añadidos.
  20. He visto una luz
    Hace tiempo Venus se apago
    He visto morir
    Una estrella en el cielo de Orion
    No hay señal
    No hay señal de vida humana y yo
    Perdido en el tiempo
    Perdido en otra dimensión
    Oh, oh oh, oh ah
    Soy el capitán
    De la nave tengo el control
    Llamando a la Tierra
    Esperando contestación
    Soy un cow boy
    Del espacio azul eléctrico
    A dos mil millones de años luz
    De mi casa estoy
    Oh, oh oh, oh ah
    Quisiera volver
    No termina nunca esta misión
    Me acuerdo de ti
    Como un cuento de ciencia ficción
    No estoy tan mal
    Juego al poker con mi ordenador
    Se pasan los días
    No hay noticias desde la estación
    Oh, oh oh, oh ah
  21. Jethro Tull – " The Tipu House" www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnAYn2Ff58E
  22. Una captura tomada del telediario hace unos minutos que habla por si misma :   media
  23. I'm gonna leave this place
    I'm going outer space
    I'll be a refugee
    In different galaxy
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Put it like that
    Put it, put it like that
    Shit so fat
    Gotta move it like that
    If you put it like that
    It ain't so funny
    Everybody here just
    Running for the money
    And on the streets
    Beggars, junkies
    We didn't learn a thing
    Since we were monkeys
    Never-ending wars
    Screaming and fighting
    Thousands of people disappeared
    Still counting
    Fake news?
    No, no, don't believe them
    Just wanna runaway to freedom
    I'm gonna leave this place
    I'm going outer space
    I'll be a refugee
    In different galaxy
    I'm gonna leave this place
    I'm going outer space
    I'll be a refugee
    In different galaxy
    I'm gonna leave this place
    I'm going outer space
    I'll be a refugee
    In different galaxy
  24. Gorillaz -"Three Hearts, Seven Seas, Twelve Moons" www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhKomkoHvkA
  25. Le acabo de preguntar a esta IA huggingface.co/spaces/Qwen/Qwen2.5-Max-Demo sobre las últimas declaraciones en torno al desplazamiento masivo de personas :
    1. El Principio de Derechos Humanos :
    El desplazamiento forzado de una población de su tierra ancestral, especialmente bajo circunstancias de conflicto armado, viola los principios fundamentales de los derechos humanos establecidos por la ONU y otros organismos internacionales.
    2. Derecho Internacional y Soberanía :
    Según el derecho internacional, incluidas las resoluciones de la ONU, los palestinos tienen derecho a la autodeterminación y a vivir en sus tierras históricas.
    3. Reacciones Globales : Las reacciones de rechazo de muchas naciones alrededor del mundo reflejan la preocupación global por la escalada de violencia y la falta de respeto por los principios fundamentales de paz y justicia.
    4. Impacto Humanitario : Forzar un desplazamiento masivo solo empeoraría esta crisis, creando un sufrimiento inimaginable...Si bien (inombrable 1) tiene una larga historia de apoyo a (inombrable 2), esta nueva postura descrita parece radical incluso dentro de ese contexto..."
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