Pwneds, Karma, troleos, fallos, WTFs...

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Hoy es un buen día para recordar al falso controlador aéreo José Carlos Barrios Sánchez, alias @spainbuca, el estafador que cobró un pastizal de RT para difundir bulos sobre el #MH17
Otra noticia complementaria :

Pruebas forenses confirman que el vuelo #MH17 fue derribado por un misil BUK de fabricación rusa :
Transcript of the BBC Video Report

DPR Representative: Here it is.
Olga Ivshina, BBC: The black boxes from the crashed Boeing are finally being transferred into the hands of the experts. However, how much can they tell us?
The recorders logged the coordinates and the heading of the aircraft at the time of the incident and may have recorded the sound of the explosion. However, they will not tell us what exactly caused the explosion.
The inhabitants of the nearby villages are certain that they saw military aircraft in the sky shortly prior to the catastrophe. According to them, it actually was the jet fighters that brought down the Boeing.
Eyewitness #1: There were two explosions in the air. And this is how it broke apart. And [the fragments] blew apart like this, to the sides. And when ……   » ver todo el comentario
La agencia Reuters informa en Twitter que hay ciudadanos estadounidenses entre los fallecidos:

#BREAKING: Number of dead from crash of #MH17 more than 300, includes 23 U.S. citizen: Interior Ministry adviser, quoted by Interfax
Me suelo fiar bastante de @shustry (corresponsal de Time)
"Spoke to Ukraine separatist leader Tsarev. Says they don't have the weapons to take down #MH17. Hung up when asked about their BUK missiles"
"Hablé con un líder separatista. Dijo que no tienen las armas para derribar ese avión. Colgó cuando le pregunté sobre los misiles BUK" #188
