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En menéame desde febrero de 2009

8,43 Karma
6.030 Ranking
214 Enviadas
9 Publicadas
2.346 Comentarios
1.492 Notas
  1. @Golan_Trevize Si no son japoneses... :-S
  2. @ChiquiVigo Los usuarios premium reciben la nota a las 00:00 pudiendo acceder a las cosicas al momento.
  3. @Xtrem3 Vaya horas, me tenías preocupado ¬¬

    @ChiquiVigo :peineta:
  5. @dunachio ¿Iba suelta sin correa? o_o ¿Fue un parque o zona verde? :-|
  6. @gnomolesten ¿No te he dicho que somos superiores?

  7. @gnomolesten ¿Nos saludas primero a los seres superiores y después al resto? Me parece bien…

  8. You leave in the morning with everything you own in a little black case
    Alone on a platform, the wind and the rain on a sad and lonely face

    Mother will never understand why you had to leave
    But the answers you seek will never be found at home
    The love that you need will never be found at home

    Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away
    Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away

    Pushed around and kicked around, always a lonely boy
    You were the one that they'd talk about around town as they put you down

    And as hard as they would try they'd hurt to make you cry
    But you never cried to them, just to your soul
    No, you never cried to them, just to your soul

    Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away (Crying to your soul)
    Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away (Crying to your soul)
    Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away (Crying to your soul)
    Run away, turn away, run away, turn away, run away

    Cry, boy, cry
    Cry, boy, cry
    Cry, boy, cry, boy, cry
    Cry, boy, cry, boy, cry

    Cry, boy, cry, boy, cry
    Cry, boy, cry, boy, cry
    Cry, boy, cry, boy, cry
    Cry, boy, cry, boy, cry
  9. De los creadores de:

    "¿Tienes ansiedad? ¡No tengas ansiedad!"

    llega ahora:

    "¿Tienes hambre? ¡No tengas hambre!"
  10. @paumal Vaya, gasté ayer el gif bueno en @Cesc_ :shit:
  11. I don't drink coffee, I take tea, my dear
    I like my toast done on one side
    And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
    I'm an Englishman in New York

    See me walking down Fifth Avenue
    A walking cane here at my side
    I take it everywhere I walk
    I'm an Englishman in New York

    Whoa, I'm an alien
    I'm a legal alien
    I'm an Englishman in New York
    Whoa, I'm an alien
    I'm a legal alien
    I'm an Englishman in New York

    If manners maketh man, as someone said
    He's the hero of the day
    It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
    Be yourself, no matter what they say

    Whoa, I'm an alien
    I'm a legal alien
    I'm an Englishman in New York
    Whoa, I'm an alien
    I'm a legal alien
    I'm an Englishman in New York
  12. @OniNoNeko_Levossian No pregunto por cómo es, pregunto por cómo debería ser.

    "A partir de ahora, como, gracias a los datos que nos facilita, sabemos dónde vive, entraremos martes y jueves en su casa y le vaciaremos la nevera y la despensa, a menos que Ud. exprese su disconformidad en el formulario que encontrará a continuación."

    No sé, Rick… xD xD xD
  13. Que digo yo……… ¿por qué Facebook puede usar, por defecto, los datos de sus usuarios para entrenar a su IA, a menos que el usuario se niegue? ¿No debería ser al contrario, que Facebook tenga que pedir permiso ANTES de usar los datos de sus usuarios para un fin que no consta en sus condiciones de uso?   media
  14. @ronko Puesssss, prefiero la nueva intro, la verdad xD xD

  15. @Golan_Trevize Natalie, sin duda, y es el consenso general de los fans.
  16. @gnomolesten porfi, no te olvides del helado. No vaya a ser que de repente aquí haga calor como ahí, insoportable :-S
  17. @gnomolesten Que mal momento he pasado :-/ Fue al leer que @gnomolesten trabajaba :-| Luego se me ha pasado casi al instante, la realidad nunca ha vencido a la ficcion :-|
  18. @paumal No voy a preguntar de qué eran los callos en las manos, pero tu nota me hace presuponerlo :-S
  19. Almost heaven
    West Virginia
    Blue Ridge Mountains
    Shenandoah River

    Life is old there
    Older than the trees
    Younger than the mountains
    Growing like a breeze

    Country roads, take me home
    To the place I belong
    West Virginia, mountain mama
    Take me home, country roads

    All my memories
    Gather 'round her
    Miner's lady
    Stranger to blue water

    Dark and dusty
    Painted on the sky
    Misty taste of moonshine
    Teardrop in my eye

    Country roads, take me home
    To the place I belong
    West Virginia, mountain mama
    Take me home, country roads
  20. @anthk ¿Cuanto dura una cuenta de ese servicio? ¿Vale para bajar películas o tiene límite de tráfico? Vale, pone que nada de binarios. Que pena.
  21. When love breaks up
    When the dawn light wakes up
    A new life is born
    Somehow I have to make this final breakthru

    I wake up
    Feel just fine
    Your face
    Fills my mind
    I get religion quick
    'Cos you're looking divine
    Honey, you're touching something, you're touchin' me
    I'm under your thumb, under you're spell, can't you see
    If I could only reach you
    If I could make you smile
    If I could only reach you
    That would really be a breakthru
    Oh, yeah

    Breakthru, these barriers of pain
    Breakthru, to the sunshine from the rain
    Make my feelings known towards you
    Turn my heart inside and out for you now
    I have to make this final breakthru

    Your smile
    Speaks books to me
    I break up
    With each and every one of your looks at me
    Honey, you're starting something deep inside of me
    Honey, you're sparking something, this fire in me
    I'm outta control, I wanna rush headlong into this ecstasy
