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#7 Te dejo esta imagen que lo dice todo, pero sé que esto es menéame y antes te da un infarto que reconocer que te has equivocado y no es un "upscaling sencillo" como estás diciendo.

Pero ya puesto a tozudez que en los hashtags del video poner #deeplearning ...no sé tu verás. (abre la imagen en una pestaña nueva)  media
¿Qué dice el bueno de Yann LeCun ? (parece que los de IA Fb andan un poco picados con los Google).

Yann LeCun
Ayer a las 3:15 ·
Statement from a Slashdot post about the AlphaGo victory: "We know now that we don't need any big new breakthroughs to get to true AI"

That is completely, utterly, ridiculously wrong.

As I've said in previous statements: most of human and animal learning is unsupervised learning. If intelligence was a cake, unsupervised learning would be the cake, supervised learning would be the icing on the cake, and reinforcement learning would be the cherry on the cake. We know how to make the icing and the cherry, but we don't know how to make the cake.

We need to solve the unsupervised learning problem before we can even think of getting to true AI. And that's just an obstacle we know about. What about all the ones we don't know about?

#deeplearning #AI #AlphaGo
