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  1. Acabo de leer un anuncio en Dynamic DNS. Parece que la compañía everydns.net está siendo absorvida por dyndns.org

    Twitter @WikiLeaks
    WikiLeaks,org domain killed by US everydns.net after claimed mass attacks KEEP US STRONG donations.datacell.com/

    Twitter @DynInc
    24 hours ago we made a decision we believe is in the best interest of our users and customers. Please read: everydns.net

    Extraigo la nota
    Welcome to EveryDNS.net -- a project to provide DNS services to the Internet. Dyn Inc. (the people behind DynDNS.com - free DDNS, dynamic DNS, DNS hosting, domain registration, plus other goodies and the Dynect Platform - external managed DNS, traffic management, and the best anycast out there. Dyn Inc. will be transitioning users of EveryDNS.net onto the DynDNS Custom services over 2010.

    EveryDNS.net provides Static DNS services as well as many advanced services such as Secondary DNS and AXFR service.

    A $15-$30 dollar donation is appreciated to help our services grow and improve. Thank you for your support of this free service.
  1. Cabrones! Están cortando nuestros cables a la información!

    Los gobiernos nos quieren controlar y no podemos permitir esto!

    Wikileaks nos representa a todos! Nos quieren burros, ciegos y obedientes!
  1. Al final no sólo va a ser necesario, sino que va a ser urgente tener un DNS distribuido como el que comenta el de The Pirate Bay www.meneame.net/backend/go.php?id=1107582
  1. Pues mira, de aqui a 2 dias abriran wikiloks y de aqui a 4 wikilaks.
  1. No podrán hacerla callar.
  1. Solución:

    De nada.
