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En menéame desde octubre de 2017

5,00 Karma
724K Ranking
  1. @tnt80 @angelitoMagno @Blackheart
    Pues sí que ha durado poco... :-P
    #Free @Codina
    {0x1f4f7}   media
  2. ¿Por qué @Codina me sale en gris? ?(
  3. @Codina Parafraseando a Manquiña, el conflito es el conflito. :troll:
  4. @Codina

    "Americans are free, in short, to disagree with the law but not to disobey it. For in a government of laws and not of men, no man, however prominent or powerful, and no mob, however unruly or boisterous, is entitled to defy a court of law. If this country should ever reach the point where any man or group of men by force or threat of force could long defy the commands of our court and our Constitution, then no law would stand free from doubt, no judge would be sure of his writ, and no citizen would be safe from his neighbors."

    "It was for this reason that I federalized the Mississippi National Guard as the most appropriate instrument, should any be needed, to preserve law and order while United States marshals carried out the orders of the court and prepared to back them up with whatever other civil or military enforcement might have been required."

    JFK, 1962.
