@tnt80 Bah, ¿qué son 410 millones de americanos hispanoparlantes porque en su país es la lengua oficial, además de los >62 millones de hispanoparlantes que hay en EE.UU?
@Presidente_Xi El script usa la segunda opción que comentas reemplazando los enlaces para que sea automático. Antes había usado Nitter pero se lo cargaron.
@ochoceros@cajadecartonmojada con fixupx o xcancel tambien se puede. Estaria bien que quien suba enlaces a twitter los cambiara por alguna de esas 2 opciones. Primero por que asi se puede leer tanto los twitts, como los hilos, como las respuestas. Y segundo, para que se joda la gran rata almizclera
La degeneración en EEUU y su caída como imperio, hace tiempo que es ya patente, pero tener en el poder estadounidense a un payaso nazi que se pone de nick "pelotas peludas", es el colmo de la aberración más absoluta y esperpéntica.
@Golan_Trevize De hecho ya tengo pigmento rojo de Hormoz, es el de la izquierda; el de la derecha es de la toscana. Tambien tengo otro amarillo de Iran, pero no me queda claro si tambien es de Hormoz o de la costa de enfrente de la isla.
@Chinchorro Un fuerte abrazo, mi enhorabuena por tu paternidad y mi más sincero pésame por la pérdida de tus noches enteras durmiendo para los próximos quince años o más.
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the schizophrenic psycho
She lays down on the fresh lawn
She can make everything magical
But she tied one on big time
And it makes me wanna rewind
To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
And you know we're gonna win again
Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the paranoid freak, oh yeah
She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Reappear when you feel magical
To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the paranoid freak
Ease up a little bit
'Cause I want to want you
Follow the money spent
Well, that's fine to guide you
By my side, let's go for a long ride
In my car, I'll drive you to my star
Out in space, won't matter where we are
Hey, hey, yeah
A celebration, about time
A generation out of line, yeah
A revolution's in everyone (ah)
Blame the gun
Blame the gun
Ease up a little bit
'Cause I have to have you
Drink up a little bit
If you're mine, I'll find you
By my side, let's go for a long ride
In my car, I'll drive you to my star
Out in space, won't matter where we are
Hey, hey, yeah
A celebration, about time
A generation out of line, yeah
A revolution's in everyone (ah)
Blame the gun, yeah
Hey, hey, yeah
A celebration, about time
A generation out of line, yeah
A revolution's in everyone
Blame the...
Celebration, about time
Generation's out of line, yeah
Revolution's in everyone (ah)
Blame the gun
Blame the gun
Blame the gun now
Ooh, blame the gun
Y si alguna vez te puede la situación, pensar en este igual te ayuda:
Muy cómodo para poder ver las respuestas a los tuits.
Gracias a @cajadecartonmojada por descubrirme el servicio
Luego ya aplica eso de que te has tirado 2 años intentando que hablen y los 16 siguientes te los tiras intentando que se callen.
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the schizophrenic psycho
She lays down on the fresh lawn
She can make everything magical
But she tied one on big time
And it makes me wanna rewind
To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
And you know we're gonna win again
Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the paranoid freak, oh yeah
She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Reappear when you feel magical
To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah, you know we're gonna win again
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the schizophrenic psycho, yeah
Maybe I'm the one
Maybe I'm the one
Who is the paranoid freak
'Cause I want to want you
Follow the money spent
Well, that's fine to guide you
By my side, let's go for a long ride
In my car, I'll drive you to my star
Out in space, won't matter where we are
Hey, hey, yeah
A celebration, about time
A generation out of line, yeah
A revolution's in everyone (ah)
Blame the gun
Blame the gun
Ease up a little bit
'Cause I have to have you
Drink up a little bit
If you're mine, I'll find you
By my side, let's go for a long ride
In my car, I'll drive you to my star
Out in space, won't matter where we are
Hey, hey, yeah
A celebration, about time
A generation out of line, yeah
A revolution's in everyone (ah)
Blame the gun, yeah
Hey, hey, yeah
A celebration, about time
A generation out of line, yeah
A revolution's in everyone
Blame the...
Celebration, about time
Generation's out of line, yeah
Revolution's in everyone (ah)
Blame the gun
Blame the gun
Blame the gun now
Ooh, blame the gun
Noticia: www.meneame.net/m/actualidad/descubierta-china-reserva-oro-mas-grande-
Enlace: en.clickpetroleoegas.com.br/The-world's-largest-gold-reserve-has-been-
Nuevo enlace si no funciona el anterior: www.cronista.com/usa/trending/el-hallazgo-del-siglo-encuentran-el-yaci
Edito: y acaba de llegar a portada....