Economía mundial y mercados
7 meneos
53 clics
¿Qué diablos le ocurre a la economía global? (ENG)

¿Qué diablos le ocurre a la economía global? (ENG)

The dawn of the twenty-first century has proved unsettling. It was not what we expected. Only a few years ago, the world was full with apparently justified optimism. The new century would be free of the ideological fights that plagued the twentieth. A consensus emerged that markets and democracy were the basis for healthy societies; the prospect of a war between superpowers faded into the past; a “new economy” born out of the combination of computers and telecommunications was emerging and globalization was uniting the world into a happy global village. Countries all over the world liberalized their economies and joined the ranks of democracy...

| etiquetas: economía , revolución
